UI 9-Slice Design

When creating UI with custom borders and corners, you'll often need to render elements at different aspect ratios and visually surround localized text or other contents of unknown dimensions. This lets you create UI elements of varying sizes without distorting the borders or corners.

Without 9-Slice
With 9-Slice

Under the 9-slice approach, one image (a single Roblox image asset) is internally divided into nine sub-images, each with different scaling rules.

1 3 7 9 (corners)none
2 8 (top/bottom edges)horizontal
4 6 (left/right edges)vertical
5 (center)horizontal + vertical

Studio Editor

Slice configuration is possible by directly setting the Enum.ScaleType and slice properties on an image label or button, but Studio's built-in 9-Slice Editor is more intuitive.

Opening the Editor

To open the visual 9-Slice Editor in Studio:

  1. Select an ImageLabel or ImageButton with a valid asset ID entered into its Image field.
  1. Set the ScaleType property to Slice.
  1. Click on the SliceCenter property that appears, then click on the within the row.
  1. In the window that opens, 4 red lines overlay the image, representing the edges of the slices. The source image size is also displayed.

Setting Offsets

In Studio, drag the red lines to set the offsets from the left, right, top, and bottom edges of the image.

As you reposition the dragger lines, the UI element automatically updates to show the result.

Slice setup
Result on 500×200 ImageLabel
Slice setup
Result on 500×200 ImageLabel