
In a flex layout, this enum is used for the ItemLineAlignment property of the UIListLayout to define the cross-directional alignment of siblings within a line. It is also used for the ItemLineAlignment property of a specific UIFlexItem to define the cross-directional alignment of the parent GuiObject within the line.

Examples of options for ItemLineAlignment in a horizontal
fill direction.



Aligns the siblings of the UIListLayout or the specific UIFlexItem parent to the layout's HorizontalAlignment or VerticalAlignment, depending on its FillDirection. If HorizontalFlex or VerticalFlex is enabled for the UIListLayout cross‑direction, Stretch will be used for that direction.


Aligns the siblings of the UIListLayout or the specific UIFlexItem parent to the line's top in a horizontal fill or the line's left in a vertical fill.


Aligns the siblings of the UIListLayout or the specific UIFlexItem parent to the line's center in either a horizontal or vertical fill.


Aligns the siblings of the UIListLayout or the specific UIFlexItem parent to the line's bottom in a horizontal fill or the line's right in a vertical fill.


Stretches the siblings of the UIListLayout or the specific UIFlexItem parent to fill the entire cross‑direction of the line in either a horizontal or vertical fill.

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