In-Experience asset creation

With the in-experience asset creation feature, you can allow your users to save creations they made in your experience to their inventories. Your users can use these in-experience creations just like any other asset. Additionally, these creations attribute to your experience when displayed on the Roblox platform, so any user can use the attribution link to come to your experience and create their own.

For example, you can enable users to create custom creatures as pets in your experience, and allow them to save their favorite pets to their inventories. You have full control to specify which objects users can modify and save from your experience. Users in turn can display their creations on their profiles with attribution to your experience, boosting visibility of your experience.

Supported asset types and limits

Just like all assets on the platform, in-experience creations are subject to asset moderation. Currently, you can only allow users to create packages from your experience. These packages can't contain any scripts or private assets, such as audio, video, and nested packages. If the system detects scripts or private assets in a package that can be saved by users, it blocks the in-experience save action by hiding the save prompt for users.

When you are running or testing your experience and add scripts or private assets as part of an in-experience creation, it fails to save and prompts error messages to the Studio Output window or the Developer Console.

Enabling in-experience asset creation

To enable in-experience asset creation for your users, use the AssetService:PromptCreateAssetAsync() API method in a server-side script, along with other creation logic. Specify which instances in your experience you want to enable this functionality, set a custom trigger (such as a UI icon) for invoking the method, and listen for client remote events for saving assets.

AssetService:PromptCreateAssetAsync() takes the following parameters:

When the server invokes AssetService:PromptCreateAssetAsync(), it prompts a Submit Package dialog on the client, so the user who triggers the save action can enter a name and description for the package. Roblox provides the dialog UI out-of-the-box, as the save workflow is a platform-level functionality.

The following example server-side script prompts users to save a car that they paint in an experience:

Example Script for In-Experience Asset Creation

-- Define the AssetService variable
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
-- Set up PromptCreateAssetAsync() for prompting the submission dialog
local function CreateAsset(player, instance)
local complete, result, assetId = pcall(function()
return AssetService:PromptCreateAssetAsync(player, instance, Enum.AssetType.Model)
if complete then
if result == Enum.PromptCreateAssetResult.Success then
print("successfully uploaded, AssetId:", assetId)
print("Received result", result)
-- Car painting logic omitted
-- Add an event handler
local function onUserPublish(player, promptObject)
-- User saves the car instance with the experience's default color
if promptObject.Name == "car" then
CreateAsset(player, car)
elseif promptObject.Name == "CarPaintYellow" or promptObject.Name == "CarPaintBlue" or promptObject.Name == "CarPaintBlack" or promptObject.Name == "CarPaintRed" then

In-Experience Creation Demo Arena showcases an example on how you can use this feature. You can join the demo to walk through the in-experience creation workflow as a user and access the place file using the Edit in Studio option to reference the design.

A close up view of an experience's tile on its landing page. The ellipsis button is highlighted.

Post-creation and attribution

After users create and save an asset from your experience, they can find it in the following places:

  • Their My Inventory page.
  • The Creations tab of their Profile page.
  • The Development Items tab under their Creator Dashboard Creations page.
  • The Inventory tab of their Toolbox in Studio.

When users see in-experience creations on their friends' profiles or inventories, they see attribution to the original experience in which the asset was created. Users can click on the attribution link to redirect to the experience page, so they can join the experience and create their own.

An example asset tile that shows the attribution of an in-experience creation.