
Validation Errors

When uploading avatar items to the Marketplace, Roblox validates the submission to ensure that the asset meets the appropriate specification for that asset type, such as clothing specifications.

The following is a table of all possible validation error codes, as well as any additional notes or context that may help you troubleshoot:

CategoryError MessageAdditional Notes
Bounding size out of range%s asset size is larger than the max allowed bounding size of %s. You need to scale down or remodel the asset.

Full body size is larger than the max allowed bounding size of %s. You need to scale down or remodel the asset
Try rescaling your asset to keep the original aspect ratio. If that doesn't resolve the issue, try to scale along the axis that is failing validation.
%s asset size is smaller than the min allowed bounding size of %s. You need to scale up or remodel the asset.

Full body size is smaller than the min allowed bounding size of %s. You need to scale up or remodel the asset
Try rescaling your asset to keep the original aspect ratio. If that doesn't resolve the issue, try to scale along the axis that is failing validation.
%s has size larger than max allowed bounding size. The max size for type %s is [%f, %f, %f]The model mesh is too large. You need to scale it down.
High-resolution model(s)Mesh resolution of %d for model %s is higher than max supported number of triangles %d. You need to retopologize your model to reduce the triangle count. The resolution of your model mesh is too high. You need to retopologize the model to bring the resolution down below the allowed limits.
Model mesh %s resolution of %d is higher than max supported value of %d. You need to retopologize your model and try again.

Your mesh exceeds the max triangle limit for UGC upload requirements.
The resolution of your model (number of triangles) is higher than the maximum allowed limit. You need to retopologize and remove enough triangles to bring the total count below this limit.
Invalid accessory setupAll MeshParts must have the same value in their AvatarPartScaleType child. Please verify the values match.The AvatarPartScaleType property is used to scale the MeshPart. Possible values are: Classic, ProportionsNormal, ProportionsSlender.

Combining MeshParts with different scales (equipping an accessory to an avatar body) results in a visual mismatch that makes them look too large or too small compared to each another.
%s.%s ( %s ) being used is not owned by the experience creator or player. You can only publish assets that you own.You need to own the assets being validated.
Upload of model has too many children assets (Meshes, Textures, etc.) and cannot be processed as is. You need to rearrange the model.
Model meshId mismatch between MeshPart.MeshId and SpecialMesh.MeshId for %s. You need to match the meshIds and try again.Verify Model includes a MeshPart or SpecialMesh with the correct IDs.
Asset type %s is not a rigid accessory category. It can only be used with layered clothing.
Model meshId mismatch with rigid accessory SpecialMesh.MeshId for %s. You need to match the meshIds and try again.Verify Model includes a MeshPart or SpecialMesh with the correct IDs.
Failed to execute vertex density check for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
The maximum vertex density has been exceeded. Reduce the number of vertices that are very close to each other.Your accessory cage has too many vertices close together. This may cause the system to treat them as repeated vertices, or zero area triangles. You need to edit and move the vertices away from each other in the region(s) they are almost coincident.
Accessory MeshPart %s must contain a valid meshId. Make sure the mesh referred to by the meshId exists and try again.
Body part %s does not follow R15 schema. The specific issues are: %s
Failed to execute max total surface area check for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
The total surface area of model mesh %s is %f, it cannot be greater than %d. You must reduce the number and/or size of all triangles.

The total surface area of model mesh %s is greater than %d. You must reduce the number and/or size of all triangles.
Your model mesh has too many triangles on screen that cannot be culled. This will cause performance problems during gameplay when using lower powered mobile devices. You need to reduce the triangle count of your model.
Failed to execute similarity mesh vertex check for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
%s has %d % of vertices too close to each other. Please edit the vertices to have at most %d % coincident or close to one another.Your accessory cage has too many vertices close together. This may cause the system to treat them as repeated vertices, or zero area triangles. You need to edit and move the vertices away from each other in the region(s) they are almost coincident.
Invalid attachment setupDetected rotation in Attachment %s. You must reset all rotation values for this attachment to zero.

Detected invalid orientation for %s. Attachment orientation should be %s, but can be rotated up to %d degrees in total
Body attachments, except grip attachments, should not have an applied rotation. This would affect all accessories connected to these attachments and can make some accessories look "broken" when equipped to the body.
Attachment %s in %s is placed at a position %s that is outside the valid range. You need to adjust the attachment position.

Attachment %s in %s is placed at a position %s that is outside the valid range of (%s to %s). You need to adjust the attachment position.
Body attachments need to be within reasonable distance from the body]should not have an applied rotation to avoid introducing unrealistic gaps when equipping accessories to those attachments.
Invalid body setup%s is not opaque enough. Opacity is %f but needs to be above %f.

