Legacy chat system


The legacy chat system uses the client-server model. Server-side chat module components ChatChannel and ChatSpeaker management is handled by the ChatService on the server, while the client is responsible for input and the display of messages. Communication between the server and clients is handled automatically using RemoteEvents.

The Chat engine service itself is the essential storage unit for the chat system: when a Roblox place loads (either in the client or in Studio when running or playing), the following components are automatically loaded into the Chat service if Chat.LoadDefaultChat is true.

  • ChatModules — This Folder is a collection of modules that are required by the ChatServiceRunner. All of the contents of this folder are required by the script and are used to create custom behavior on the server.
  • ClientChatModules — This folder contains various ModuleScripts required by the ChatScript.
    • CommandModules — Contains modules used to implement client-side chat commands.
    • MessageCreatorModules — Contains modules used to handle and format messages.
    • ChatConstants — Contains constants shared by the server and client.
    • ChatSettings — Stores various settings to configure different aspects of the ChatWindow.
  • ChatLocalization — Data structure that stores text translations.
  • ChatServiceRunner — This Script runs the server component of the chat. In general this does not need to be modified to create custom chat behavior and functionality.
  • BubbleChat — Displays user chat messages above their in-game avatar (if enabled).
  • ChatScript — This LocalScript runs the client component of the chat. Like ChatServiceRunner, this should not need to be modified to customize chat. When the game runs this gets cloned automatically to the StarterPlayerScripts .

Modify the chat system

To modify or customize the legacy chat system, you must first make a copy of the hierarchy above.

  1. In the Explorer window, locate TextChatService. Then, in the Properties window, set the ChatVersion property to LegacyChatService.

  2. Run the experience using the Play button (F5).

  3. Select and copy (CtrlC or C) the objects that are added to Chat.

  4. Stop the experience using the Stop button (ShiftF5).

  5. Select Chat and paste into (CtrlShiftV or ShiftV) the copied objects (they must be parented to Chat as they were while the experience was running).

  6. Make sure that Chat.LoadDefaultChat is Enabled.

Chat workflow

Before making modules to customize the chat, it is important to understand the workflow that a chat message goes through. Along with sending text messages, there are various commands built into the chat system, so every message has to be checked to see if they need to be interpreted as a command or just a text message. Even text messages can be modified and filtered in the process.

After a user has focus in the chat input and enters a character, several checks are made right away on the client. If the character is Esc, the input box closes and no actions are taken. If the character is anything other than Enter, the text gets passed through In-Progress command processors. These are used to evaluate the text to see if any action needs to be taken. For example, when a user starts whispering with the /whisper command, as soon as a user name has been entered after the command, the input box changes to indicate that the user is now entering in a whisper channel.

On the client side of chat, there are two types of processors: In-Progress and Completed. The former evaluates after every character has been typed, while the latter only evaluates when the user has finished typing and has hit Enter.

When the user finishes typing and hits Enter the text, their input is sent through several more command processors. If an In-Progress command made a custom chat state, the chat checks the state to see if a final command should be executed and if the message should continue on. If the message is allowed to continue, then the text is sent through another set of processors called Completed processors. If any of these processors return true, the message stops being sent. Otherwise, the message is sent to the server.

Once the message reaches the server, it goes through another set of command processors. Just like the Completed processors on the client, if any of these processors return true, then the message stops executing. Otherwise the message gets passed through a set of filters (including the default Roblox chat filter). Once all of this is done the message is sent to all of the channels and appropriate speakers.

Server modules

Modules put into ChatModules can be used for a variety of purposes. These modules can be used to manage chat channels and speakers, add filter and command functions, run chatbots, or anything else that needs to be handled on the server. To interact with the chat system, each module is passed a ChatService object.

When the ChatServiceRunner starts up, it requires each module inside of ChatModules. It expects each module to return a function as it then calls each of the modules in turn, passing in it's ChatService object to each function. Regardless of what the module is intended to do (running a bot, adding a filter function, etc), it needs to follow this form in order to work.

