Proximity-Based Chat

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This example shows how to implement an exclusive chat for users who are near each other in the game world. It extends the callback with a function using TextSource to identify the locations of a user who might be a potential message receiver. If this function returns false, it means that the user locates further than the preset valid range from the message sender, so the system doesn't deliver the message to that user. Add the following to a Script in ServerScriptStorage:


-- Get the text chat and players services
local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Get the chat channel for proximity-based chat.
-- This example uses the general channel. You can replace this with a dedicated channel.
local generalChannel: TextChannel = TextChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels").RBXGeneral
-- Define a function to get the position of a user's character.
local function getPositionFromUserId(userId: number)
-- Get the player associated with the given userId.
local targetPlayer = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(userId)
-- If the player exists, get their character's position.
if targetPlayer then
local targetCharacter = targetPlayer.Character
if targetCharacter then
return targetCharacter:GetPivot().Position
-- Return a default position if the player or character cannot be found.
-- Set the ShouldDeliverCallback for the general channel to control message delivery.
generalChannel.ShouldDeliverCallback = function(textChatMessage: TextChatMessage, targetTextSource: TextSource)
-- Get the positions of the message sender and target.
local sourcePos = getPositionFromUserId(textChatMessage.TextSource.UserId)
local targetPos = getPositionFromUserId(targetTextSource.UserId)
-- If the distance between the sender and target is less than 50 units, deliver the message.
return (targetPos - sourcePos).Magnitude < 50