The Output window, accessible from the View tab, displays errors captured from running scripts, messages from Roblox Engine, messages from calls to print(), and errors from calls to warn().

Plugins can interact with the Output window through LogService, which can record and clear the Output window contents. You can customize the output through the following elements:

Filters output by type, such as Error or Warning.

Filters output by context, such as Client, Server, or User Plugin.

Filters output by the text entered into the field, such as an object name.

Clears all output messages from the window. This action has a shortcut of CtrlK on Windows or ⌘K on Mac.

Controls the level of detail displayed for each output message.
- Show Timestamp — Shows a detailed timestamp in HH:MM:SS.SSS format.
- Show Context — Shows the message context, such as Client or Server.
- Show Source — If applicable, shows the associated script name and line number.
- Show Tables Expanded by Default — For outputted tables, contents are expanded by default.
- Show Memory Address for Expandable Tables — For expandable tables, shows the internal memory address, such as 0xb4f0417581144ec5.
- Log Mode — Simplifies output by removing options, such as expandable trees.