Sample Module Framework

local function Run(ChatService)
-- Code goes here
return Run

Add channels

One of the simplest things a ChatModule can do is to manage channels. Channel objects can be created with the AddChannel() method of ChatService. Note that the channel object only needs to be used when calling members of that channel (such as its properties and functions). When referring to channels from the context of ChatService or ChatSpeakers, the channel's name is used to reference it.

local function Run(ChatService)
local myChannel = ChatService:AddChannel("MyChannel")
return Run

Basic channel configuration

Channels have several properties that can be used to slightly modify them. For example, this module creates a channel and sets the Welcome Message and causes users to automatically join the channel when they enter the experience.

local function Run(ChatService)
local myChannel = ChatService:AddChannel("MyChannel")
-- Set the message that is shown when a user joins the channel
myChannel.WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to my channel!"
-- Causes players to automatically join the channel when they enter the game
myChannel.AutoJoin = true
return Run

Channel events

Channels have several events that can be subscribed to. These events fire when a ChatMessage is posted to the channel, when a ChatSpeaker leaves or joins, or when a Speaker is muted or unmuted. For example, this module will create a channel with the name MyChannel. Whenever a speaker joins or leaves the channel, a system message will be sent to all of the speakers in the channel informing them of the event.

local function Run(ChatService)
local myChannel = ChatService:AddChannel("MyChannel")
local function onSpeakerJoined(speakerName)
myChannel:SendSystemMessage(speakerName .. " has joined the channel.")
local function onSpeakerLeft(speakerName)
myChannel:SendSystemMessage(speakerName .. " has left the channel.")
return Run

Command functions

Another powerful thing that ChatModules can do are chat commands. When a message is sent to the server, the chat will send the message through each command function that has been registered to the ChatService and relevant channel. These functions are sent the speaker, message, and channel that the message is being sent to. The function can take any action that it needs to and then return true or false. If the function returns true, then the message stops being processed by the chat system. It will not be sent to any more command functions nor will it be displayed in the chat window. If the function returns false, then the message continues through all of the other command functions. If none of the command functions returns true, the message will then be sent through filters and then will be displayed.

Command functions are often used to implement Admin Commands, which are text commands that certain users can use to manipulate the experience state through specific text said in the chat.

In this example a ChatModule is used to create a Part if a user types /part in the chat. Note that this function returns true if a part was created which will stop the message from proceeding and no message will be displayed. If a part is not created, this function needs to return false so that the message can continue working through the system.

local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local function Run(ChatService)
local function createPart(speakerName, message, channelName)
if string.sub(message, 1, 5) == "/part" then
local newPart = Instance.new("Part")
newPart.Parent = Workspace
return true
return false
ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction("createPart", createPart)
return Run

Both ChatChannels and ChatService itself can have chat commands. ChatService command processors will run on every message that is sent to the server, while channel commands will only run if the message was sent to the channel the command is registered to.

Filter functions

Messages that are not stopped by a Command Function will go through all of the filter functions that are registered to the ChatService and relevant channels. Each filter function is passed the speaker, message object, and channel name. Any changes made to the message object will persist and each following filter function will see the updated message. Note that filter functions do not need to return a value.

In this example, a simple filter function is registered to make every message appear in lowercase.

local function Run(ChatService)
local function makeLowercase(sender, messageObject, channelName)
messageObject.Message = string.lower(messageObject.Message)
ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("makeLowercase", makeLowercase)
return Run

Client modules

Modules put into ClientChatModules can be used to make custom behavior for clients. These modules are divided into two different folders: Command Modules and Message Creator Modules.

Command modules

Command Modules work very similarly to modules on the server that register Command Functions. These modules define functions that will fire after the user has entered in text. That text can be read and the command can either let the message through to the server or stop the progress of the message. Commands that are evaluated at the end of the message are tagged with COMPLETED_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR while commands that are evaluated after each character are tagged with IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR.

In both types of commands, the module must return a dictionary that says what type of processor the command should use, and what function to execute when the processor is called. For example, a completed message processor should take the form:

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Util"))
function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatSettings)
return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

Note that the KEY_COMMAND_PROCESSOR_TYPE enum is defined in the Util ModuleScript inside of the CommandModules folder.

Completed message commands

Completed Message Commands are evaluated when the user has finished typing and has hit Enter. The function of the processor is passed the ChatMessage object, the client's ChatWindow , and the ChatSettings table. If the function returns true, then the message stops being processed and will not be sent to the server. Otherwise it will be sent through all of the other processors and eventually to the server if none of the other processors stop it.

For example, the following processor will remove the oldest message in the current channel if the user enters the command /last.

