Reporting and billing

Use the reporting and billing tools in the Ads Manager to effectively manage your ad campaigns.


The ads reporting tool provides the information necessary to manage ad campaigns at the campaign, the ad set, and the individual ad level. This allows you to evaluate campaign performance, optimize strategies, and reach your campaign objectives.

Ads Manager provides accurate and transparent reporting through the use of click-based attribution for conversion tracking.

  • Ad campaign reports offer insights into overall campaign effectiveness and enable you to compare and optimize various campaigns you have running at the same time. The campaign report level provides a holistic view of performance, guiding budget allocation and strategy adjustments.
  • Ad set reports highlight targeting and budget effectiveness and enable you to make adjustments to improve audience engagement. The ad set report level provides information on how to optimize ads for specific audiences.
  • Individual ad reports assess creative impact and help guide design improvements.

Ad campaign reports

Reporting columnDefinition
NameThe name of the ad campaign.
Off/onA toggle indicating if the ad campaign is active, paused, or disabled.
StatusThe status of the ad campaign.
SpentThe total amount of USD or ad credit you have spent on the selected campaign.
ImpressionsImage impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 1 second, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the image ad pixels visible.

Video impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 0.5 seconds, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the video ad pixels visible.
Cost-per-mille (CPM)The cost of 1,000 impressions of your ad.
ClicksThe number of times users clicked on your ad on the Home and Search pages.
Click-through rate (CTR)Percentage calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and multiplying by 100.
Cost-per-play (CPP)The average cost incurred for each play, calculated by dividing the total campaign cost by the number of plays.
PlaysThe number of times users entered your experience.
Play ratePercentage calculated by dividing the number of plays by the number of impressions.
BudgetThe amount of money allocated for this ad campaign, on a daily or lifetime timeframe.
ObjectiveThe campaign objective between awareness or visits.
ScheduleThe campaign run time.
Payment methodThe method used to pay for your advertising campaign, categorized as either card or ad credit.

Ad set reports

Reporting columnDefinition
NameThe name of the ad set.
Off/onA toggle indicating if the ad campaign is active, paused, or disabled.
StatusThe status of the ad set.
CampaignThe campaign the ad set belongs to.
Max bidThe maximum bid amount set for ad auction, shown in either USD or ad credit.
SpentThe total amount of USD or ad credit you have spent.
ImpressionsImage impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 1 second, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the image ad pixels visible.

Video impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 0.5 seconds, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the video ad pixels visible.
Cost-per-mille (CPM)The cost of 1,000 impressions of your ad.
ClicksThe number of times users clicked on your ad on the Home and Search pages.
Cost-per-click (CPC)The cost for each click on your ad on the Home and Search pages.
Click-through rate (CTR)Percentage calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and multiplying by 100.
PlaysThe number of times users entered your experience.
Play ratePercentage calculated by dividing the number of plays by the number of impressions.
Cost-per-play (CPP)The average cost incurred for each play, calculated by dividing the total campaign cost by the number of plays.

Individual ad reports

Reporting columnDefinition
NameThe name of the ad.
Off/OnA toggle indicating if the ad campaign is active, paused, or disabled.
StatusThe status of the individual ad.
Ad setThe ad set the individual ad belongs to.
Ad formatWhether the ad is an image or a portal ad.
SpentThe total amount of USD or ad credit you have spent.
ImpressionsImage impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 1 second, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the image ad pixels visible.

Video impression: the user looked at the ad for at least 0.5 seconds, the ad occupied 1.5% of the viewport, and was viewed at an angle of up to 55 degrees with at least 50% of the video ad pixels visible.
Cost-per-mille (CPM)The cost of 1,000 impressions of your ad.
ClicksThe number of times users clicked on your ad on the Home and Search pages.
PlaysThe number of times users entered your experience.
Play ratePercentage calculated by dividing the number of plays by the number of impressions.
Cost-per-play (CPP)The average cost incurred for each play, calculated by dividing the total campaign cost by the number of plays.

Delivery columns

The delivery column of the Ads Manager defines the status of your campaign, ad set, or individual ad.

  • The ad campaign status offers a valuable overview of the campaign's overall progress, helping you identify and optimize active, underperforming, or completed campaigns for better results.
  • The ad set status highlights the performance of each ad set in terms of targeting and budget allocation, enabling you to fine-tune your strategies for improved audience engagement and to reach your campaign objectives.
  • The individual ad status provides insights into the delivery status of each individual ad, allowing you to monitor their effectiveness and note any dependencies on their parent ad sets or campaigns.