Mesh for %s is completely invisible
Your accessory or body part is too thin along one dimension (X, Y, or Z) and can become invisible (or hardly visible) during gameplay. You need to scale up your asset along the axis failing validation.
Expected %s CollisionFidelity to be %s.
Unable to run full body validation due to previous errors detected while processing individual body parts.Too many validation errors already detected and reported. You need to fix the reported ones first to have visibility on the additional ones remaining.
Full body check did not receive the correct set of body part Asset Types (i.e. Head, Torso, LeftArm, RightArm, LeftLeg, RightLeg). Make sure the body model is valid and try again.
Unable to run full body validation due to previous errors detected while processing individual body parts.Too many validation errors already detected and reported. You need to fix the reported ones first to have visibility on the additional ones remaining.
The AvatarPartScaleType value in %s is invalid. Verify the value you are using is either Classic, ProportionsSlender, or ProportionsNormal.
Invalid cage mesh setupWrapTarget %s found under %s has a CageOrigin position greater than %. You need to set CageOrigin.Position to 0,0,0.Cage origin must be zero to properly align with its corresponding body or accessory.
Average distance between outer cage to mesh is too high. Mesh seems to be outside of the outer cage.

Average distance between outer cage to mesh is too high %. Make adjustment to cage to fit the mesh better.
The outer cage is too far away from its corresponding body or accessory model mesh. You need to remodel the outer cage and bring its vertices closer to the model mesh.
The average distance between the layered accessory %s and its outer cage is too large. You need to edit the cage to be within %s from the accessory.The outer cage is too far away from its corresponding body or accessory model mesh. You need to remodel the outer cage and bring its vertices closer to the model mesh.
There are cage vertices inside the layered accessory mesh %s, which could lead to interpenetration issues during fitting. You need to edit the cage mesh to fix this intersection issue.The layered accessory mesh vertices need to be positioned between the inner and outer cages. Whenever a mesh vertex passes through the cage mesh it causes rendering issues in the area making the accessory look like it is intersecting the body.
The meshId reference for cage %s is invalid or doesn't exist. Please, verify you are using a valid mesh asset and try again.
Outer cage of %s has mesh edits on regions that don't correspond to its current asset type %s (i.e. edits on the lower leg cages when asset type is set to 'Head'). You need to check the asset type for the layered accessory %s.Your outer cage was deformed in regions that don't envelop any part of your accessory. For example, the outer cage for a hat accessory is expected to deform on the head region and not the left foot. Make sure your outer cage is properly setup and deforms only where is needed.
Outer cage of %s has mesh edits that place vertices too far away from the model mesh. You need to edit the cage and enforce vertices are at most %s away from the model.Ideally the outer cage of an accessory completely envelops its model mesh. There are cases in which you may intentionally not want to do that. For example, if the accessory is a wing, you would want the outer cage to envelop only the base of the wing that connects it to the back of the avatar. If the entire wing is enveloped, it'll cause extreme deformations to any additional layered assets equipped.

This validation checks that the outer cage is enveloping a large enough region of the accessory. You need to edit the outer cage to contain more vertices of the accessory mode mesh.
Cage %s is not watertight (i.e. detected holes in the mesh). You need to edit the mesh and close the holes (may leave eyes and mouth areas open when applicable).There are holes in your cage mesh. You need to fix them and make your cage mesh watertight. For example, if you were to pour water inside the mesh it wouldn't leak.
Failed to execute cage non-manifold check for %s. Make sure cage mesh exists and try again.
Cage %s is non-manifold (i.e. there are edges with 3 or more incident faces). Some vertices are likely too close and welded together as a single vertex causing edges to collapse into a non-manifold. You need to edit the cage mesh to have vertices distant by at least %s from each other.There are edges in your cage model mesh that are connected to more than two faces, possibly caused by stacked or very closely positioned vertices. You need to remodel your cage to fix these issues.
Failed to load model mesh %s. Make sure the mesh exists and try again.
Detected too many coplanar triangles intersecting in model mesh %s. The maximum is %d intersections in a %d triangle mesh. Edit your mesh to reduce the number of coplanar triangle intersections.Your cage model mesh has an excessive number of triangle faces that are coplanar and intersecting. This causes a visual artifact during gameplay that makes your accessory look like it is blinking in the area of the coplanar triangles. You need to edit the vertex positions of these triangles to untangle the intersections.
Missing cage for %s. You need to provide a cage mesh for each of the 15 body parts making up the R15 body.
WrapLayer ImportOrigin.Position is %f from the origin. The max is %f. You should move the Position closer to the origin.The import origin position adds an offset between the cage and its corresponding asset. If this offset is too large than the cage will no longer envelope the asset (may end up completely outside the asset).

