Spawning and Respawning

Spawning is the process of creating an object or character in an experience, and respawning is the process of adding an object or character back into an experience after they meet a removal condition, such as a character's health reaching zero or falling off the map. Both processes are important because they ensure players are able to join your experience, and can continue playing to improve their skills.

Using the sample laser tag experience as a reference, this section of the tutorial teaches you how to use and customize Roblox's built-in features to handle spawning and respawning, including scripting guidance on:

  • Configuring spawn locations so that players can only spawn into their team's spawn zone.
  • Adding new players and their character to the round as they join the experience.
  • Customizing force fields that prevent damage as players spawn and respawn.
  • Handling client state so gameplay works correctly at the appropriate time.
  • Respawning characters after they are tagged out of the round.
  • Performing small, miscellaneous actions that are crucial for setting gameplay and character parameters.

This section includes plenty of scripting content, but instead of writing everything from scratch when creating an experience, it encourages you to leverage existing components, rapidly iterate, and figure out which systems need a custom implementation to match your vision. After you complete this section, you will learn how to implement round-based gameplay that tracks points, monitors player state, and displays round results.

Configure Spawn Locations

If you were to playtest the experience right now, all players would randomly spawn at either the SpawnLocation object in the green team's spawn zone, or the SpawnLocation object in the pink team's spawn zone. This presents a gameplay issue where players could tag each other within each spawn zone as soon as their opponent's force field disappears.

To combat this problem, the sample laser tag experience configures both spawn locations with a Neutral property set to false to restrict the opposing team's players from spawning in the wrong spawn zone, and a TeamColor property set to the corresponding Team.Color value from Assign Team Colors in the previous section of the tutorial:

  • TeamASpawn – The spawn location in the green team's spawn zone with a TeamColor property set to Mint.
  • TeamBSpawn – The spawn location in the pink team's spawn zone with a TeamColor property set to Carnation Pink.

When a player joins the experience, ServerScriptService > Gameplay > Rounds > spawnPlayersInMap checks to see how many players are already on each team, then returns the team with the least amount of players.


local function getSmallestTeam(): Team
local teams = Teams:GetTeams()
-- Sort teams in ascending order from smallest to largest
table.sort(teams, function(teamA: Team, teamB: Team)
return #teamA:GetPlayers() < #teamB:GetPlayers()
-- Return the smallest team
return teams[1]

Once it knows the team with the least amount of players, it sorts the player into that team, sets their Player.Neutral property to false so the player can only spawn and respawn to their team's spawn location, then sets their PlayerState to SelectingBlaster, which you'll learn more about later in the tutorial.


local function spawnPlayersInMap(players: { Player })
for _, player in players do
player.Team = getSmallestTeam()
player.Neutral = false
player:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.playerState, PlayerState.SelectingBlaster)

If you examine Workspace > World > Map > Spawns, you can see that there is one more spawn location in the map: NeutralSpawn. This spawn location is unique from the others because it doesn't have a TeamColor property set to one of the two teams in the experience; instead, this spawn location has a Neutral property that changes depending on if a round is active.

For example, if the round is active, the Neutral property sets to false so spawnPlayersInMap can sort players into teams and spawn them into the arena. However, if the round isn't active, such as the time between one round and the next, the Neutral property sets to true so players can spawn there regardless of their team status. This process is what makes the Neutral spawn location a functional lobby.


To demonstrate, if you examine ServerScriptService > Gameplay > Rounds > SpawnPlayersInLobby, which runs at the end of a round, you can see that for every player that is passed into the players: { Player } table, the script:

  • Sets their Player.Neutral property to true to automatically reset their Player.Team to nil, allowing the player to respawn in the lobby when a round isn't active, as the spawn location's Neutral property is also set to true.
  • Changes their PlayerState to InLobby to remove the player's blaster and first-person UI visuals.

