User interface

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You can quickly create high-quality graphical user interfaces with minimal scripting requirements using built-in UI objects. Depending on where you create it, UI renders either on-screen or within an experience's 3D world.

On-screen UI

On-screen containers hold UI objects that you want to display on a user's screen. All on-screen UI objects and code are stored and changed on the client.

In-experience UI

In-experience containers such as SurfaceGuis and BillboardGuis hold UI objects that you want to display within your experience's 3D world.

UI objects

Most UI elements are GuiObjects, 2D graphical user interface objects that you can parent to containers. The four most common are frames, labels, buttons, and text input objects.

FrameFrames act as containers for other UI objects. When you manipulate frames, you also manipulate the objects they contain.
LabelTextLabel and ImageLabel objects allow you to display customizable text and images.
ButtonTextButton and ImageButton objects allow users to prompt an action.
Text InputTextBox objects allow users to input text.

Using the Position, Size, AnchorPoint, and ZIndex properties, you have complete control on how to position, size, and layer GuiObjects. You can also use tweening to transition a GuiObject smoothly from one state to another and provide dynamic visual feedback.

Layout and design

Beyond basic properties for adjusting position and size, Roblox also provides layout structures like list/flex and grid, as well as size modifiers and appearance modifiers.

UIListLayout for horizontal or vertical item sequences

Interactive frameworks

In addition to the core user interface objects, the following frameworks provide built‑in and customizable interactivity for your experiences.

Proximity prompts

Proximity prompts are unique built-in UI objects which prompt user interaction to trigger an action when they approach in-experience objects such as doors, light switches, and buttons.

UI drag detectors

UI drag detectors facilitate and encourage interaction with 2D user interface elements such as sliders, spinners, and more.

3D drag detectors

3D drag detectors encourage physical interaction with 3D objects in an experience, such as opening doors and drawers, sliding a part around, grabbing and tossing a bowling ball, pulling back and firing a slingshot, and much more.