Game Settings

The Game Settings window contains all Studio-level settings and customization options for Roblox experiences, including settings for permissions, monetization, security, and localization. You can access it from the Home tab of the toolbar.

Game Settings button indicated in Home tab

Basic Info

The Basic Info tab contains general settings for an experience, such as its name, description, and promotional images.

NameThe experience's title.
DescriptionA description of the experience that describes what a potential player should expect.
Content Maturity LabelContent Maturity Labels provide information on the experience's main page about what kind of content the experience contains.
Game IconLets you upload an icon to represent your experience.
Screenshots & VideosLets you upload promotional thumbnails.
Playable DevicesLets you enable each applicable device that supports your experience.


Enable MicrophoneEnables voice-eligible users to use voice chat within your experience. See Voice Chat for more information.
Enable CameraEnables eligible users to animate their avatar with their camera in your experience. See Animate Your Avatar for more information.


The Permissions tab lets you control the audience for your experience.

PlayabilitySets which users can access the experience.


The Monetization tab contains settings that let you monetize your experience.

BadgesLets you create and manage all badges for your experience.
Paid AccessLets you enable paid access in Robux or paid access in local currency.
Private ServersLets you enable private servers.
Developer ProductsLets you create and manage all developer products for your experience.


The Security tab contains settings related to network communication, sales, and teleports.

Allow HTTP RequestsAllows experiences' servers to issue requests to remote servers via HttpService.
SecretsAllows for the creation and configuration of Secrets for local Studio sessions using HttpService. For more information, see Work with secrets.
Enable Studio Access to API ServicesLets Studio access API services. This setting is useful for testing the implementation of services like data stores.
Allow Third Party SalesLets players purchase items from third parties. When this setting is disabled, all purchase prompts from assets you own will continue to work while purchase prompts from assets published by other users or groups will fail.
Allow Third Party TeleportsLets players teleport to other experiences.


The Places tab contains place-specific settings.

CreateLets you create a new place within your experience.
Opens a pop-up menu with options to Configure Place (edit place-specific settings such as the maximum number of players), or Version History to view, download, and open any previous version of the experience.


The Localization tab contains language settings related to localization both within the experience and in the cloud.

Source LanguageLets you choose the language that you used to create the experience.
Automatic Text CaptureAutomatically captures text from the experience's UI while users are accessing the experience.
Use Translated ContentEnables translated content within the experience.
Automatic TranslationThe languages for which you'd like to enable automatic translation.


The Avatar tab includes global settings for all users' avatars while they are in the experience.

PresetsSets the options lower in the tab to presets for Default, Classic Scale, Full Classic, Rthro, or Player Choice.
Avatar TypeSets the default avatar type to either R6, R15, or Player Choice.
AnimationSets the default animation to either Standard or Player Choice.
CollisionSets the collision type to either the Outer Box or Inner Box.
ScaleFor R15 avatars, options to customize body type, height, width, head size, and proportions.
Body PartsLets you override a user's default body part type to a custom ID.
ClothingLets you override a user's default classic clothing ID to a custom ID.


The World tab includes global settings for the experience, such as gravity, character jump behavior, and walk speed.

PresetsSets the options lower in the tab to presets for Classic, Realistic, or Action.
GravitySets the overall world gravity in studs per second² (note the meters per second² equivalent in parentheses).
JumpSets either the humanoid jump height in studs or the jump power in studs per second. Note how adjusting this value changes the max jump distance in relation to the walk speed.
WalkSets the humanoid walk speed in studs per second. Adjusting this value changes the max jump distance in relation to jump height or power.
SlopeDetermines the maximum slope angle that humanoids can climb. If the angle of a slope is greater than this value, the humanoids will slide down the slope.


The Other tab includes settings that are typically reserved for special situations, such as collaborative scripting and shutting down all servers.

Enable Drafts ModeEnables asynchronous, drafts-based script editing in a collaborative session.
Shutdown All ServersShuts down all servers currently running the experience.