The Studio-only property for quickly visualizing and debugging meshes with inner and outer cages.
This debug visualization only works when the WrapLayer is active and does not work if WrapLayer is not active or incorrectly configured.
Name | Value | Summary |
None | 0 | This debug rendering mode does nothing. This is the default value. |
BoundCage | 1 | This debug mode visualizes corresponding cage mesh vertices bound to an underlying WrapTarget. In order to find corresponding vertices between different cages, the Wrap Deformer algorithm uses UV matching. As long as your WrapLayer cage mesh share the same UV layout as WrapTarget, its vertices will be marked as "bound". |
LayerCage | 2 | This debug mode shows the resulting layer mesh as a whole. The deformer will use vertex locations from the previous layer for all unbound vertices. |
BoundCageAndLinks | 3 | The same as BoundCage but also visualizes how bound vertices were moved. You can use this mode to identify where they belong on a previous layer and where they are located on the current layer. |
Reference | 4 | This debug mode shows the original inner cage mesh as it was created. |
Rbf | 5 | This debug mode visualizes the internal RBF solver state. You can estimate the wrap deformer's expected behavior by looking at this state. All renderable mesh vertices move from a "big sphere" to a "small sphere" along a corresponding line connecting two spheres. |
OuterCage | 6 | This debug mode shows the original outer cage mesh as it was created. |
ReferenceMeshAfterMorph | 7 | |
HSROuterDetail | 8 | |
HSROuter | 9 | |
HSRInner | 10 | |
HSRInnerReverse | 11 | |
LayerCageFittedToBase | 12 | |
LayerCageFittedToPrev | 13 |