Manually edit localization table

When localizing your content, you might need to manually modify your localization table to improve translation quality, add context for when a translation should be used, or even remove unused translation entries.

Whether you have translation entries automatically captured or manually added, all the translation entries are saved to the cloud localization table. To modify the localization table, you can perform the following actions:

  • Add source content to the table, either manually or automatically.
  • Remove content from the table, such as usernames or other strings that shouldn't be translated.
  • Add translations to entries in the table for any supported languages set in your experience.

Before making any changes to your table, it's important to understand each field in the cloud localization table to prevent issues or conflicts.

Cloud localization table

The localization table is the reference for all translations within your experience. It's important to understand each field of the localization table to effectively add or modify entries.

When populated, the table contains all user-facing content within your experience that requires translation along with any available translations for specific languages. You can add source content and add translations to the Cloud Localization Table or download and upload a .csv version of your table. Only users who have edit permission for an experience can access an experience's localization table.

The localization table has the following columns:

SourceA required field containing the in-experience source text strings gathered by automatic text capture or manual entry. This is the source text that you intend to translate to other languages. Source text is required before you can add a translation and multiple entries can share the same Source, as long as they have unique Context fields.

If you are translating dynamic content, such as partial strings, the Source field must follow one of the supported parameter formats described in Translate dynamic content.

An optional field containing a reference to the in-experience object containing the source text. You can use the Context field to specify which translation Roblox displays on an object. See Using Context Overrides for more details.

The Automatic Text Capture system does not auto-fill the Context field and instead populates the Location field with similar information.

ExampleAn optional field containing any additional information about an entry you may want to include as notes for translators. You can use this field to show manual translators where and when your experience uses a specific translation.

An optional field for implementing key-based lookup when using localization APIs. You can leave this field empty if you are not using localization APIs for specific tasks, such as localizing images and sounds.


A field that is auto-filled by the Automatic Text Capture system. It contains a reference to the in-experience object containing the source text which can help you or a translator identify where the string is being encountered in your experience. This field is either blank or populated by the Automatic Text Capture System. To manually add your own object reference, use the Context field.

Add source content

You must add source text to translate to the experience's localization table before you or any collaborators add translations. You can use Automatic Text Capture to collect text strings automatically as your experience is played by users or manually add text sources.

See Localizing images and sounds for instructions on localizing non-text content.

Automatic Text Capture

The Automatic Text Capture (ATC) tool collects text strings that users encounter in your experience through GUI objects, such as TextLabels or BillboardGui and is usually the fastest way to collect translatable text from your experience. In many cases, the Automatic Text Capture tool is already enabled for automatic translations.

Manually add source content

You can also add content manually. This is recommended if your experience contains text that doesn't appear during typical gameplay, like a complex conversation tree, which may take longer to collect via ATC. You can add entries to the table in the localization page or with a .csv file upload. It is recommended to use the .csv upload if you want to specify an entry's Key, Context, or Example fields.

You can manually add image and sound asset IDs to the localization table with a .csv upload. For more information see Localize images and sounds.

Add sources with localization settings

You can add source content in the localization page. This is ideal for making quick additions to your localization table.

To add source content through the localization page:

  1. In your experience's localization page, click the Translate button on the top right.

  2. Select the Strings tab.

  3. Click Add Entry.

  4. In the Text to translate field, input the source text and click Save.

  5. If you are using key-based scripting to translate a string, input the key name in the Key field.

  6. If the string has multiple meanings, such as a character's back and a back button, input the full path of the specific text object in the Context field.

  7. Click Save.

Add sources with file upload

You can add source content to your localization table with a .csv upload. You can use this option when making large numbers of updates to your localization table.

To add source content through the .csv upload:

  1. In Studio, navigate to the Plugins tab.

  2. In the Localization section, select Tools.

    Localization tools button indicated in Plugins tab
  3. In the Cloud Localization Table section, select Download to save the .csv.

  4. Open the .csv in your preferred spreadsheet editor.

  5. Under the Source column, add source text and save. You can leave the other columns blank.

    KeyContext ExampleSource
  6. In Studio, in the Cloud Localization Table section, select Update and upload the new .csv file.

  7. Click Confirm on the Confirm Upload prompt to save the new entry to the cloud localization table.

Remove content from localization table

If you find source content that is wrong or no longer needed in your localization, you can remove this content by either clearing all entries collected via ATC or manually removing source content. When you remove source content, you also remove any associated translations.

Clear unmodified auto-captured entries

You might want to remove some auto-captured entries if the ATC tool collects strings that shouldn't be translated, such as usernames, user-generated names, or chat strings. This option only clears auto-captured entries that you haven't manually edited.

To clear unmodified auto-captured entries:

  1. In your experience's localization page, click Settings.

  2. Select which time period you would like to clear strings from in the dropdown list. This clears all entries that were auto-captured from the specified time period.

  3. Click the Clear button.

Manually remove source content

You can also remove entries manually. This is recommended if you have specific entries you want to remove or if the entries you want to remove were manually modified in any way, such as content that is added manually or ATC entries that have been manually edited.