For more information on the neutral spawn zone and its functionality for each round, see Adding Rounds in the next section of the tutorial.


local function spawnPlayersInLobby(players: { Player })
for _, player in players do
player.Neutral = true
player:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.playerState, PlayerState.InLobby)

Connect New Players

Luau code in Studio is often event-driven, meaning that scripts listen for events from a Roblox service, then call a function in response. For example, when adding new players to a multiplayer experience, there must be an event that handles everything necessary for players to connect successfully. In the sample laser tag experience, this corresponding event is Players.PlayerAdded:Connect.

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect is a part of multiple scripts in the experience. If you use the Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+F shortcut and search for Players.PlayerAdded:Connect, the results provide a good starting point for understanding the experience's initial setup.

Studio's Find All window with the Players.PlayerAdded results highlighted.

To demonstrate, open ServerScriptService > SetupHumanoid. The distinction between Player and Character is key to understanding this script:

  • A player is a connected client, and a character is a Humanoid model.
  • Players need to choose a blaster and be added to the leaderboard. Characters need to spawn and receive a blaster.

SetupHumanoid immediately checks if the player has a character (just joined) or doesn't (is respawning). After it finds one, it calls onCharacterAdded(), gets the Humanoid model from the character, and passes it to ServerScriptService > SetupHumanoid > setupHumanoidAsync for customization. After setting these values, the script then waits for the character's health to reach zero. You will learn more about respawning later in this section of the tutorial.


local function setupHumanoidAsync(player: Player, humanoid: Humanoid)
humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.Subject
humanoid.NameDisplayDistance = 1000
humanoid.HealthDisplayDistance = 1000
humanoid.NameOcclusion = Enum.NameOcclusion.OccludeAll
humanoid.HealthDisplayType = Enum.HumanoidHealthDisplayType.AlwaysOn
humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
onHumanoidDied(player, humanoid)

The important note with this script is that the properties are completely optional, meaning that if you remove the first six lines of the function, the experience still works properly. Rather than being functional requirements, each property allows you to make design decisions that meet your gameplay goals. For example:

If you change the values of these properties, it's important to playtest so that you can see the impact of your new settings. You can recreate what players experience in a multiplayer environment by selecting at least two characters in the Clients and Servers section of the Test tab.

Studio's Test tab with the the players dropdown highlighted. This setting needs to be at least two players to see the impact of your new settings.

Another example of the Players.PlayerAdded:Connect event is in ServerScriptService > PlayerStateHandler. Just like in the previous example, PlayerStateHandler immediately checks for a character. If the player isn't in the lobby, the script sets a player attribute to the SelectingBlaster state, the initial state for a round in which players can select from one of two different blaster types after spawning into the arena. This state also includes a force field that prevents players from taking damage while they're making their selection.


local function onPlayerAdded(player: Player)
if not player.Neutral then
player:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.playerState, PlayerState.SelectingBlaster)
onPlayerStateChanged(player, PlayerState.SelectingBlaster)

One particular variable in PlayerStateHandler warrants discussion: attributeChangedConnectionByPlayer. This table stores all players and their Connections to the GetAttributeChangedSignal. The reason for storing this connection in a table is so that PlayerStateHandler can disconnect it when the player leaves the experience. This process serves as a sort of memory management to prevent the number of connections from growing ever-larger over time.


local attributeChangedConnectionByPlayer = {}
local function onPlayerAdded(player: Player)
-- Handle all future updates to player state
attributeChangedConnectionByPlayer[player] = player
local newPlayerState = player:GetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.playerState)
onPlayerStateChanged(player, newPlayerState)
-- Disconnect from the attribute changed connection when the player leaves
local function onPlayerRemoving(player: Player)
if attributeChangedConnectionByPlayer[player] then
attributeChangedConnectionByPlayer[player] = nil

You can see that both connected functions in onPlayerAdded() call onPlayerStateChanged(). During initial setup after a player sorts into a team, onPlayerAdded() sets PlayerState to SelectingBlaster, so the first if statement evaluates to false and disables the BlasterState. In the later Implementing Blasters section of the tutorial, you will learn more details about this process.


