
Determines the type of the flipbook animation.



Continuously play through all frames, starting back at the first frame after playing the last.


Play through the animation only once across the particle's lifetime. With this setting, the ParticleEmitter.FlipbookFramerate property doesn't apply; instead, the framerate is determined by the particle's ParticleEmitter.Lifetime divided evenly by the number of frames in the animation. OneShot animations are useful for clear non-repeating animations, such as an explosion that creates a puff of smoke and then fades out.


Play from the first to the last frame, then in reverse from the last to the first, repeating throughout the ParticleEmitter.Lifetime of the particle.


Play the frames in a random order, blending/crossfading from one frame to the next. This can be useful for organic particle textures at low framerates, such as stars slowly twinkling between subtly different shapes.

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