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Util"))
function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatSettings)
if string.sub(message, 1, 5) == "/last" then
local currentChannel = ChatWindow:GetCurrentChannel()
if currentChannel then
return true
return false
return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

In-progress commands

In-progress Commands are evaluated every time a user types a character into the chat input. For example, the following code plays a clack after every keypress to make it sound like the user is typing on a typewriter:

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Util"))
local keyEffect = Instance.new("Sound")
keyEffect.SoundId = "rbxassetid://12221976"
keyEffect.Parent = script
function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

In-progress commands are often used to make a custom state for the chat to send messages to specific users instead of just the current channel. For example, the Whisper and Team Chat systems check if the user has typed /whisper or /team respectively and sends the finished message to only the appropriate users.

A custom state is expected to be table with the following functions:

  • TextUpdated() — Called when the text in the input box changes.
  • GetMessage() — Called after the user has finished entering the message and hits Enter. This function is expected to return a string.
  • ProcessCompletedMessage() — Called as the message is being processed. A custom state processor will always fire before the completed message processors. Like other processors this function should return true if the message should stop being sent, otherwise it should return false.
  • Destroy() — Called after the message has been sent. Should be used to clean up anything setup by the custom state.

In order to use a custom state, the ProcessMessage() function of the command module must return the state. A basic custom state would take the following form:

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Util"))
local oneLineState = {}
oneLineState.__index = oneLineState
function oneLineState:TextUpdated()
local text = self.TextBox.Text
local length = string.len(text)
if length > 20 then
local chopLength = length - 20
local addToPrefix = string.sub(text, 1, chopLength)
self.Prefix = self.Prefix .. addToPrefix
self.TextBox.Text = string.sub(text, chopLength + 1)
function oneLineState:GetMessage()
local fullString = self.Prefix .. self.TextBox.Text
return fullString
function oneLineState:ProcessCompletedMessage()
return false
function oneLineState:Destroy()
self.Destroyed = true
function oneLineState.new(ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
local obj = {}
setmetatable(obj, oneLineState)
obj.Destroyed = false
obj.ChatWindow = ChatWindow
obj.ChatBar = ChatBar
obj.ChatSettings = ChatSettings
obj.TextBox = ChatBar:GetTextBox()
obj.MessageModeLabel = ChatBar:GetMessageModeTextLabel()
obj.Prefix = ""
return obj
local function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
return oneLineState.new(ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

One of the chief advantages of using a custom state is that a module can edit the chat bar and its containing text while the user is typing both in terms of function and looks, and then easily reset it afterwards (once a message is sent a custom state is automatically removed and everything is reset back to normal). For example, this code sets up a custom state that only allows 20 characters to be shown in the textbox at a time. If the user keeps typing, characters at the beginning of the string are temporarily removed. When the user sends the message, all of the removed characters are added back to the message.

local util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Util"))
local oneLineState = {}
oneLineState.__index = oneLineState
function oneLineState:TextUpdated()
local text = self.TextBox.Text
local length = string.len(text)
if length > 20 then
local chopLength = length - 20
local addToPrefix = string.sub(text, 1, chopLength)
self.Prefix = self.Prefix .. addToPrefix
self.TextBox.Text = string.sub(text, chopLength + 1)
function oneLineState:GetMessage()
local fullString = self.Prefix .. self.TextBox.Text
return fullString
function oneLineState:ProcessCompletedMessage()
return false
function oneLineState:Destroy()
self.Destroyed = true
function oneLineState.new(ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
local obj = {}
setmetatable(obj, oneLineState)
obj.Destroyed = false
obj.ChatWindow = ChatWindow
obj.ChatBar = ChatBar
obj.ChatSettings = ChatSettings
obj.TextBox = ChatBar:GetTextBox()
obj.MessageModeLabel = ChatBar:GetMessageModeTextLabel()
obj.Prefix = ""
return obj
local function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
return oneLineState.new(ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings)
return {
[util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage

As mentioned before, once a message has been sent any custom state is removed and the chat is restored to normal. If it is needed to reset a custom state before sending the message, the state can be reset with ChatBar:ResetCustomState(). Note that this will remove focus from the chat bar's text box as well.

Message creator modules

Another type of module that can be used in the client component is a Message Creator module. This type of module is used to create the GUI elements in the chat window to display the message. Each type of message creator defines a new message type, so different messages can be created with different formatting. Moreover, GUI elements can be added to the display of messages this way which allows for images, buttons, and more.

