
HumanoidDisplayDistanceType determines how Humanoid.HealthDisplayDistance, and Humanoid.NameDisplayDistance are used in determining whether a players's name and health are visible to other players.



A player selecting Viewer on their Humanoid will see the Name and healthbar of other players if those other players are within the distance settings set in the Humanoid selecting Viewer (this can be thought of as the lowest priority, and will not be taken into account if other players are selecting 'Subject' or 'None').


A player selecting Subject on their Humanoid will allow other players to see their Name and healthbar if those other players are within the distance settings set in the Humanoid selecting Subject (this can be thought of as the second highest priority).


A player selecting None on their Humanoid will not have their Name and healthbar displayed to other players under any circumstance (this can be thought of as the highest priority).

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