Add voice chat

Voice chat is a proximity-based chat feature that simulates realistic communication by adjusting the volume of players speaking as they move closer or further from one another in the 3D space. By letting players talk to each other with their microphones, they are able to socialize and strategize together in real time across the globe to complete your experience's objectives.

Using the Gingerbread Island - Voice Chat .rbxl file as a reference, this tutorial shows you how to incorporate different forms of voice chat into your gameplay, including guidance on:

  • Sorting players into teams that can only use voice chat with their teammates.
  • Allowing players to temporarily activate their microphone while they're pushing a specific button on their device.
  • Configuring time periods where voice chat is either enabled or disabled.

As you review the following sections alongside the sample, you can adjust each code sample to better meet the needs of your own voice chat requirements.

Configure settings

In order for team chat, push to chat, or time-based chat to work appropriately, you must configure your voice chat setup to enable voice chat and create the appropriate audio objects necessary for picking up and emitting audio within the 3D environment.

To configure your settings for voice chat:

  1. Allow players to use their microphones.
    1. In the Home tab, click Game Settings to open the Game Settings menu. If the button is disabled, you must first publish your experience to the cloud.

      Game Settings button indicated in Home tab
    2. In the lefthand navigation of the Game Settings menu, navigate to the Communication tab, then toggle Enable Microphone so the selector turns from gray to green.

    3. Publish the place to save your changes.

  2. Configure VoiceChatService so that it creates the necessary audio objects for voice chat.
    1. In the Model tab, navigate to the Advanced Options section, then click Service.

      Advanced options indicated in Model tab
    2. In the pop-up window, select VoiceChatService, then click the Insert button. The new service displays in the Explorer window along with the default services in every project.

    3. In the Explorer window, select VoiceChatService, then in the Properties window, set UseAudioApi to Enabled.

When players join your experience, your voice chat setup now:

The following sections detail three unique voice chat configurations using these settings. As you follow along with the sample Gingerbread Island - Voice Chat place file, you can enable the corresponding disabled script in the Explorer window to test their behavior. To ensure that each one works properly, make sure to disable the script again before moving on to the next configuration.

Disabled scripts in the Explorer window

Add team chat

Team chat is a voice chat configuration in which only players on the same team can speak or hear one another in an experience. Integrating team chat into your gameplay is useful when you want players to collaborate and strategize together to solve problems in the experiences, such as coordinating information for enemy team positions, resources, and assignments.

To recreate the team voice chat in the sample Gingerbread Island - Voice Chat place file:

  1. In the Explorer window, insert a Script into ServerScriptService.

  2. Rename the script TeamChat, then paste the following code into the script:

    local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local redTeam ="Team", Teams)
    redTeam.TeamColor ="Bright red")
    redTeam.AutoAssignable = true
    redTeam.Name = "Red Team"
    local blueTeam ="Team", Teams)
    blueTeam.TeamColor ="Bright blue")
    blueTeam.AutoAssignable = true
    blueTeam.Name = "Blue Team"
    local function getUserIds(team : Team) : {number}
    local userIds = {}
    for _, player : Player in team:GetPlayers() do
    table.insert(userIds, player.UserId)
    return userIds
    local function getDevices(team : Team) : {AudioDeviceInput}
    local devices = {}
    for _, player : Player in team:GetPlayers() do
    local device : AudioDeviceInput = player:FindFirstChild("AudioDeviceInput")
    if not device then
    table.insert(devices, device)
    return devices
    local function updateTeam(team : Team)
    local users = getUserIds(team)
    for _, device in getDevices(team) do
    device.AccessType = Enum.AccessModifierType.Allow
    local function onDeviceAdded(device : AudioDeviceInput)
    local player : Player = device.Parent
    if player.Team then
    local function onPlayerAdded(player : Player)
    local device = player:FindFirstChild("AudioDeviceInput")
    if device then
    if child.Name == "AudioDeviceInput" then
    for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do
    blueTeam.PlayerAdded:Connect(function() updateTeam(blueTeam) end)
    blueTeam.PlayerRemoved:Connect(function() updateTeam(blueTeam) end)
    redTeam.PlayerAdded:Connect(function() updateTeam(redTeam) end)
    redTeam.PlayerRemoved:Connect(function() updateTeam(redTeam) end)

    The script starts by getting the Teams and Players services so that it can use their out-of-the-box functionality to sort players into teams as soon as they join the experience. For example, without any additional scripting effort, the Teams service handles actions like:

    • Sorting and balancing players evenly into each team.
    • Grouping players under their team on the leaderboard.
    • Tinting player names in the 3D space to their corresponding team color.