These modules require setup in several different locations. For each message type, there must be a ModuleScript inside of MessageCreatorModules. Also, the ChatConstants ModuleScript needs to be edited to include the new message type. Last, modules are only used if a server component of chat creates a new message with the given message type.

The following example will go through making a bot that says the time every 5 seconds, and the message that's sent gets a red background.

To start, the ChatConstants ModuleScript needs to add a field for the new type of message.

-- ChatConstants
local module = {}
---[[ Message Types ]]
module.MessageTypeDefault = "Message"
module.MessageTypeSystem = "System"
module.MessageTypeMeCommand = "MeCommand"
module.MessageTypeWelcome = "Welcome"
module.MessageTypeSetCore = "SetCore"
module.MessageTypeWhisper = "Whisper"
module.MessageTypeTime = "Time"
module.MajorVersion = 0
module.MinorVersion = 2
return module

The bot itself is created in a new ChatModule on the server. Note that a filter function is used to add the new message type to the messages that the bot sends.

-- New ModuleScript to be placed in ChatModules
local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local ReplicatedModules = Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules")
local ChatConstants = require(ReplicatedModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants"))
local function Run(ChatService)
local timeBot = ChatService:AddSpeaker("TimeBot")
local function addMessageType(speaker, messageObject, channelName)
if speaker == "TimeBot" then
messageObject.MessageType = ChatConstants.MessageTypeTime
ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("TimeBotFilter", addMessageType)
while task.wait(5) do
timeBot:SayMessage("The current time is: " .. os.time(), "All", {})
return Run

Last, a message creator module must be made. This module must return a dictionary with two elements: the type of the message, indexed with KEY_MESSAGE_TYPE, and the function to call when creating the message GUI elements, indexed with KEY_CREATOR_FUNCTION.

The function stored by KEY_CREATOR_FUNCTION needs to return a dictionary with several components. First, it needs to include a Frame and TextLabel which will be displayed in the chat window. These can be created with the function util:CreateBaseMessage(). The dictionary also needs to include a function to run if the text of the message updates. When messages first appear in the client, they have blank placeholder text while the message is being processed and filtered, so message objects like this need to handle what happens when they get a call to update. Next, the dictionary needs to include a function to determine the height of the frame. This function often calls the util:GetMessageHeight() function. Last, the dictionary needs to include several functions that define how the elements should fade when the window fades (the utility function for this is util:CreateFadeFunctions()).

-- new ModuleScript to be included in MessageCreatorModules
local messageCreatorModules = script.Parent
local util = require(messageCreatorModules:WaitForChild("Util"))
local clientChatModules = messageCreatorModules.Parent
local ChatSettings = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatSettings"))
local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants"))
local function CreateMessageLabel(messageData, channelName)
-- Create the GUI objects for the Frame and TextLabel to hold the message
local BaseFrame, BaseMessage = util:CreateBaseMessage("", ChatSettings.DefaultFont, ChatSettings.ChatWindowTextSize, ChatSettings.DefaultMessageColor)
-- Change the background of the Frame to red
BaseFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1,0,0)
BaseFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0
-- Handle updating placeholder message text
local function UpdateTextFunction(messageObject)
if messageObject.IsFiltered then
BaseMessage.Text = messageObject.Message
-- Use util function to determine height of frame
local function GetHeightFunction(xSize)
return util:GetMessageHeight(BaseMessage, BaseFrame, xSize)
-- Create fade functions that are called when the chat window fades
local FadeParameters = {}
FadeParameters[BaseMessage] = {
TextTransparency = {FadedIn = 0, FadedOut = 1},
TextStrokeTransparency = {FadedIn = 0.75, FadedOut = 1}
local FadeInFunction, FadeOutFunction, UpdateAnimFunction = util:CreateFadeFunctions(FadeParameters)
-- Return dictionary that defines the message label
return {
[util.KEY_BASE_FRAME] = BaseFrame,
[util.KEY_BASE_MESSAGE] = BaseMessage,
[util.KEY_UPDATE_TEXT_FUNC] = UpdateTextFunction,
[util.KEY_GET_HEIGHT] = GetHeightFunction,
[util.KEY_FADE_IN] = FadeInFunction,
[util.KEY_FADE_OUT] = FadeOutFunction,
[util.KEY_UPDATE_ANIMATION] = UpdateAnimFunction
return {
[util.KEY_MESSAGE_TYPE] = ChatConstants.MessageTypeTime,
[util.KEY_CREATOR_FUNCTION] = CreateMessageLabel