说明 | 状态 |
Fixes some issues with assigning tables in Luau’s New Type Solver where optional fields were mistakenly required. | Pending |
Adds a field to DataModel called MatchmakingType and a corresponding enum with the following values: Default, XboxOnly, and PlayStationOnly. | Pending |
When you set a custom icon theme, StudioService:GetClassIcon() now returns your custom icons within the New Explorer Beta. | Pending |
Overhauls the handling of scrolling in the Roblox engine so that scroll deltas are no longer always integers. | Pending |
Adds the Lock button and Anchor tool button to the new Ribbon in Next Gen Studio Preview. | Pending |
说明 | 状态 |
Fixes a bug where an animation assetID would sometimes overlap the copy button in the post-publish pop-up window. | Live |
Luau require expressions now support arguments containing () or typeof type annotations containing a resolvable instance path. | Live |
WrapDeformer now respects its CageOrigin property rather than using the position of its sibling WrapTarget. | Pending |
Fixes a crash that would occur when an avatar rig contained legacy clothing alongside layered clothing without a SurfaceAppearance object. | Pending |
Fixes bug where parts of the rig in the IK chain of IKControl have incorrect scale and offset when ScaleTo is called on the model. | Pending |
Fixes a New Explorer Beta bug where inserted services didn't become visible in the Explorer window. | Pending |
Fixes a Next Gen Studio Preview bug where the command bar would hide when opening a script. | Pending |