The Avatar tab contains the standard transform tools as well as specialized tools for creating and fitting accessories, importing custom meshes, building default rigs, and creating animations.

Accessory tools
The Accessory section contains tools for creating layered or rigid accessories from imported custom meshes.

Tool | Description |
Accessory Fitting Tool | Test and fit meshes on multiple reference characters and animations before converting them to an Accessory. The tool automatically adds the correct attachment points and Enum.AssetType to the created accessory. |
Create Accessory | Quickly converts the selected MeshPart into an Accessory object. See the Output window for any messages regarding the asset. |
Bulk Create Accessories | Quickly converts multiple selected MeshPart into an Accessory object. See the Output window for any messages regarding the asset. |
Import 3D
The Import 3D tool allows you to import nearly any type of .fbx or .obj and associated texture files into Studio. See 3D Importer for more information.

Rig Builder
The Rig Builder tool lets you insert pre-built rigs, typically for animation purposes. For more information, see Rig Builder.

Avatar Setup
The Avatar Setup tool lets you easily preview animations, clothing, accessories, and body constructs on avatar models, directly in Studio. Avatar item creators can upload and validate assets for the Marketplace from this tool. See Avatar Setup for usage details.

Animation Editor
The Animation Editor allows you to design and publish custom animations on rigs. For more information, see Animation Editor.