To setup the Battle Royale experience, you must download Studio and the project reference files.
Additional configuration of the place IDs, server, and publishing settings are also required before continuing on to running the game.
Reference files consists of easily accessible .rbxl files which you can open in Roblox Studio and experiment with immediately.
Name | Description |
Lobby.rbxl | Entrance lobby where players choose the game mode. |
Gameplay.rbxl | Where the battle match takes place. |
Queue.rbxl | Queue place where players gather before being teleported to battle map. |
Create a new game
Roblox Battle Royale must be structured as a game with six unique places. To begin:
Open Lobby.rbxl in Roblox Studio.
Select File → Publish As… to open the publishing window.
Near the bottom of the window, click Create new game….
Type in Lobby for the place name.
For the Creator field, select "Me" to publish the place to your personal account, or select a group.
When ready, click the Create button.
Add additional places
Once the lobby place is published, you'll need to add five additional places to the game:
If it's not already visible, open the Asset Manager window (View → Asset Manager).
Double-click the Places folder.
Right-click in any empty region of the window (not over a place name/tile) and select Add New Place. Repeat this a total of five times so that you have six places.
Right-click each of the new places, select Rename, and name them as follows:
Publish the game again (File → Publish to Roblox).
Copy and paste place IDs
Each place must be cross-associated so that players can teleport from the lobby to various play mode queues and vice-versa. To achieve this, you'll need to gather the place IDs of the places you created above.
In the Asset Manager window, right-click Lobby and select Copy ID to Clipboard.
If it's not already visible, open the Explorer window (View → Explorer).
Open the MainConfiguration script within ReplicatedFirst → Configurations.
Locate the _places table and paste the copied ID from step #1 as the value of the lobby key.
Lobby-MainConfigurationlocal ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local isServer = RunService:IsServer()local ConfigEvent = nillocal _placeOverrides = {}local _overrides = {}----- List of named places in the gamelocal _places = {lobby = 0123456789,gameplay_development = 0,queue_default = 0,queue_deathmatch = 0,queue_teamDeathmatch = 0,queue_freePlay = 0}---Repeat the Copy ID to Clipboard process for the other five places and paste them into the associated _places table key value.
Place Table key Lobby lobby Gameplay gameplay_development Queue (Default) queue_default Queue (Deathmatch) queue_deathmatch Queue (Team Deathmatch) queue_teamDeathmatch Queue (Free Play) queue_freePlay -- List of named places in the gamelocal _places = {lobby = 0123456789,gameplay_development = 0987654321,queue_default = 0123459876,queue_deathmatch = 0987651234,queue_teamDeathmatch = 0132457689,queue_freePlay = 0678912345}Publish the game again (File → Publish to Roblox).
Adjust server fill
By default, Roblox balances players/servers for an optimal social gameplay experience, but a battle royale should allow for bigger and more intense battles. To achieve this:
Click on the Game Settings button from the Home tab.
Select the Places tab.
For each of the six places, click the button and select Edit.
For Server Fill, select Maximum.
Click Save at the bottom of the window.
Publish additional places
Now you'll need to open the remaining .rbxl files from the downloaded bundle, modify their _places tables, and publish them.
Copy places table
- Refer to the _places table in the lobby's MainConfiguration script:
---------------------------------------- List of named places in the gamelocal _places = {lobby = 0123456789,gameplay_development = 0987654321,queue_default = 0123459876,queue_deathmatch = 0987651234,queue_teamDeathmatch = 0132457689,queue_freePlay = 0678912345}--------------------------------------
Select the entire table and copy it to the clipboard with CtrlC (⌘C on Mac).
Close the lobby place by clicking the X in its tab.
Replace tables
Open the Gameplay.rbxl file.
Open its MainConfiguration script within ReplicatedFirst → Configurations.
Paste the _places table you copied above over the existing _places table (CtrlV; ⌘V) so that each place's tables are identical.
---------------------------------------- List of named places in the gamelocal _places = {lobby = 0123456789,gameplay_development = 0987654321,queue_default = 0123459876,queue_deathmatch = 0987651234,queue_teamDeathmatch = 0132457689,queue_freePlay = 0678912345}--------------------------------------Select File → Publish As… to open the publishing window.
Near the bottom of the window, click Update existing game….
Locate and click the Lobby place that you published earlier.
On the next screen, you should see a list of the places you added earlier. From the list, select the Gameplay place and click the Overwrite button.
Once the place is published, close it by clicking the X in its tab.
Open the Queue.rbxl file and repeat this process, using File → Publish As… to publish it to all four queue places. Essentially, Queue.rbxl should be published to the Queue (Default), Queue (Deathmatch), Queue (Team Deathmatch), and Queue (Free Play) slots.
File Publish Slot Lobby.rbxl Lobby Gameplay.rbxl Gameplay Queue.rbxl Queue (Default) Queue.rbxl Queue (Deathmatch) Queue.rbxl Queue (Team Deathmatch) Queue.rbxl Queue (Free Play)