Groups (teams)

A Roblox group allows multiple creators to work on the same experience, use the same assets, share profits, and give credit to all contributors.

Create a new group

Creating a group costs 100 Robux. New groups maintain certain capabilities on the legacy Groups pages, but improved workflows and options for configuring roles/permissions and inviting members are only available on the Creator Dashboard.

To create a new group:

  1. Navigate to the Creator Dashboard and select Create Group from the View As dropdown menu.

    Create Group option indicated for a user's account on the Creator Dashboard.
  2. On the setup page, upload an image for the group logo and enter the group name.

  3. When ready, click the Purchase button. Once the group is created, you'll be directed to the group profile page where you can modify the group's details, including adding up to three social links.

Roles and permissions

Group members can be assigned one or multiple roles within a group, and each role has permissions which specify the abilities of its members.

  1. From the Creator Dashboard, select the group from the View As dropdown menu and navigate to Collaboration ⟩ Roles.

    Roles option indicated in the Collaboration section on the Creator Dashboard.
  2. For each role, carefully confirm the permissions under the Permissions tab.

    Permissions tab indicated for a group role on the Creator Dashboard.
    Group permissions
    Add or remove group membersMembers with this role can invite and remove other members.
    Add or remove [role] role membersMembers with this role can give or remove the role to/from other members in the group. This permission is useful for roles that should have some management permissions but not at the super‑admin level.
    Configure limited rolesMembers with this role can configure the roles they are assigned and assign permissions to those roles that they themselves have.
    Administrate all rolesMembers with this role can create, delete, and configure any role in the group. This is a super‑admin permission, as it provides nearly full access.
    Configure group profileMembers with this role can update the group's name, description, and other metadata. Does not include transferring ownership, which only the owner can do.
    Experience permissions
    Play all group experiencesMembers with this role can play all experiences owned by the group, whether they're private or public.
    Edit all group experiencesMembers with this role can edit all experiences and assets owned by the group. Does not include editing an experience outside of a collaborative session or saving a place from one experience into another experience.
    Edit & publish all group experiencesMembers with this role can both edit experiences, as above, and also publish experiences to Roblox.
    View all analytics for group experiencesMembers with this role can access the analytics of all experiences owned by the group, even if they don't have edit access.
    Group revenue
    Configure group revenueMembers with this role can view all group revenue (as below), and also directly manage it. This includes setting up recurring payouts, as well as sending one‑time payouts to collaborators.
    View group revenueMembers with this role can view the group Robux balance, any configured recurring split payouts, and (in the future) new revenue logging features.
    Advertise groupMembers with this role can advertise the group.
    Avatar item permissions
    Configure classic avatar itemsMembers with this role can configure classic avatar items such as 2D clothing.
    Create classic avatar itemsMembers with this role can create classic avatar items such as 2D clothing.
    Open Cloud permissions
    Manage all API keysMembers with this role can upload their own Open Cloud API keys to the group, as well as configure everyone else's.
    Manage own API keysMembers with this role can configure and upload their own Open Cloud API keys to the group (but not configure everyone else's as above).
    Asset permissions
    View development itemsMembers with this role can view development items owned by the group, for example Audio.
    Create and configure development itemsMembers with this role can upload and configure asset development items such as Decals.
    Manage development item permissionsMembers with this role can configure permissions of development items, for example audio sharing.
  3. important
    Click the Save Changes button to apply the permission settings.

  4. optional
    Click the Settings tab and choose a color for the role, then click Save Changes.

    Settings tab indicated for a group role on the Creator Dashboard. Color options indicated for a group role on the Creator Dashboard.

Manage members

Once roles have been configured for the group, members can be invited and assigned from the Collaboration ⟩ Members page.

Members option indicated in the Collaboration section on the Creator Dashboard.

Invite members

You can invite new members through the Invite button in the upper‑right corner.

Invite button indicated in the group's Members section on the Creator Dashboard.

From the popup, locate a creator by typing their username into the search field. Creators will be notified when invited to your group (a customizable setting within the creator notification system), or you can copy the group link and share it with invited creators through other means.

Invite popup window indicated in the group's Members section on the Creator Dashboard.

Assign roles

To assign one or more roles to a member, hover over their name, click the button, and then click the button for the desired role.

Roles management popup window showing how to assign a role to a group member on the Creator Dashboard.

To quickly un-assign a role from the members overview, hover over it and click the button.

Hover-over showing how to un-assign a role from a group member on the Creator Dashboard.

Remove members

To remove a member entirely, hover over their name and click the "trash" button. A dialog will appear for you to confirm their removal.

Hover-over showing how to remove a member from a group on the Creator Dashboard.

Manage payouts

If you're the owner of a selected group, you'll find a Payouts page under Finances. Here, you can send one‑time payouts, as well as define percentage splits with other members.

Payouts option indicated in the Finances section on the Creator Dashboard.

One-time payouts

Group owners can make one-time payouts to members in a batch, selecting a set amount for each. Safety features include 2FA challenges, confirmation dialogues, and checks around the eligibility of members being paid.

One-time payout button indicated in the Payouts section on the Creator Dashboard.

Recurring payouts

Group owners can also define recurring payouts across the entire group and per‑experience, assigning a percentage payout to each member before the remainder enters the group's overall balance.

Split payout buttons indicated in the Payouts section on the Creator Dashboard.

Consider the following scenario where a group experience "Laser Maze" is split 40%–30%–10% among three members, with a remainder of 20%.

Assuming the experience earns 1000 Robux, the three members receive 400, 300, and 100 Robux respectively (40%–30%–10%).

The remaining 200 Robux — 20% of the experience split — passes onward to the group split percentages, defined at 20%–20%–10% among the same three members; they receive an additional 40, 40, and 20 Robux respectively.

The remaining 100 Robux — 50% of the group split — is placed in the group's overall balance.

Example flowchart of how experience splits are distributed to group members first, with remainder going factored into group splits for final distribution among the group.

Intellectual property protection in groups

Group members with permission to edit all group experiences can enable the Place Copying setting for a creation, potentially allowing the entire Roblox community to copy it and use assets within it. To help protect intellectual property in a group, the owner or members with sufficient permissions should: