A list of memory categories, and a description of what they are allocated to.
Name | Value | Summary |
Internal | 0 | General data that doesn't have any categorization. This could be due to either internal reasons, or because it simply isn't being tracked categorically. |
HttpCache | 1 | A cache of HTTP responses. |
Instances | 2 | All the Instances present in memory. |
Signals | 3 | Events, signals, connections, etc. |
LuaHeap | 4 | All of the data in Lua, including everything happening in core scripts, built-in data types, etc. |
Script | 5 | All memory being manipulated and referenced by scripts. |
PhysicsCollision | 6 | Collision detection in the Workspace. |
PhysicsParts | 7 | Physics bodies and the components that control their behavior. |
GraphicsSolidModels | 8 | Rendering solid models (stuff made with Union, Negate, etc.). |
GraphicsMeshParts | 10 | Rendering of mesh parts. |
GraphicsParticles | 11 | Rendering of particles from ParticleEmitters. |
GraphicsParts | 12 | Rendering of regular parts. |
GraphicsSpatialHash | 13 | Spatial hash lookup tables of the game world that are used for rendering. |
GraphicsTerrain | 14 | Rendering of terrain geometry. |
GraphicsTexture | 15 | Rendering of textures in the game world. |
GraphicsTextureCharacter | 16 | Rendering of texture composition maps that are generated for Humanoids. |
Sounds | 17 | Data of sounds in-game. |
StreamingSounds | 18 | Playback of sounds in-game. |
TerrainVoxels | 19 | Occupancy/Material data of the Terrain. |
Gui | 21 | Gui element data and rendering. |
Animation | 22 | Playback of Animations on Humanoids and AnimationControllers. |
Navigation | 23 | Pathfinding for Humanoids via the PathfindingService. |
GeometryCSG | 24 |