In comparison to UIListLayout, UIGridLayout and UITableLayout allow for more structured and organized layouts. These are most appropriate for interfaces like a shop inventory where each item can be presented in a grid of equally‑sized tiles, or items can be sorted into related rows/columns.
Grid layout
UIGridLayout positions sibling GuiObjects in a grid of uniform cells of the same size within their parent container. Cells are added by row or column based on the layout's FillDirection until the next cell doesn't fit, then a new row or column begins. For further control, you can use the FillDirectionMaxCells property to set the maximum number of cells per row or column.

By default, UIGridLayout positions sibling GuiObjects in order of their LayoutOrder where lower values go before higher values, and equal values sort depending on the order in which you added them. If you change the layout's SortOrder to Enum.SortOrder.Name, siblings sort in alphabetical order.
Table layout
UITableLayout positions sibling GuiObjects and their children into table format. The default FillDirection of Vertical means that siblings are first positioned into rows, and children of those siblings are positioned horizontally to form columns, such that each cell within a row has the same height and each cell within a column has the same width.

This pattern mimics the standard HTML row/column structure:
<table><tbody><tr> <!-- Row1 --><td>Label 1</td> <!-- TextLabel1 --><td>Label 2</td> <!-- TextLabel2 --><td>Label 3</td> <!-- TextLabel3 --></tr><tr> <!-- Row2 --><td>Label 4</td> <!-- TextLabel4 --><td>Label 5</td> <!-- TextLabel5 --><td>Label 6</td> <!-- TextLabel6 --></tr><tr> <!-- Row3 --><td>Label 7</td> <!-- TextLabel7 --><td>Label 8</td> <!-- TextLabel8 --><td>Label 9</td> <!-- TextLabel9 --></tr></tbody></table>
Unless you enable the layout's FillEmptySpaceColumns or FillEmptySpaceRows properties, the size of the sibling GuiObjects determines the dimensions of the cells. For example, a TextLabel of size, 0, 0.1, 0) will create a table cell of 25% width and 10% height inside the parent container.