Players can now collect coins and lose them when they die, but the coins don't do anything, and most of the game world is inaccessible without the ability to jump very high. This section of the tutorial teaches you how to finish the logic for your experience by adding an on-screen button that spends coins to increase jumping power.
Create the upgrade button
2D interfaces in Roblox are typically made up of a collection of GUI components inside of a GUI container. In this case, you only need a TextButton component that says Upgrade Jump (5 Coins) inside a ScreenGui container.
To create the GUI:
- In the Explorer window, add a new folder into ReplicatedStorage, then rename the folder to Instances. Any object in ReplicatedStorage is accessible to each player's Roblox client, which is where GUIs are displayed.
- Add a ScreenGui object into the Instances folder.
- Select the ScreenGui object, then in the Properties window,
- Set Name to JumpPurchaseGui.
- Disable ResetOnSpawn to ensure the GUI stays parented to the player when they respawn.
- In the Explorer window, insert a TextButton into the JumpPurchaseGui container, then rename the text button to JumpButton.
- (Optional) Customize the button's appearance and position by configuring its properties. Simple suggestions include:
- Set the Text property to Upgrade Jump (5 Coins).
- Set the TextSize property to 25.
- Set AnchorPoint to 1, 1 and Position to {1, 0},{1, 0} to move the button to the bottom right corner.
You'll add the button to the player's GUI later in this tutorial, but before you do, you need to define all the logic and data that is required for the button to work.
Define jump power data
Currently, only coin count is stored for each player in the PlayerData module script. You need to also store and update jump power in the same way. Because the functions in PlayerData are non-specific to the data being changed, all that's required to store player jump power is to add a Jump key and initialize its initial value in DEFAULT_PLAYER_DATA.
To update the PlayerData module script to store jumping power:
In the Explorer window, open the PlayerData module script in ServerStorage.
Replace the code in the script with the following sample, which initializes a Jump value for each player alongside their existing Coins value:
local PlayerData = {}PlayerData.COIN_KEY_NAME = "Coins"PlayerData.JUMP_KEY_NAME = "Jump"local playerData = {--[[[userId: string] = {["Coins"] = coinAmount: number,["Jump"] = jumpPower: number}--]]}local DEFAULT_PLAYER_DATA = {[PlayerData.COIN_KEY_NAME] = 0,[PlayerData.JUMP_KEY_NAME] = 0,}local function getData(player)local data = playerData[tostring(player.UserId)] or DEFAULT_PLAYER_DATAplayerData[tostring(player.UserId)] = datareturn dataendfunction PlayerData.getValue(player, key)return getData(player)[key]endfunction PlayerData.updateValue(player, key, updateFunction)local data = getData(player)local oldValue = data[key]local newValue = updateFunction(oldValue)data[key] = newValuereturn newValueendreturn PlayerData
Update jump power data
Now that PlayerData is able to track jump power, you need to implement logic on the server to upgrade jump power from a player's client request.
The server and client can communicate through either Remote events or Remote functions. Remote events do not yield when they are fired and are appropriate for one-way communication. Remote functions yield until they receive a reply, which allows for two-way communication. In this case, the client needs to know if the server upgraded the player's jump power successfully, so a remote function is ideal.
To implement the jump upgrade:
In the Explorer window, open the Instances folder in ReplicatedStorage.
Insert a RemoteFunction into the Instances folder, then rename the remote function to IncreaseJumpPowerFunction. You always create remote functions in ReplicatedStorage because both the client and server must be able to access them.
In the Explorer window, select StarterPlayer.
In the Properties window, enable the CharacterUseJumpPower property. By default, a character's jump power value does not define the amount that a character jumps, so this needs to be enabled.
In the Explorer window, insert a new script into ServerScriptService, then rename the script to JumpService. This script will contain the logic for jump upgrades.
