Nominate for the Discover page

Sorts are collections of experiences that users see when they are browsing the Discover page, such as Most Engaging, Up-and-Coming, and Roleplay. While most sorts generate automatically, you can nominate your experiences to the Learn & Explore sort. Experiences you nominate should have a consistent and active user base, be well-liked by the community, and remain public to all users. Consequently, paid access in Robux and local currency experiences are ineligible.

After you nominate an experience, wait at least 2 weeks before re-submitting a nomination, as it typically takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks to review submissions. When an experience is approved, you'll receive a direct message on the Developer Forum. To avoid having to resubmit a nomination, carefully review the criteria for each category to make sure your submission applies to the correct category.

Learn & Explore criteria

The Learn & Explore sort highlights experiences that let users learn in an engaging way. The Roblox Education team reviews all applications in this sort category, and they may highlight accepted nominations on the Education Hub or the Roblox Education X (Twitter) account.

An experience in the Learn & Explore sort must:

  • Explore a subject matter, such as science, history, or math, or have educational value that is clear to an educator.
  • Not allow users to encounter aggressive monetization as a part of their first time user experience. Monetization should not detract from learning or gameplay. For example, users cannot access large portions of content or gain an unfair advantage in gameplay due to monetization.
  • Remain appropriate for a classroom for students of all ages, even if it contains advanced subject matter.
  • Have a "Like" ratio above 50%, and maintain at least 15 concurrent users.

In addition, you and your team must have a recently clean moderation history.

Apply for Learn and Explore Sort

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