    Using this service, the script creates two distinct Team objects with different Color properties values to represent each team: bright red for one team and bright blue for the other.

    The script then defines three functions where the bulk of the work occurs for setting up the team voice chat configuration:

    • getUserIds - Returns an array of userIDs for all players in a team.
    • getDevices - Returns an array of AudioDeviceInput objects for all players in a team. Every Class.AudioDeviceInput object represents a player's physical microphone in the real world.
    • updateTeam - Retrieves all userIDs from getUserIds, iterates over the AudioDeviceInput objects from getDevices, sets their Enum.AccessModifierType property to Allow so that only the userIDs in each team are permitted to hear from the microphones of their teammates, then updates the SetUserIdAccessList with the userIDs from the team.

    The remainder of the script controls how these functions and event listeners work together:

    • When a new player joins the experience, the script verifies if the player has a microphone and updates their team.
    • When the script detects a new AudioDeviceInput object, it calls updateTeam for their respective red or blue team.
    • As players join or leave the experience, the script connects to the PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoved events to update each team's settings.
  3. Playtest the experience with a couple friends to verify that teammates from each team can only hear each other through voice chat.

Add push to chat

Push to chat is a voice chat configuration in which players are only able to activate their microphone within an experience while they press and hold a specific button on their device. Integrating push to chat into your gameplay is useful when you want players to have more privacy and control when they want to be heard over other players and ambient noise.

To recreate the push to voice chat in the sample Gingerbread Island - Voice Chat place file:

  1. In the Explorer window, insert a Script into ReplicatedStorage.

  2. In the Properties window, set RunContext to Client so that the script only controls the local player's microphone.

  3. Rename the script PushToChat, then paste the following code into the script:

    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
    local audioIn: AudioDeviceInput = Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("AudioDeviceInput")
    local pushToTalkKey = Enum.KeyCode.V
    audioIn.Muted = true
    UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input: InputObject)
    if input.KeyCode == pushToTalkKey then
    audioIn.Muted = false
    UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input: InputObject)
    if input.KeyCode == pushToTalkKey then
    audioIn.Muted = true

    The script starts by getting:

    • The Players service so that it can reference all players within the experience.
    • The UserInputService service so that it can check when a player presses buttons on their device.
    • The local player's AudioDeviceInput object, or physical microphone on their device.

    The script then:

    • Sets the V key to be the button the player needs to press and hold in order to speak into their microphone.
    • Mutes the player's microphone.

    The remainder of the script sets up two event listeners for InputBegan and InputEnded from UserInputService. When they press down the V key, the InputBegan event unmutes the player's microphone, and when they release the V key, the InputEnded event mutes their microphone again.

  4. Playtest the experience to verify that players can only hear each other through voice chat when they are pressing the V key.

Add time-based chat

Time-based chat is a voice chat configuration in which players are only able to speak and hear one another during a set period of time. Integrating time-based chat into your gameplay is useful when you want players to carefully plan how they communicate with each other during specific game phases, such as during round-based discussions or after cutscenes.

To recreate the time-based voice chat in the sample Gingerbread Island - Voice Chat place file:

  1. In the Explorer window, insert a Script into ServerScriptService.

  2. Rename the script TimeBasedChat, then paste the following code into the script:

    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local muteAll = false
    local function toggleMuteAll()
    muteAll = not muteAll
    for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do
    local device : AudioDeviceInput = player:FindFirstChild("AudioDeviceInput")
    if not device then
    device.Muted = muteAll
    while true do
    task.wait(15) -- every 15 seconds
    toggleMuteAll() -- either allow people to speak, or prevent them from speaking

    This script starts by getting the Players service so it can reference its functionality to manage all players in the experience. It then sets a flag muteAll to false, which the following toggleMuteAll function uses to toggle voice chat on and off.

    Let's review the toggleMuteAll function:

    • It starts by looping through all players in the experience using Players.GetPlayers.
    • For each player, it checks to see if it has a child AudioDeviceInput object, or physical microphone on their device.
    • If they do, the function sets the AudioDeviceInput object's Muted property to the value of muteAll. For example, if muteAll is true, the player's microphone is disabled, and if muteAll is false, the player's microphone is enabled.

    The script then enters an infinite loop, waiting 15 seconds to mute and unmute all AudioDeviceInput objects.

  3. Playtest the experience to verify that players can only hear each other through voice chat in 15 second increments.