Roblox uses a distributed physics system in which clients have custody over the physical simulation of objects in their control, typically the player's character and unanchored objects near that character. Additionally, through the use of third party software, exploiters can run arbitrary Lua code on the client to manipulate their client's data model and decompile and view code running on it.
Collectively, this means that a skilled exploiter can potentially execute code to cheat in your game, including:
- Teleporting their own character around the place.
- Firing unsecured RemoteEvents or invoking RemoteFunctions, such as to award themselves items without earning them.
- Adjusting their character's WalkSpeed so that it moves really fast.
While you can implement limited design defenses to catch common attacks, it's highly recommended that you implement more reliable server-side mitigation tactics, as the server is the ultimate authority for any running experience.
Defensive design tactics
Basic design decisions can serve as "first step" security measures to discourage exploits. For example, in a shooter game where players get points for killing other players, an exploiter may create a bunch of bots that teleport to the same place so they can be quickly killed for points. Given this potential exploit, consider two approaches and their predictable outcome:
Approach | Predictable outcome |
Chase down bots by writing code that attempts to detect them. | |
Reduce or outright remove point gains for kills on newly spawned players. |
While defensive design obviously isn't a perfect or comprehensive solution, it can contribute to a broader security approach, along with server-side mitigation.
Server-side mitigation
As much as possible, the server should cast the final verdict on what is "true" and what the current state of the world is. Clients can, of course, request the server to make changes or perform an action, but the server should validate and approve each of these changes/actions before the results are replicated to other players.
With the exception of certain physics operations, changes to the data model on the client do not replicate to the server, so the main attack path is often via the network events you've declared with RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions. Remember that an exploiter running their own code on your client can invoke these with whatever data they want.
Remote runtime type validation
One attack path is for an exploiter to invoke RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions with arguments of the incorrect type. In some scenarios, this may cause code on the server listening to these remotes to error in a way that's advantageous to the exploiter.
When using remote events/functions, you can prevent this type of attack by validating the types of passed arguments on the server. The module "t", available here, is useful for type checking in this manner. For example, assuming the module's code exists as a ModuleScript named t inside ReplicatedStorage:
LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")local remoteFunction = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteFunctionTest")-- Pass part color and position when invoking the functionlocal newPart = remoteFunction:InvokeServer(Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 50),, 25, 0))if newPart thenprint("The server created the requested part:", newPart)elseif newPart == false thenprint("The server denied the request. No part was created.")end
Script in ServerScriptService
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local remoteFunction = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteFunctionTest")
local t = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("t"))
-- Create type validator in advance to avoid unnecessary overhead
local createPartTypeValidator = t.tuple(t.instanceIsA("Player"), t.Color3, t.Vector3)
-- Create new part with the passed properties
local function createPart(player, partColor, partPosition)
-- Type check the passed arguments
if not createPartTypeValidator(player, partColor, partPosition) then
-- Silently return "false" if type check fails here
-- Raising an error without a cooldown can be abused to bog down the server
-- Provide client feedback instead!
return false
print(player.Name .. " requested a new part")
local newPart ="Part")
newPart.Color = partColor
newPart.Position = partPosition
newPart.Parent = Workspace
return newPart
-- Bind "createPart()" to the remote function's callback
remoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = createPart
Data validation
Another attack that exploiters might launch is to send technically valid types but make them extremely large, long, or otherwise malformed. For example, if the server has to perform an expensive operation on a string that scales with length, an exploiter could send an incredibly large or malformed string to bog down the server.
Similarly, both inf and NaN will type() as number, but both can cause major issues if an exploiter sends them and they're not handled correctly through functions such as the following:
local function isNaN(n: number): boolean
-- NaN is never equal to itself
return n ~= n
local function isInf(n: number): boolean
-- Number could be -inf or inf
return math.abs(n) == math.huge
Another common attack that exploiters may use involves sending tables in place of an Instance. Complex payloads can mimic what would be an otherwise ordinary object reference.
