Usage Guidelines


In-experience text chat is any message created within your experience that originated from one user and is delivered to one or more other users, including:

  • Chat bubbles over an avatar's head
  • Direct messages between users
  • Chat window communication between users
  • Team-specific messages

For sending and delivery, these types of communications must each go through a TextChannel instance. This ensures messages respect privacy settings, are visible to moderators, and are properly text filtered.

Certain text is not considered chat:

  • Text on menus created by developers (for example, "Press any button to continue.")

  • Status updates from the experience (for example, "Two minutes remaining!")

  • Announcements from admin commands

  • A user renaming their pet dog

  • A user writing on a sign

  • Moderation audit logs or messages

  • Comments on posts in an experience

  • Writing a post on a bulletin board

  • Any user-generated text unrelated to a conversation

For communication shared by users that can be seen by other users, even if it doesn't need to go through TextChatService, you must ensure it goes through a text filter.