Ad campaign status

Delivery statusDefinition
ActiveThe campaign is running normally, or your campaign contains at least one ad running normally.
PausedThe campaign is not delivering because it's toggled off.
ScheduledThe campaign start date is set in the future and will turn on at the scheduled time.
InactiveThere are no delivering ad sets within the campaign. This could mean that no ad sets have been created within the campaign, all ad sets or ads are paused, or a combination of the two. Looking at the Ad Sets or Ads tab will help determine why they are not delivering.
ErrorTechnical error. Contact support.
CompletedThe campaign is no longer running because the scheduled end date has passed.

Ad set status

Delivery statusDefinition
ActiveThe ad set is running normally, or your ad set contains at least one ad running normally.
PausedThe ad set is not delivering because it's toggled off.
ScheduledThe ad set start date is set in the future and will turn on at the scheduled time.
InactiveThere are no delivering ads within the ad set. This could mean that no ads have been created within the ad set, ads are paused, or have been rejected. Looking at the Ads tab will help determine why they are not delivering.
ErrorTechnical error. Contact support.
CompletedThe ad set is no longer running because the scheduled end date has passed.

Individual ad status

Delivery statusDefinition
ActiveThe ad is running normally, or your campaign or ad set contain at least one individual ad running normally.
RejectedThe ad can't run because it doesn't comply with the Roblox advertising standards.
In reviewThe ad is in review to make sure it complies with the advertising standards. Following this review, your ad will become active and begin running as scheduled.
PausedThe individual ad is not delivering because it's toggled off, or the individual ad is toggled on but the parent campaign or ad set isn't active.
ErrorTechnical error. Contact support.
CompletedThe individual ad is no longer running because the scheduled end date has passed.


The ads billing tool charges you for ad placements on Roblox using the payment method you have on file. To view billing information, go to Billing Center > Payment Activity.

Credit and debit cards

You can get charged at two different points when you use a credit or debit card:

  • When you reach your payment threshold
  • On the first of the month if the payment threshold isn't reached

The ad spend daily limit of credit and debit cards is $300 USD.

The payment threshold for Roblox advertisers is $100 USD. Whenever an advertiser account accrues a balance of $100 through advertising on Roblox, the payment method on file is charged. If the payment threshold is not reached by the end of the month, the remaining outstanding balance is paid instead.

For example, if your account reaches the $100 payment threshold on May 7th due to their campaign parameters, your payment method gets charged $100 on May 7th. If you accrue less than $100, your payment method gets charged the amount at the monthly billing cycle's close.

Ad credits

Campaigns using ad credit are settled at the end of the campaign at the end date. Any unused ad credits are refunded to their ad credit balance within 24-48 hours after the campaign ends. Ad credits are never refunded to Robux.

There is no daily spend limit when using ad credits.

For example, if you set a 100 ad credit campaign to run from 8/1 to 8/7, 100 ad credits are debited from your account. But if the campaign has only spent 75 ad credits by the end, the remaining 25 credits are refunded in ad credits.

The following are ad credit-related activities:

  • Purchased Ad Credit: Transactions related to converting Robux into ad credit. This transparent categorization makes sure that you can easily track your ad credit acquisition.
  • Funded: Ad credit allocated towards a campaign. Tracking this allocation allows you to monitor your campaign budget and spending.
  • Unused: Ad credit allocated to a specific campaign but not used, which is returned on the campaign end date. This feature makes sure that your ad credits are used efficiently and returned when appropriate.
  • Ad Fraud Refund: Any refunds applied back to your account. Refunds credited for a specific campaign remain locked to that campaign, not credited at the account level.

Ad fraud protection

Roblox uses advanced detection methods for bots and other fraudulent activities to make sure that you don't pay for fraudulent traffic, and regularly adjusts billing and reporting to safeguard their interests. After 14 days from the campaign end date, campaigns are analyzed for fraudulent traffic, and transaction amounts are refunded accordingly. If invalid traffic is detected, refunds are applied 16 days after the campaign end date. This proactive approach helps maintain the integrity of your campaigns and ensures fair spending.

Accounts responsible for ad fraud have their accounts suspended to prevent ongoing abuse. In addition, Roblox might suspend ad campaigns or advertiser accounts for non-payment of services properly rendered. Roblox expects you to act with integrity and follow the advertising standards.