Feature packages

Feature packages are fully functional, customizable features that you can drag and drop directly into your experience. Each feature package comes with:

  • Functional back-end code for minimal engineering work
  • Default UI components that you can customize to fit your unique aesthetics
  • Built-in game design and UI/UX best practices
  • Funnel analytics and insights

You can use feature packages to add new functionality and gameplay features to your experiences, improve your experience's key metrics, and contribute to sustainable live operations (LiveOps).


The Bundles feature package offers out-of-the-box functionality to sell collections of items to players at a discount.

Define currencies
Register your own in-experience currency for players to purchase items.
Choose items
Select the items you want to bundle at a discount.
Customize prompts
Create bundle prompts that anticipate player needs at key points of your experience.


The Missions feature package offers out-of-the-box functionality to create missions that players can complete to achieve rewards and progress in your experience.

Define tasks
Determine what players need to do to complete a mission.
Track progress
Add logic that updates task progress as players work on set objectives.
Customize menus
Create unique UI that matches the aesthetics of your experiences.