
This page covers common patterns with the Open Cloud APIs, particularly around making requests and handling responses.


To make a request to the Open Cloud APIs, you must first form a URL. This URL is a combination of the base URL (, the Open Cloud API path (for example, /universes/{universe-id}/places/{place-id}/user-restrictions), and any query parameters (for example, ?maxPageSize=25). A full request URL might look like this:

Many paths, including the example above, have path parameters, designated by curly brackets in the API reference. Path parameters are just variables that you insert before making the request and are almost always IDs: user IDs, group IDs, place IDs, etc. IDs are often numeric, but not necessarily; for example, data store and memory store IDs support a wider character set.

Some resources have multiple path patterns, visible under the Resource Paths header in the API reference. For example, the URL for List User Restrictions can be either of the following:


You can probably infer the difference between the two: some user restrictions apply to an entire universe (experience), whereas others apply to specific places within a universe. Aside from the small addition to the path and extra path parameter, the calls are identical.

Many APIs return a path as part of their response, which you can use to make further requests. If an API needs more than a few seconds to fulfill a request, it often returns an operation rather than the resource or response itself.

Content length and type

Many API calls, particularly those that create or update resources, require a JSON request body. If your request has a body, be sure to include the Content-Length and Content-Type headers. Most HTTP clients add these headers automatically.


If you specify maxPageSize in your request, some methods return paginated results—essentially partial responses:

GET /cloud/v2/users/{userId}/inventory-items?maxPageSize=25
"inventoryItems": [
"nextPageToken": "aaaBBB"

If a response includes a value for nextPageToken, use that value in the pageToken parameter of the subsequent request to retrieve the next page. When nextPageToken is empty, you've reached the end of your results:

GET /cloud/v2/users/{userId}/inventory-items?maxPageSize=25&pageToken=aaaBBB
"inventoryItems": [
"nextPageToken": ""

Aside from the pageToken, you must use the same query for pagination to work properly. Altering any filter parameter results in a 400 error.

Long running operations

Some methods return an Operation object that represents a long-running request that returns an asynchronous response later. The object contains the following fields:

  • path - The endpoint path to call to poll for the request's completion. Append the path to the original base URL of the resource method.
  • done - A boolean value that represents whether or not the operation has completed.
  • response - The response object. This field is empty until the done field has a value of true.
  • metadata - Custom metadata specific to the request being made.
Example Operation Object

"path": "v1/assets/12345/operation/xyz",
"done": true,
"response": {
"value1": "myValue",
"value2": 1234
"metadata": {
"metadata1": "string",
"metadata2": 5678

Use the Operation object's path to poll for when the resource is ready. A good strategy is to use exponential backoff. For example, you might poll immediately, then after one second, two seconds, four seconds, etc.

def PollForResults(operationPath):
currentRetries = 0
maxRetries = 10
retryPollingDelay = 1
retryPollingMultiplier = 2
while (currentRetries < maxRetries):
# No delay on the first check
if (currentRetries == 0):
results = GetOperation(operationPath)
# Retry logic for subsequent checks
results = GetOperation(operationPath)
# Exponential backoff
retryPollingDelay *= retryPollingMultiplier
# Check for results and return if they exist
if (results.status_code != 200 or results.json()[doneJSONKey]):
return results
# Otherwise, increment the retry count
currentRetries += 1

For a more complete code sample that uses a fixed retry interval rather than exponential backoff, see Poll for results.


Some methods let you filter the response by including a filter parameter in the request. The following sections describe filter syntax and guidelines for the specified endpoints.

List group memberships

The wildcard character - can be used in place of group ID in order to list memberships across all groups: groups/-/memberships.

Filtering conforms to Common Expression Language (CEL). Only two operators are supported:

  • ==
  • in [...]

If you specify a group ID in the resource path, you can filter memberships by either user or role in the following formats:

  • User filter: filter="user == 'users/9876543210'"
  • Role filter: filter="role == 'groups/123/roles/7920705'"

If you specify the wildcard character for the group ID, you must filter memberships by user (up to 50) in the following format:

  • User filter: filter="user in ['users/1', 'users/156', 'users/9876543210', ...]"

List inventory items

You can filter by collectible status, inventory item type, and inventory item ID. If you don't provide a filter, the user's entire inventory is returned.

The filter format is a semicolon-separated list:


  • {field} can be any of the predefined type fields or ID fields in the following tables.
  • {value} can be a string, boolean, or enum. Depending on the field type, this can be a single value (boolean fields) or multiple values (list fields).

Type fields

badgesbooleanInclude badges in the response. Default is false.
gamePassesbooleanInclude game passes in the response. Default is false.
inventoryItemAssetTypesSee assetDetails for the full list of asset types.Comma-separated list of asset types to include. Default is none. Specify * for all asset types. Must have Inventory read scope to filter by purchased places.
onlyCollectiblesbooleanInclude only collectibles in the response. Default is false. This field must be used with the inventoryItemAssetTypes field in order to return items and only returns non-UGC limited items.
privateServersbooleanInclude private servers in the response. Default is false. Must have Inventory read scope to filter by this field.

ID fields

assetIdsstringComma-separated list of numeric asset IDs to include.
badgeIdsstringComma-separated list of numeric badge IDs to include.
gamePassIdsstringComma-separated list of numeric game pass IDs to include.
privateServerIdsstringComma-separated list of numeric private server IDs to include. Must have Inventory read scope to filter by this field.


  • Returns all collectible items that the user owns:


  • Returns all items of the specified types:


  • Returns all items of the listed types or any game passes. Excludes badges from the results (the same behavior as if badges wasn't included in the filter):


  • Returns assets that match the specified IDs:


  • Returns assets, badges, game passes, and private servers that match the specified IDs:
