Asset Manager

The Asset Manager lets you manage places and bulk import assets into your experience, including images, meshes, packages, audio, and models.

Studio's View tab with the Asset Manager button highlighted.

Asset folders

Assets are organized within folders based on their type. You can switch between grid view and list view by clicking the view toggle button.

The Asset Manager window with the View toggle button highlighted.

Importing assets

The bulk import tool is ideal for importing up to 50 files in one batch. Imported assets enter the moderation queue and are only visible to you within their respective folder and within the Inventory tab of the Toolbox.

The Asset Manager window with the Bulk Import button highlighted.
Asset TypeDetails
ImageYou can import images in .png, .jpg, .tga, or .bmp format for use as textures/decals on parts, image labels, mesh textures, textures for custom materials, textures for special effects, and more.
MeshYou can bulk import meshes in either .fbx or .obj format, although this workflow does not support complex meshes such as those with rigging, skinning, or animation data. For complex meshes, it's recommended that you use the 3D Importer.
AudioYou can import audio assets that you are certain you have permission to use in either .mp3 or .ogg format. If you're uncertain whether you have permission to use an audio file, the Creator Store has a variety of free-to-use audio, including more than 100,000 professionally-produced sound effects. See Audio Assets for details.

Insert assets

You can insert assets into the Explorer window hierarchy by dragging-and-dropping or by right-clicking the asset name/tile and selecting Insert.

Behavior of dragging-and-dropping into the 3D viewport varies by asset type:

Asset TypeDrag-and-Drop Behavior
ImageIf hovering over a valid parent object like a BasePart, creates a new Decal inside that parent with its Texture property preset to the asset ID.
MeshInserts the asset as a new MeshPart in the workspace with its MeshId property preset to the asset ID.
AudioCreates a new Sound object in the workspace with its SoundId property preset to the asset ID.
PackageInserts a copy of the package into the workspace.

Quick actions

Quick actions are accessible by right-clicking an asset name/tile and selecting a context option.

Quick ActionDescription
RenameLets you enter a new name for the place.
Copy ID to ClipboardCopies the place ID to the clipboard.
View HistoryOpens the place version history, letting you view previous commits (publish actions) and their date/time. If desired, you can roll back to a previous version by selecting it and clicking the Open button.
Remove From GameCompletely removes the place from the experience. Not applicable to the starting place.

Asset inspection

You can closely inspect an image, mesh, package, or audio file by hovering over its thumbnail in grid view and clicking the "magnify" icon, or by right-clicking its name in list view and selecting Asset Preview.

A preview view of an asset in the Asset Manager. The Insect Asset icon is highlighted.

When previewing 3D assets like meshes, you can move the virtual camera around to get a better view from all angles. For videos, you can preview the entire video in the popup.

Left mouse button + dragRotate around the object.
Right mouse button + dragPan left, right, up, or down.
Mouse scroll wheelZoom in or out.

In the lower-right corner of the preview frame, the composition button reveals the full hierarchy of the asset including Scripts, MeshParts, Animations, and more.

A preview view of an asset in the Asset Manager, and the full hierarchy of the asset displays underneath the 3D representation. The Asset Composition icon is highlighted.