This breaks the layered clothing system and makes the asset behave unexpectedly. Ensure that your import origin is set at (0,0,0).
Failed to execute cage relevancy detection for %s. Make sure the cage mesh exists and try again.
Validation detected %d % of the outer cage edits do not cover the accessory. Make sure you are moving the outer cage only where needed.This validation has detected that you moved out many vertices of your outer cage that weren't in the same region as your model geometry.

You need to verify your outer cage is modified only enough to envelop the accessory model mesh, and stays consistent with the inner cage everywhere else.
WrapLayer %s found under %s.%s has a CageOrigin position greater than %f. You need to set CageOrigin.Position to 0,0,0.Cage origin position needs to be set to (0,0,0). Otherwise your cage will be moved out and may no longer envelop the accessory being deformed.
Failed to load UVs for Inner cage of %s. Make sure the UV map exists and try again.
There are %d UV values in %s cage that do not belong to the template. Please correct the cage UV.The cage has an invalid UV map, possibly from using an old or third-party cage. Use the UV map and model mesh templates provided in the official documentation resources.
Failed to load UVs for %s. Make sure the model has a valid UV map and try again.
Detected zero-area triangle in UV map of %s. You need to edit the UV map to fix this issue.Your UV map has zero area triangles. You need to fix it and verify all triangles connecting UV points have non-zero area.
Found invalid UV value outside [0, 1] range for %s. You need to edit the UV map to fix this issue.All UV maps need to have values within the range [0, 1].
Failed to execute UV check for %s. Make sure the UV map exists and try again.
%s.%s ( %s ) should have %d unique UVs, but has %d. Please make sure the mesh has the required number of unique UVs and try again.Your UV map has many repeated UV values. Use the UV map and model mesh templates provided in the documentation.
Inner and Outer cage UV for %s are mismatched. The Roblox provided cage template should be used to create inner and outer cages with no modifications to the UV map.The UV maps for cages should not be edited. You need to restore the UV map to match that of the templates provided in the documentation.
Detected modified UV values for mesh %s. The original UV map for this model can't be altered.
Invalid HSR setupMissing HSR data for %s. Please, try again.The HSR (Hidden Surface Removal) data is calculated in the cloud server and may take a few minutes to be updated for your assets. Wait some time and try again.
Invalid layered clothing setupAsset type %s is not a layered clothing category. It can only be used with rigid accessories.
Missing meshId on layered clothing accessory %s. Make sure you are using a valid meshId and try again.
Missing WrapLayer on layered clothing accessory %s. You need to create a child WrapLayer and try again.Make sure you converted your model into a layered accessory (you might have converted to a rigid accessory instead or selected the wrong asset type).
Detected zero-area triangle in model mesh %s. You need to edit the mesh to remove zero-area triangles.Your model mesh has some vertices too close to each other that they create zero area triangles. You need to move these vertices apart to resolve this issue.
Invalid mesh setupDetected two or more vertices in model mesh %s sharing near identical positions. You need to position vertices by at least %s apart from each other.Make sure there are no coincident vertices in your model mesh.
Invalid namingAccessory name must match "Accessory (Name)" format style (i.e. "Accessory (MyAccessory)" if you want to name your accessory ).
Invalid skinning setupDetected mismatch between model and skinned data for %s. You need to re-skin your model to fix this issue.The number of vertices in the model mesh do not match the number of skin weights provided. You need to reskin your model.
Missing skinning data for %s. You need to skin your model.
Invalid texture setupModel textureId mismatch between MeshPart.TextureID and SpecialMesh.TextureId for %s. You need to match the textureIds and try again.Verify textures are properly set up.
Model textureId mismatch with rigid accessory SpecialMesh.TextureId for %s. You need to match the textureIds and try again.Verify textures are properly set up.
Invalid material setup for %s. Accepted values are: %s
Invalid vertex color found in mesh model %s. You need to edit the color map to be all white and try again.

Invalid vertex color found in mesh model %s. You need to edit the color map to be all white with no transparency and try again.
TextureID and Surface Appearance are both defined for MeshPart %s. Publishing will only use Surface Appearance
%s has an empty TextureID and no child surface appearance instance. You need to define at least one of them.
Invalid textureID used in mesh %s. Make sure the texture exists and try again.
Your textures exceeds the max texture size limit for UGC upload requirements.