local function onPlayerStateChanged(player: Player, newPlayerState: string)
-- Blaster state is 'Ready' only if player state is 'Playing'
local newBlasterState = if newPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing then BlasterState.Ready else BlasterState.Disabled
-- Schedule the destroy force field logic when the player begins playing
if newPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing then
player:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.blasterStateServer, newBlasterState)

If you add breakpoints or even just a print() statement, you can see that onPlayerStateChanged() gets called frequently throughout the experience: such as during initial setup of a round, to set itself on the main code path, after the player chooses a blaster, and when the player returns to the lobby, or the Neutral spawn location. Furthermore, after the player chooses a blaster, ServerScriptService > BlasterSelectedHandler sets the PlayerState to Playing, and PlayerStateHandler can finally remove the force field by calling scheduleDestroyForceField().

Customize Force Fields

Instead of using a custom implementation, the sample laser tag experience uses Studio's built-in ForceField class to prevent players from taking damage while they're selecting their blaster. This ensures that the only requirement for players to spawn with a force field is to include spawn locations with a SpawnLocation.Duration property that is greater than 0. The sample uses an arbitrary value of 9,999 to enable force fields, then handles the actual duration programmatically in ReplicatedStorage > ForceFieldClientVisuals.

Similar to setupHumanoidAsync, most of the lines in ForceFieldClientVisuals are optional. For example, if you comment out the contents of the function like the following script does, the experience uses the default sparkling force field instead of the hexagonal script in StarterGui > ForceFieldGui.

Commenting Out Properties in ForceFieldClientVisuals

local function onCharacterAddedAsync(character: Model)
-- local forceField = character:WaitForChild("ForceField", 3)
-- if not forceField then
-- return
-- end
-- forceField.Visible = false
-- localPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ForceFieldGui").Enabled = true
-- forceField.Destroying:Wait()
-- localPlayer.PlayerGui.ForceFieldGui.Enabled = false

Because the custom force field is a GUI rather than a new ParticleEmitter, the ForceFieldClientVisuals script only affects the first-person visuals for each player, not third-person visuals when players look at other players. Third-person visuals retain the default Roblox appearance. For more information on modifying force fields, see ForceField.Visible.

First-person force field visuals include a futuristic hexagonal grid on the perimeter of the screen.
First-person force field visuals
Third-person force field visuals include a blue sparkling orb around the player spawning into the experience.
Third-person force field visuals

Force fields are useful because they provide players enough time to between spawning and respawning without needing to worry about enemy players, but eventually they need to disappear for the main laser tag gameplay. The script that handles force field removal is in ReplicatedStorage > scheduleDestroyForceField, and it checks for three unique conditions:

  • After players select a blaster, force fields need to last long enough to allow players to acclimate to their surroundings.
  • During this acclimation time, force fields can't be an advantage, so they need to disappear the moment a player blasts their blaster.
  • Force fields need to disappear when players reset their characters either before blasting or before the force field times out.

Each of these checks in the scheduleDestroyForceField script call endForceField() for these conditions.


-- End force field if player blasts
local blasterStateAttribute = getBlasterStateAttribute()
attributeChangedConnection = player:GetAttributeChangedSignal(blasterStateAttribute):Connect(function()
local currentBlasterState = player:GetAttribute(blasterStateAttribute)
if currentBlasterState == BlasterState.Blasting then
-- End force field if player resets
characterRespawnedConnection = player.CharacterRemoving:Connect(endForceField)
-- End force field after 8 seconds
task.delay(MAX_FORCE_FIELD_TIME, endForceField)

endForceField() includes a seemingly odd if statement around the forceFieldEnded boolean. Because the checks run sequentially, the script can call the endForceField() function two or even three times. The forceFieldEnded boolean ensures that the function only tries to destroy a force field once.


local function endForceField()
if forceFieldEnded then
forceFieldEnded = true

Handle Client State

While most of this section focuses on ServerScriptService > PlayerStateHandler, there's another script of the same name in ReplicatedStorage. The reason for the split is the client-server architecture:

  • The client needs to understand player state information so that it can respond appropriately in real time, such as displaying the right user interface elements, or enabling players to move and blast.

