This page lists all HTTP APIs for working with assets, such as creating, retrieving, updating, and archiving them.
You can send and receive the following request and response payloads to create assets on Roblox. For information on the usage of the API, see the usage guide .
POST /v1/assets Creates an asset with provided content and metadata.
GET /v1/assets/{assetId} Retrieve specific asset content. Include the `readMask` parameter for additional asset metadata.
View all endpoints for Assets API
Legacy endpoints that support API key and/or OAuth 2.0 authentication have the same beta stability guarantees as the Open Cloud APIs. Breaking changes are possible but rare.
View all endpoints for Localization tables v1
View all endpoints for Publish v1
Legacy APIs with cookie authentication can incorporate breaking changes without notice. We don't recommend them for production applications.
Asset delivery v2
Asset delivery v1
Avatar v1
View all endpoints for Avatar v1
Catalog v2
Catalog v1
GET /v1/asset-to-category Lists a mapping for assets to category IDs to convert from inventory ID to catalog ID. Creates a mapping to link 'Get More' button in inventory page to the relevant catalog page.
GET /v1/asset-to-subcategory Lists a mapping for assets to subcategory IDs to convert from inventory ID to catalog ID. Creates a mapping to link 'Get More' button in inventory page to the relevant catalog page.
GET /v1/assets/{assetId}/bundles Lists the bundles a particular asset belongs to. Use the Id of the last bundle in the response to get the next page.
Develop v2
GET /v2/assets/{id}/versions Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset
or granted by package permission.
View all endpoints for Develop v2
Develop v1
View all endpoints for Develop v1
Inventory v2
DELETE /v2/inventory/asset/{assetId} Give up an asset owned by the authenticated user.
Assets that are created by Roblox user or are limited edition are not eligible for deletion
and will return NotEligibleForDelete.
View all endpoints for Inventory v2
Inventory v1
GET /v1/users/{userId}/items/{itemType}/{itemTargetId} Gets owned items of the specified item type. Game Servers can make requests for any user, but can only make requests for game passes that belong to the place sending the request.
Place creators can make requests as if they were the Game Server.
View all endpoints for Inventory v1
Item configuration v1
Metrics v1
View all endpoints for Metrics v1
Publish v1
POST /v1/audio Published an audio file and returns the new asset info.
POST /v1/audio/verify Verifies an audio file and returns a product that you can purchase to publish the audio file.
View all endpoints for Publish v1
Thumbnails v1
View all endpoints for Thumbnails v1