Roblox offers both short and long-form tutorials to help you learn various creation processes and techniques for the platform. There are three common areas of creation:
- Experiences - 3D worlds that you can create and publish using Roblox Studio.
- Avatars - Character models with many specialized features that allow players to interact with experiences and express themselves.
- Avatar items - Clothing and accessories that players can use to customize their avatars.
While many creators focus on a single area, the following tutorials walk you through the fundamentals of each process.
Curriculum paths
Curriculum paths provide a comprehensive overview of the various skills you need for different development areas after you familiarize yourself with Studio's core functionality. In addition to demonstrating how to use Studio features for each creative discipline, this long-form type of structured learning shows you how to examine and solve common design problems within your own experiences.
Use case tutorials
Use case tutorials focus on a specific task that you can complete in order to learn about various aspects of developing in Studio. In addition to teaching you how to use collections of related features to recreate common components for experiences, this short-form type of structured learning highlights techniques you can use to achieve effects for a variety of design requirements.

- Learn how to play positional and non-positional audio for player immersion
- Learn how to integrate different voice chat configurations into your gameplay
- Learn how to assemble modular assets that snap together in numerous configurations

- Learn how to use beams for player hazards
- Learn how to customize particle emitters for explosions
- Learn how to combine VFX objects to emulate real-world physical behavior

- Learn how to combine UI objects with scripts to create a custom health meter
- Learn how to make interactive UI objects hooked to in‑experience behavior and state transitions
- Learn how to create interactive prompts that only appear as players approach 3D objects

- Learn how to move objects to transport players linearly from point A to B
- Learn how to use constraints for mechanical connections, such as door hinges, rope, and welds

- Learn the basics of creating animations using the built-in Animation Editor
- Learn how to swap default avatar animations with your own creations
- Learn how to trigger avatar animations from gameplay interactions

- Learn how to script the gameplay logic for player hazards, such as deadly lava and fading traps

- Learn how to create a first-person camera, side-scrolling camera, or isometric camera to suit your specific gameplay
- Learn how to detect user input to trigger unique actions in your experiences