  • The server needs all this same information so that it can prevent exploits. For example, the server also needs player state to perform actions like spawning and equipping characters, disabling force fields, and displaying a leaderboard. This is why this script is in ReplicatedStorage and not a purely client-side location.

To see this core logic, review the following script in ReplicatedStorage > PlayerStateHandler that verifies the user's current state, then calls the appropriate function that handles the corresponding actions for that state.


local function onPlayerStateChanged(newPlayerState: string)
if newPlayerState == PlayerState.SelectingBlaster then
elseif newPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing then
elseif newPlayerState == PlayerState.TaggedOut then
elseif newPlayerState == PlayerState.InLobby then
warn(`Invalid player state ({newPlayerState})`)

All event responses are logically grouped together in this script because they require similar behavior of enabling or disabling player controls, camera movement, and which UI layer is visible. For example, during blaster selection, players need to be both invulnerable and unable to move. The server already handles the force field, but the client handles movement. To demonstrate, if you check the logic for the onSelectingBlaster() function, you can see that the client disables player movement while they're selecting a blaster.


local function onSelectingBlaster()
localPlayer:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.blasterStateClient, BlasterState.Disabled)

The onPlaying() function is similarly straightforward. It enables movement, transitions to the main heads-up display (HUD), enables the blaster, and calls the same force field function as the server.


local function onPlaying()
localPlayer:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.blasterStateClient, BlasterState.Ready)

Respawn Characters

The sample laser tag experience handles respawning character back into a round through the onTaggedOut() state in ReplicatedStorage > PlayerStateHandler. Like the onSelectingBlaster() and onPlaying() state, onTaggedOut() triggers unique behavior according to the changes to the playerState attribute. Specifically, it disables player movement, presents the respawn UI, and disables the blaster.


local function onTaggedOut()
-- Disable controls while tagged out
-- Disable blaster while tagged out
localPlayer:SetAttribute(PlayerAttribute.blasterStateClient, BlasterState.Disabled)

If you want to test this behavior, you can press Esc, navigate to the Settings tab, then click the Reset Character button. Notice that when you trigger the respawn screen, you cannot move, rotate the camera, or blast your blaster.

Roblox's settings menu with the Reset Character button highlighted.
Reset Character Button
The respawn screen displays as a player respawns back into the round.
Respawn Screen

It's important to note that this script doesn't actually respawn characters, it just stops them from acting and provides visual feedback to players that the server is respawning their characters. To demonstrate, if you examine ServerScriptService > SetupHumanoid > setupHumanoidAsync > onHumanoidDied, the script sets PlayerState to TaggedOut (essentially notifying ReplicatedStorage > PlayerStateHandler), and adds some visual indicators. The actual logic of respawning is a built-in Roblox behavior.

When players respawn back into the round, they respawn at their team's spawn location according to the SpawnLocation.TeamColor property. To customize the respawn time, you can add the following line to the top of SetupHumanoid. To learn more about this technique, see Players.RespawnTime.


local Players = game:GetService("Players")
Players.RespawnTime = 10 -- new line, in seconds

Miscellaneous Setup

As part of initial setup, the sample laser tag experience also performs some small, but critical steps:

  • The experience includes an empty script named StarterPlayer > StarterCharacterScripts > Health that disables the default Roblox health regeneration. For an explanation of this property's behavior, see Humanoid.Health.

  • The experience uses a first-person camera by setting the StarterPlayer.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson property. Note that if you want to let users change between first- and third-person cameras, you must change the property programmatically rather than just setting it once in Studio, and modify the controls and UI to compensate for the change in perspective.

  • The experience uses the built-in Roblox leaderboard with the unit of "points", which players earn each time they tag another player out. You can see the configuration in ServerScriptService > SetupLeaderboard, but In-Experience Leaderboards offers a full overview. Note that onPlayerTagged adds points to the leaderboard, which you'll learn about in Adding Rounds and Detecting Hits.

Now that players can spawn, choose a blaster, and aim it from a first-person point of view, the next section teaches you about the scripts behind creating round-based gameplay.