OpenAPI descriptions

The reference pages in the Open Cloud v2 and Open Cloud v1 sections are rendered from JSON files that are OpenAPI descriptions. These files use version 3.0.4 of the OpenAPI specification.

These files are open source and can be used with tools like the Swagger Editor and Postman to test API calls and help streamline development.

These OpenAPI descriptions are still under active development and may contain issues. The pages under the Resources section are the official reference.

OpenAPI description files

OpenAPI description files are available at the following locations within the creator-docs repository:

# All V2 Resources
# V1 Assets
# V1 Ordered Data Stores
# V1 Standard Data Stores
# V1 Messaging
# V1 Universes

Vendor extensions

Roblox uses specification extensions to extend the OpenAPI specification. These extensions represent information that the specification doesn't capture by default. Extensions may appear throughout the file where allowed by the OpenAPI specification.

The majority of these specification extensions are experimental. The extensions used are subject to change without notice in favor of fields found within the official OpenAPI specification.

V2 resource specification extensions

x-categoriesOpenAPI ObjectList of strings. All resource categories.
x-visibilityOperation ObjectBoolean. The visibility of the operation.
x-roblox-docsOperation ObjectObject. Associates an operation with a category and resource.
x-long-running-operation-parametersOperation ObjectObject. References the metadata and response for the operation's long running response.
x-aep-resourceSchema ObjectObject. An extension annotating the resource type. Has close compatibility to AEP-4, one of the API Enhancement Proposals.
x-oneOfSchema ObjectObject. Each field contains a list of properties in the schema. Only one of the properties should be present.
x-resourceSchema ObjectBoolean. Whether the schema is a resource.
x-immutableSchema ObjectBoolean. Whether the schema is immutable.

V1 resource specification extensions

x-roblox-cloud-api-operationOperation ObjectBoolean. Whether the operation is an Open Cloud operation.
x-roblox-cloud-api-operation-nameOperation ObjectString. The name of the operation.
x-roblox-cloud-api-operation-code-samplesOperation ObjectObject. A list of code samples, an object with the language/title and the corresponding script.
x-roblox-cloud-api-operation-throttling-limitOperation ObjectObject. The throttling limits for the operation.