The MeshType Enum is used to set what type of mesh the SpecialMesh is.
Name | Value | Summary |
Head | 0 | The mesh is the default Humanoid head mesh. |
Torso | 1 | The mesh is the default Humanoid torso mesh. |
Wedge | 2 | The mesh is a wedge. |
Sphere | 3 | The mesh is a sphere. |
Cylinder | 4 | The mesh is a cylinder. |
FileMesh | 5 | The mesh is determined by the Roblox mesh asset id provided. |
Brick | 6 | The mesh is a brick (just like the shape of a default BasePart). |
Prism | 7 | The mesh is a prism. |
Pyramid | 8 | The mesh is a pyramid. |
ParallelRamp | 9 | The mesh is a parallel ramp. |
RightAngleRamp | 10 | The mesh is a right angle ramp. |
CornerWedge | 11 | The mesh is a corner wedge. |