To remove source content through the localization table on Creator Dashboard:

  1. In your experience's localization page, click the Translate button on the top right.

  2. Select Game Strings.

  3. Click the entry you would like to remove in the Strings column.

  4. Click the trash can icon to the right of the 'Text to translate' section.

  5. Click the Delete button in the confirmation dialog.

To remove source content through a .csv upload:

  1. In Roblox Studio, navigate to the Plugins tab.
  2. In the Localization section, select Tools.
  3. In the Cloud Localization Table section, select Download to save the .csv.
  4. Open the .csv in your preferred spreadsheet editor.
  5. Delete the entire row for any entries you would like to remove, and save.
  6. In Studio, in the Cloud Localization Table section, select Update and upload the new .csv file.
  7. Click Confirm on the Confirm Upload prompt to save the new entry to the cloud localization table.

Add translations

You can add translations to source entries on your experience's localization table using the translator portal or with a .csv file upload.

In some cases, strings may require real-time translation during gameplay, such as a timer, using units of measurement, or when displaying player names. You can add translation parameters to the localization table as placeholders for this type of content. See Translate dynamic content for implementation details.

In Translator Portal

Your experience's Translator Portal provides a direct way to provide translations for the collected strings. Users added as translators for your experience can access the Translator Portal.

Add string translations

To translate text through the localization page:

  1. In the localization settings page, click the Translate button on the top right.

  2. In the Target Languages menu on the left, select the target language you want to add a translation to.

  3. Select the Strings tab at the top of the page.

  4. In the Strings column, select the string you intend to translate.

  5. In the Text to translate field, input the desired translation and click Save.

Add experience information translations

You can modify experience information, such as the name, description, icon, and thumbnails, by updating the localization table:

  1. In the localization settings page, click the Translate button on the top right.

  2. In the Target Languages menu on the left, select the target language you want to add a translation to.

  3. Select the Information tab at the top of the page.

    1. For Name and Description fields, input the desired translation and click Save.

    2. For Icon and Thumbnails, use the Upload or Remove buttons to modify your localized images. You can upload up to 10 thumbnails per experience. When complete, click Save.

Add experience product translations

You can modify experience product details, such as developer products, game passes, and badges:

  1. In the localization settings page, click the Translate button on the top right.

  2. In the Target Languages menu on the left, select the target language you want to add a translation to.

  3. Select the Products tab at the top of the page.

  4. Input the desired translations for your experience product and click Save.

With file upload

Using Studio or Creator Hub, you can download, modify, and re-upload your localization table as a .csv spreadsheet. This is helpful when editing several translations at a time or when collaborating with translators outside of Roblox.

Using the file upload process, you can only modify in-experience string entries and translations. Unlike editing translations through your Translator Portal, modifying the .csv allows you to edit the additional Key, Context, and Example fields.

When modifying or adding translations with file upload, the following behavior applies to brand new or existing entries:

Does the entry already exist in the Cloud Localization Table?Changes made to CSVExpected behavior on upload
NoSource string row added with one or more translationsEntry is added, any translations present are added as a manual translation entry. Any translations missing for supported languages are eligible for automatic translation.
NoSource string row added without translationsEntry is added and is eligible for automatic translation.
YesTranslation added or modified.If the translation is different than the one in the existing Cloud Localization Table, translation updates to the one in the .csv file.

If the original translation was automatically generated, the new translation is added and locked as a manual translation. You can regenerate automatic translation for this entry by unlocking the entry in Translator Portal.
YesTranslation entry for a source string removed.Translation is deleted and locked as a manual translation. You can regenerate automatic translation for this entry by unlocking the entry in Translator Portal.
YesSource string removedNo change - entry will not be deleted.

To delete an entry through .csv, either:
— In Creator Hub, use Delete Table and then Upload CSV.
— In Studio, use Advanced > Replace in the Cloud Localization Table section.

With Creator Hub

To translate text using the .csv in Creator Hub:

  1. In the Creator Hub, navigate to your experience settings page.
  2. Navigate to Localization and switch to the Table Management tab.
  3. Select Download CSV to save the .csv file locally.
  4. Open the .csv in your preferred spreadsheet editor.
  5. Add translations on the same row as the source text, under the column with the specific country code you are localizing to. Save when finished.
  6. Select Upload CSV and upload the updated .csv.
  7. Click Confirm on the prompt to save the new entries to the cloud localization table.

With Studio

To translate text using the .csv through Studio:

  1. In Studio, navigate to the Plugins tab.

  2. In the Localization section, select Tools.

    Localization tools button indicated in Plugins tab
  3. In the Cloud Localization Table section, select Download to save the .csv.

  4. Open the .csv in your preferred spreadsheet editor.

  5. Add translations on the same row as the source text, under the column with the specific country code you are localizing to. Save when finished.

  6. In the Cloud Localization Table section, select Update and upload the updated .csv.

  7. Click Confirm on the prompt to save the new entries to the cloud localization table.