Replace the default code with the following code:
-- Serviceslocal ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")local Players = game:GetService("Players")-- Moduleslocal Leaderboard = require(ServerStorage.Leaderboard)local PlayerData = require(ServerStorage.PlayerData)-- Eventslocal IncreaseJumpPowerFunction = ReplicatedStorage.Instances.IncreaseJumpPowerFunctionlocal JUMP_KEY_NAME = PlayerData.JUMP_KEY_NAMElocal COIN_KEY_NAME = PlayerData.COIN_KEY_NAMElocal JUMP_POWER_INCREMENT = 30local JUMP_COIN_COST = 5local function updateJumpPower(player, updateFunction)-- Update the jump power tablelocal newJumpPower = PlayerData.updateValue(player, JUMP_KEY_NAME, updateFunction)-- Update the players jump powerlocal character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")if humanoid thenhumanoid.JumpPower = newJumpPower-- Update the jump leaderboardLeaderboard.setStat(player, JUMP_KEY_NAME, newJumpPower)endendlocal function onPurchaseJumpIncrease(player)local coinAmount = PlayerData.getValue(player, COIN_KEY_NAME)if coinAmount < JUMP_COIN_COST thenreturn falseend-- Increase player's jump powerupdateJumpPower(player, function(oldJumpPower)oldJumpPower = oldJumpPower or 0return oldJumpPower + JUMP_POWER_INCREMENTend)-- Update the coin tablelocal newCoinAmount = PlayerData.updateValue(player, COIN_KEY_NAME, function(oldCoinAmount)return oldCoinAmount - JUMP_COIN_COSTend)-- Update the coin leaderboardLeaderboard.setStat(player, COIN_KEY_NAME, newCoinAmount)return trueendlocal function onCharacterAdded(player)-- Reset player's jump power when the character is addedupdateJumpPower(player, function(_)return 0end)end-- Initialize any players added before connecting to PlayerAdded eventfor _, player in Players:GetPlayers() doonCharacterAdded(player)end-- Normal initialization of players from PlayerAdded eventlocal function onPlayerAdded(player)player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()onCharacterAdded(player)end)endlocal function onPlayerRemoved(player)updateJumpPower(player, function(_)return nilend)endIncreaseJumpPowerFunction.OnServerInvoke = onPurchaseJumpIncreasePlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(onPlayerRemoved)Code explanationThe following sections describe the code in more detail.
Update the jump power data - updateJumpPower() updates the jump power of the player and the leaderboard to provide visual feedback. This function resembles the code that damages players in Create player hazards. Provided a Character model and Humanoid exist for the player being upgraded, the function updates the JumpPower property to the new value stored by PlayerData, increasing it by 30. If you want your game to last slightly longer, you can decrease this number.
Validate server requests - onPurchaseJumpIncrease() first checks that the player actually has the number of coins required to purchase the upgrade. All requests from clients to the server should be validated to prevent bad actors submitting false requests and exploiting your experience.
Add the button to the player GUI
A ScreenGui object only shows on-screen if it is parented to a player's PlayerGui object. By default, this contains the system GUI such as the chat window. You now need to create a script in ReplicatedStorage to copy the upgrade button into each player's GUI and implement behavior for when it's pressed.
To add the button to the player's GUI when they join:
In the Explorer window, create a Script in ReplicatedStorage.
Select the script, then in the Properties window,
- Set Name to JumpButtonClickHandler.
- Set RunContext to Client. This tells the engine to run always run this script on the client to optimize network communication.
In the open script, replace the default code with the following code:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local player = Players.LocalPlayerlocal playerGui = player.PlayerGuilocal IncreaseJumpPowerFunction = ReplicatedStorage.Instances.IncreaseJumpPowerFunctionlocal jumpPurchaseGui = ReplicatedStorage.Instances.JumpPurchaseGuilocal jumpButton = jumpPurchaseGui.JumpButtonlocal function onButtonClicked()local success, purchased = pcall(IncreaseJumpPowerFunction.InvokeServer, IncreaseJumpPowerFunction)if not success then-- purchased will be the error message if success is falseerror(purchased)elseif success and not purchased thenwarn("Not enough coins!")endendjumpButton.Activated:Connect(onButtonClicked)-- Add the JumpPurchaseGui to the player's GuijumpPurchaseGui.Parent = playerGuiCode explanationThe following sections describe the code in more detail.
- Obtain references to the GUI and server function - The variables IncreaseJumpPowerFunction, jumpPurchaseGui, and jumpButton contain references to the function and GUI that calls the function that you'll need later.
- Define the event handler - onButtonClicked() defines logic for when users click the upgrade button. It uses pcall() (protected call) to invoke the RemoteFunction. Any client-server communication like this requires pcall() to handle errors or connection issues.
- Connect the handler to the button - The Activated event is compatible on all platforms, including mouse, touchscreen, or gamepad contexts. It triggers when a click, touch, or gamepad button is released.
You should now be able to purchase jump upgrades for coins using the upgrade button. To test out the project:
In the menu bar, click the Play button. Studio enters playtest mode.
If your scripts are working correctly, a button for purchasing jumping power appears on-screen. Try clicking the button before you collect any coins to check that it doesn't award you additional jumping power, then try collecting some coins and see if the upgrade works when you click again.
Now that the code is complete, try balancing the game through the quantity and positions of the coins. Add more coins if the game feels too slow, or subtract coins and put them in challenging places if it feels too fast and easy.