UI Layouts and Constraints

When you design a graphical user interface in Roblox, you don't have to arrange everything manually or compromise on appearance across various devices. With the addition of layouts and constraints, you can create high-quality interfaces with minimal or no scripting.

  • UI layouts allow you to organize GuiObjects quickly without having to manually set their size or position. They provide fast and intuitive behavior to structure and sort GuiObjects that frequently change.

    Inventory menu designed with a grid layout
  • UI constraints allow you to create minimum and maximum sizing limitations so your GuiObjects function properly within different screen sizes without overlapping or having large gaps between one another.

    Label text constrained to a minimum and maximum size


There are four types of layouts you can use within your experiences: list, grid, table, and page.

To use a layout, you must insert it as a sibling to the applicable GuiObjects. If you use multiple layouts in the same parent GuiObject, only the first layout you added applies, although you can use Folders in a UI hierarchy to define a distinct layout type per folder. For example, you can set up a Frame with multiple Folder children, each with a different UILayout type. Additionally, Folder contents are exempt from the effects of a UILayout sibling.


The UIListLayout positions sibling GuiObjects into a single vertical or horizontal row within their parent GuiObject while retaining each object's original size. Whenever you add or remove a sibling object, the UIListLayout repositions the list accordingly.

This layout is useful when you only want to order objects within a row or column, such as a dropdown menu.


The UIGridLayout positions sibling GuiObjects into a grid of uniform cells of the same size within their parent GuiObject. The UIGridLayout adds cells to a row one-by-one until the next cell doesn't fit, then it starts the next row. For further control, you can use the FillDirectionMaxCells property to set the maximum number of cells per row.

This layout is useful when you want to display objects within a fixed scale, such as a shop inventory.

By default, this layout positions GuiObjects from left-to-right and top-to-bottom in alphabetical order, but when you change the SortOrder property from Name to LayoutOrder, GuiObjects sort in ascending order where lower LayoutOrder values have more priority over higher values, and GuiObjects with equal values sort depending on the order in which you added them.


The UITableLayout positions sibling GuiObjects into rows, and any child GuiObjects of these sibling GuiObjects become columns. Each cell within a row has the same height while each cell within a column has the same width.

Unless you enable the FillEmptySpaceColumns or FillEmptySpaceRows property, the parent GuiObject determines the dimensions of the cells.

This layout is useful when you want further control over which items display where within a grid, such as a backpack inventory that separates items into categories like weapons and potions.


When you parent a UIPageLayout to a GuiObject, every sibling GuiObject of the UIPageLayout becomes a unique page that you can transition to through script. This layout is useful when you want to create menus with multiple pages, such as tutorials or character customization screens.

After you create multiple pages within the UIPageLayout, you need to use scripting to transition from page to page. For example, the following code creates three separate pages, each with a different color frame that takes up the entire screen. Studio then transitions between the pages every two seconds, moving from page 1 to page 2 to page 3, then returning back from page 3 to page 2 to page 1:

local screenGui = script.Parent
local pageLayout = Instance.new("UIPageLayout")
pageLayout.Parent = screenGui
local page1 = Instance.new("Frame")
page1.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
page1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(25, 100, 100)
page1.Parent = screenGui
local page2 = Instance.new("Frame")
page2.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
page2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100, 25, 100)
page2.Parent = screenGui
local page3 = Instance.new("Frame")
page3.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
page3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 25)
page3.Parent = screenGui
while true do

If you want to view pages while editing in Studio, you can use the Command Bar to navigate from one page to another. This allows you to review where you need to make changes without having to play your experience each time.

To navigate to another page while in Edit mode:

  1. In the Explorer window, select the UIPageLayout object.

  2. From the View tab, open the Command Bar.

    • To transition to the next page, input game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1]:Next().

    • To transition to the previous page, input game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1]:Previous().

  3. Press Enter.


There are three types of constraints you can use for a user interface object: size, text size, and aspect ratio. To use a constraint, you must set it as a child of the GuiObject you want to constrain.


The UISizeConstraint specifies a minimum and maximum size for a GuiObject. This constraint ensures that the GuiObject doesn't become too small or large on different screen sizes.

For example, if you set the MaxSize property to {400, 400} and the MinSize to {200, 200}, the GuiObject cannot scale larger than 400 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall, or smaller than 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

Text Size

The UITextSizeConstraint specifies a minimum and maximum font size for a GuiObject with text, such as a TextLabel, TextButton, or TextBox. This constraint ensures that the text within a GuiObject doesn't become illegible or too large.

If you enable the TextScaled property of the parent GuiObject, the text size scales with the container's size and respects constraints even if the object becomes smaller or larger than the MinTextSize and MaxTextSize values.

For example, the following TextLabel object has a UITextSizeConstraint with a MinTextSize value of 50 and a MaxTextSize value of 80. Even when the TextLabel becomes smaller, the font never becomes smaller than 50 pixels, and when the object becomes large, the font next exceeds 80 pixels.

Aspect Ratio

The UIAspectRatioConstraint specifies an aspect ratio for a GuiObject regardless of its actual size, so that it doesn't warp or distort within different screen sizes. This constraint ensures that the GuiObject maintains a specific aspect ratio even if its size is set as a percentage of its parent.


A UIScale object stores a numerical value that multiplies the AbsoluteSize property of the parent GuiObject. For example, if you want an object to be twice as large as it currently is, you can insert a UIScale object with a Scale property of 2.

This object is useful when you want to resize GuiObjects proportionally for different screen sizes without having to manually change the size and position properties for each individual GuiObject. It is also useful to test a range of different sizes without committing to the changes.