Texture resolution %dx%d px found in %s is higher than max size supported value of %dx%d px. You need to reduce the texture resolution.
You need to change the resolution of your textures to be within the allowed limits.
Runtime dependenciesAsset %s is not owned by the current user. You can only validate assets that you or a group you belong to owns.You need to own the assets being validated.
Asset %s is not owned by the current user. You can only validate assets that you or a group you belong to owns.You need to own the assets being validated.
Failed to load asset %s that is still going through the review process. Please, wait for a notification of completion from the review process and try again.Your asset is currently in moderation queue. Roblox can only validate assets that have already passed moderation.
Failed to parse feedback from model review for %s. Make sure the review process is complete and try again.
%s contains attributes in its properties that are not allowed. You need to remove the following attributes: %s
Failed to get triangle face information from model mesh %s. Make sure model exists and try again.
Bounds for the mesh %s are not centered at the origin. The max allowed distance is %fThe asset model mesh is too far away from the origin. Usually the center of the model and the origin of the coordinate system should coincide.
Failed validation for dynamic head %s due to missing FACS information. You need to provide FACS controls for at least 17 poses (see documentation).The face controls for dynamic heads need to have at least 17 poses connected to the rig. This is necessary to enforce a minimum level of face expressions for avatars during gameplay. You need to setup additional face controls that are missing.
%s is missing FACS controls: %s
%s has inactive FACS controls: %s
Face controls need to be connected to the face rig. You need to reconnect the inactive controls.
Unable to capture snapshot of DynamicHead %s

Failed to read data from snapshot of DynamicHead %s

DynamicHead %s when emoting surpasses the expected bounding box
An animation pose is invalid or may extend past the expected bounding box. You need to recalibrate the face controls connected to the face rig.
Detected the following error(s): %s
%s has an invalid name
%s is of type %s which is not allowed
Attribute %s has different values in different children folders. You need to use the same value in all folders.Verify extra attributes are initialized the same way on all children folders.
Deprecated R6 folder for body part %s should be empty. You need to clear that folder and try again.
Incorrect hierarchy for %s with the following missing folders: %s
%s is more than max difference %f in size compared to the other mesh %s. You need to edit the model to adjust its size.The model mesh is too big. You need to scale it down.
Asset(s) failed to pass moderation: %s.
Failed to fetch moderation results for %s. Make sure all assets are owned by the current user.
Failed to parse moderation results for %s. Make sure moderation process is completed and try again.
Failed to validate current user during moderation. Make sure you own the assets being validated and try again.You need to own the assets being validated.
Failed to parse package data for model %s. Make sure the packageId is valid and try again.
%s is at a %d degree angle from the X,Y plane, it must be within %d degrees. Make sure the character is in I pose, A pose, or T pose.Validation detects that the body is not one of the following supported poses:

  • T-pose (arms are parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the torso)
  • A-pose (arms are about 45 degrees with respect to the floor)
  • I-pose (arms are perpendicular to the floor and parallel to the torso)
Property %s does not exist on type %s. Delete the property and try again.
Tying to access property %s.%s using the incorrect type for it. Expected %s to be %s.
Failed to execute render mesh inside outer mesh check for %s and %s. Make sure the meshes exists and try again.
Validation detected %d% of the accessory is outside its outer cage. Make adjustments to have more of the accessory placed between the cages.The outer cage needs to envelop the model mesh of its corresponding accessory. This check has detected a large portion of the model mesh is outside its outer cage. You need to edit the model and/or the cage to fix this issue.
Selected more than one instance of type %s. Please, select a single instance of this type and try again.
Failed to find an instance of the asset type %s. Make sure one exists and try again.
Found the following instance tags which are not allowed: %s
Invalid target asset for thumbnail generation. Expected it to be %s.
Asset %s is positioned outside the thumbnail's camera view. You need to reposition the asset at the center of the camera view and try again.You need to move your asset to the origin of the coordinate system.
Failed to load or executeFailed to load detailed information for model assets. Make sure all model assets exist and try again.
Failed to read mesh. Make sure the body part exists and try again.
Failed to execute cage intersection detection for %s. Make sure the cage mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load UVs for %s. Make sure the UV map exists and try again.
Asset could not be loaded
Failed to retrieve mesh data to validate skinned mesh.

Failed to load mesh for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load model for dynamic head %s. Make sure model exists and try again.
Failed to execute cage detection for %s. Make sure the cage mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load layered clothing accessory %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.

Failed to load texture for layered clothing accessory %s. Make sure texture exists and try again.

Failed to load children assets (Meshes, Textures, etc.) for %s. Make sure the assets exist and try again.
Failed to execute validateMeshBounds check.
Failed to load body part mesh %s. Make sure body part exists and try again.
Failed to load mesh for accessory %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load model mesh %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
Failed to execute triangle count check for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load model mesh %s. Make sure the mesh exists and try again.
Failed to load vertex color map for model mesh %s. Make sure it exists and try again.
Failed to execute UV mismatch check for %s. Make sure UV map exists and try again.
Failed to execute overlapping mesh vertex check for %s. Make sure mesh exists and try again.
Failed to execute texture size check for %s. Make sure the textureId is valid and try again.
Failed to load texture for %s. Make sure the texture exists and try again.
Failed to execute validateUVSpace check on %s. Make sure the UV maps exists and try again.