The ReverbType Enum allows you to make audio in your game sound different, depending on what "area" the sounds are in.
Note that some of these do not appear to have any effect on the sound.
Name | Value | Summary |
NoReverb | 0 | No sound reverb. Audio is not changed from default. |
GenericReverb | 1 | Sound reverb is changed to a generic reverb effect. |
PaddedCell | 2 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a padded cell. |
Room | 3 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a room. |
Bathroom | 4 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a bathroom. |
LivingRoom | 5 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a living room. |
StoneRoom | 6 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a stone room. |
Auditorium | 7 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in an auditorium. |
ConcertHall | 8 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a concert hall. |
Cave | 9 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a cave. |
Arena | 10 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in an arena. |
Hangar | 11 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a hangar. |
CarpettedHallway | 12 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a carpeted hallway. |
Hallway | 13 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a hallway. |
StoneCorridor | 14 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a stone corridor. |
Alley | 15 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in an alley. |
Forest | 16 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a forest. |
City | 17 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a city. |
Mountains | 18 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in the mountains. |
Quarry | 19 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a quarry. |
Plain | 20 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is an open plain. |
ParkingLot | 21 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a parking lot. |
SewerPipe | 22 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a sewer pipe. |
UnderWater | 23 | Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is underwater. |