For example, provided with an in-experience shop system where item data like prices are stored in NumberValue objects, an exploiter may circumvent all other checks by doing the following:
LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")local itemDataFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ItemData")local buyItemEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BuyItemEvent")local payload = {Name = "Ultra Blade",ClassName = "Folder",Parent = itemDataFolder,Price = {Name = "Price",ClassName = "NumberValue",Value = 0, -- Negative values could also be used, resulting in giving currency rather than taking it!},}-- Send malicious payload to the server (this will be rejected)print(buyItemEvent:InvokeServer(payload)) -- Outputs "false Invalid item provided"-- Send a real item to the server (this will go through!)print(buyItemEvent:InvokeServer(itemDatafolder["Real Blade"])) -- Outputs "true" and remaining currency if purchase succeeds
Script in ServerScriptService
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local itemDataFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ItemData")
local buyItemEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BuyItemEvent")
local function buyItem(player, item)
-- Check if the passed item isn't spoofed and is in the ItemData folder
if typeof(item) ~= "Instance" or not item:IsDescendantOf(itemDataFolder) then
return false, "Invalid item provided"
-- The server can then go on to process the purchase based on the example flow below
-- Bind "buyItem()" to the remote function's callback
buyItemEvent.OnServerInvoke = buyItem
Value validation
In addition to validating types and data, you should validate the values passed through RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions, ensuring they are valid and logical in the context being requested. Two common examples are an in-experience shop and a weapon targeting system.
In-experience shop
Consider an in-experience shop system with a user interface, for instance a product selection menu with a "Buy" button. When the button is pressed, you can invoke a RemoteFunction between the client and the server to request the purchase. However, it's important that the server, the most reliable manager of the experience, confirms that the user has enough money to buy the item.

Weapon targeting
Combat scenarios warrant special attention on validating values, particularly through aiming and hit validation.
Imagine a game where a player can fire a laser beam at another player. Rather than the client telling the server who to damage, it should instead tell the server the origin position of the shot and the part/position it thinks it has hit. The server can then validate the following:
- The position the client reports shooting from is near the player's character on the server. Note that the server and client will differ slightly due to latency, so extra tolerance will need to be applied.
- The position the client reports hitting is reasonably close to the position of the part the client reports hitting, on the server.
- There are no static obstructions between the position the client reports shooting from and the position the client reports shooting to. This check ensures a client isn't attempting to shoot through walls. Note that this should only check static geometry to avoid valid shots being rejected due to latency.
Additionally, you may want to implement further server-side validations as follows:
- Track when the player last fired their weapon and validate to ensure they're not shooting too fast.
- Track each player's ammo amount on the server and confirm that a firing player has enough ammo to execute the weapon attack.
- If you've implemented teams or a "players against bots" combat system, confirm that the hit character is an enemy, not a teammate.
- Confirm that the hit player is alive.
- Store weapon and player state on the server and confirm that a firing player is not blocked by a current action such as reloading or a state like sprinting.
Data store manipulation
In experiences using DataStoreService to save player data, exploiters may take advantage of invalid data, and more obscure methods, to prevent a DataStore from saving properly. This can be especially abused in experiences with item trading, marketplaces, and similar systems where items or currency leave a player's inventory.
Ensure that any actions performed through a RemoteEvent or RemoteFunction that affect player data with client input is sanitized based on the following:
- Instance values cannot be serialized into a DataStore and will fail. Utilize type validation to prevent this.
- DataStores have data limits. Strings of arbitrary length should be checked and/or capped to avoid this, alongside ensuring limitless arbitrary keys cannot be added to tables by the client.
- Table indices cannot be NaN or nil. Iterate over all tables passed by the client and verify all indices are valid.
- DataStores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters, so you should sanitize all strings provided by the client via utf8.len() to ensure they are valid. utf8.len() will return the length of a string, treating unicode characters as a single character; if an invalid UTF-8 character is encountered it will return nil and the position of the invalid character. Note that invalid UTF-8 strings can also be present in tables as keys and values.
Remote throttling
If a client is able to make your server complete a computationally expensive operation, or access a rate-limited service like DataStoreService via a RemoteEvent, it's critical that you implement rate limiting to ensure the operation is not called too frequently. Rate limiting can be implemented by tracking when the client last invoked a remote event and rejecting the next request if it's called too soon.
Movement validation
For competitive experiences, you may wish to validate player character movements on the server to ensure they aren't teleporting around the map or moving faster than acceptable.
In increments of 1 second, check the character's new location against a previously cached location.
Compare the actual distance delta against the tolerable delta and proceed as follows:
- For a tolerable delta, cache the character's new location in preparation for the next incremented check.
- For an unexpected or intolerable delta (potential speed/teleport exploit):
- Increment a separate "number of offenses" value for the player, versus penalizing them for a "false positive" resulting from extreme server latency or other non-exploit factors.
- If a large number of offenses occur over a period of 30-60 seconds, Kick() the player from the experience entirely; otherwise, reset the "number of offenses" count. Note that when kicking a player for cheating, it's best practice to record the event so you can keep track of how many players are impacted.