2D Paths

The Path2D instance, along with its API methods and properties, lets you implement 2D splines and 2D curved lines, useful for UI effects like path‑based animations and graph editors.

Creating a 2D Path

To add a Path2D to the screen or an in-experience object:

  1. In the Explorer window, insert a Path2D instance under a visible ScreenGui or SurfaceGui (it does not need to be a direct child).

    Path2D instance parented to a ScreenGui in the Explorer hierarchy.
  2. Select the new Path2D to reveal the in-viewport tooling widget. By default, the Add Point tool is selected.

    Add Point tool indicated in the 2D path editor widget.
  3. Begin clicking on the screen to add a series of control points to form a path. The initial path will likely be imprecise but you can fine‑tune the position of any control point later.

    Diagram illustrating an example path created using the Add Point tool to connect a series of points.
  4. When finished, click the widget's Done button or press Enter.

Modifying Control Points

With a Path2D selected in the Explorer hierarchy, you can modify its individual control points as well as their tangents.

Moving Points

To move an individual control point on a path, enable the Select tool (V) and then click‑and‑drag it to a new position.

Select tool indicated in the 2D path editor widget. Diagram illustrating how a path control point is moved to a new position by clicking and dragging with the Select tool enabled.

For very specific positioning, select the control point and then, in the Properties window, set a new position for the point's SelectedControlPointData property (UDim2).

SelectedControlPointData property of a Path2D instance indicated in the Properties window.

Note that a point's position is not absolute, but rather relative to the path's parent container. For example, compare a control point 30% from left and 20% from top for a path inside a ScreenGui, versus an identical path placed inside a Frame located in the upper‑right corner of the ScreenGui.

Diagram illustrating how the positions of path control points are relative to their parent container.

Adding Points

New control points can be added to a Path2D either between two existing points or from either end point using the Add Point tool (P).

Add Point tool indicated in the 2D path editor widget.
Diagram illustrating how a control point is added between two existing points using the Add Point tool.
Hover anywhere over the path and click to add a control point between two existing points
Diagram illustrating how a control point is added to the end of a path using the Add Point tool.
Click on an end point and then click again to add a control point from that end

Deleting Points

To delete a control point, hover over and right‑click it, then select Delete Point from the contextual popup menu.

Diagram illustrating how a path control point is deleted by right-clicking it and selecting Delete Point.

Control Point Tangents

Control point tangents let you create and adjust curves on a path.

Diagram illustrating a curved path with several tangent control points.

Adding Tangents

To add tangents to any control point that doesn't already have tangents:

  1. Enable the Add Tangent tool in the tooling widget.

    Add Tangent tool indicated in the 2D path editor widget.
  2. Hover over the desired control point, then click to add two mirrored tangents (optionally drag after clicking to adjust the new tangents).

    Diagram illustrating how a path control point with tangents is created with the Add Tangent tool.

Adjusting Tangents

To adjust existing tangents for an individual control point:

  1. Enable the Select tool (V).

    Select tool indicated in the 2D path editor widget.
  2. Hover over a tangent marker (not the control point), then click‑and‑drag it to a new position. If the tangents are mirrored, the paired tangent point will move in unison.

    Diagram illustrating how the tangents of a control point are adjusted with the Select tool enabled.

To manually set a specific UDim2 position for a tangent:

  1. Enable the Select tool (V) and select the control point. In the Properties window, expand the SelectedControlPointData field to expose the LeftTangent and RightTangent properties.

    LeftTangent and RightTangent properties of a Path2D control point indicated in the Properties window.
  2. Set the position for LeftTangent and/or RightTangent. Note that this will break the mirrored behavior of the tangents.

Deleting Tangents

To delete both tangents from a control point, hover over and right-click that point, then select Clear Tangents from the contextual popup menu.

Diagram illustrating how both tangents of a control point are cleared by right-clicking it and selecting Clear Tangents.

To delete just one of the tangents (left or right), hover over and right‑click that tangent's marker, then select Delete Tangent.

Diagram illustrating how one tangent of a control point is deleted by right-clicking it and selecting Delete Tangent.

Breaking and Mirroring

By default, tangents mirror each other. When you drag to adjust one tangent marker, the paired tangent point will move in unison.

Diagram illustrating how the tangents of a control point are adjusted with the Select tool enabled.

To "break" the tangents so that each can be moved independently of the other, hover over and right‑click the associated control point, then select Break Tangents from the contextual menu. Once broken, you can move each tangent marker without affecting the other.

Diagram illustrating how the tangents of a control point are broken by right-clicking it and selecting Break Tangents.

Path Visual Properties

You can customize the visual appearance of a Path2D with the following properties:

Color3Sets the color of the path line.
ThicknessSets the thickness of the path line, in pixels.
VisibleMake the path visible or not in both edit and runtime.
ZIndexOrder in which a path renders relative to other GUIs.
Diagram illustrating a path with Thickness of 2 and Color3 of (125, 125, 125).
Thickness = 2
Color3 = (125, 125, 125)
Diagram illustrating a path with Thickness of 10 and Color3 of (225, 0, 50).
Thickness = 10
Color3 = (225, 0, 50)
Diagram illustrating a path layered in front of another using the ZIndex property.
ZIndex Layering

Path Scripting

Scripting is useful for several path-related workflows. The following examples use methods such as GetControlPoints() which returns a table of Path2DControlPoints and GetPositionOnCurveArcLength() which returns the UDim2 position at a given t value along the spline.

Arrange UI Objects Across Path

local parent = script.Parent
local path = parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Path2D")
local function arrangeChildren()
local segmentCount = #path:GetControlPoints()
local objectsToArrange = {}
for _, child in parent:GetChildren() do
if child:IsA("GuiObject") then
table.insert(objectsToArrange, child)
for idx, child in objectsToArrange do
local t = idx / (#objectsToArrange + 1)
child.Position = path:GetPositionOnCurveArcLength(t)
-- Initially arrange child UI objects across path
-- Listen for children being added/removed to adjust arrangement
Animate UI Object Along Path

local Tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")
local parent = script.Parent
local path = parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Path2D")
local objectToAnimate = parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("GuiObject")
local TWEEN_EASING_STYLE = Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic
local TWEEN_EASING_DIRECTION = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut
local pathSampleValue = Instance.new("NumberValue")
local tween = Tweenservice:Create(pathSampleValue, tweenInfo, {Value = 1})
local function onSampleValueChanged()
objectToAnimate.Position = path:GetPositionOnCurveArcLength(pathSampleValue.Value)