In previous tutorials, you made a variety of experience features including fading platforms and deadly lava. This tutorial ties these together into a playable experience where users see who can stay alive the longest. Every second they stay alive, a point will be added to their score.
Set up
First up, you'll need to set the scene for your experience. Duplicate the fading platforms you made in the previous tutorial and let users compete to stay on the board of platforms for as long as possible.
You can also use deadly lava to kill users when they fall off the platforms, or just let them fall to their doom. Make sure you place a SpawnLocation somewhere where users can jump onto the platforms to start playing.
Player points
Roblox has a built-in Leaderboard for showing user stats. When you set player points through the leaderboard, they show up on the right side of the screen in the experience.

You'll learn more customizable ways to display information in later tutorials, but the leaderboard is the simplest way of making a visible scoring system in Roblox.
It's best to put scripts which set up experience state into ServerScriptService because they will automatically run when the experience starts. In ServerScriptService, create a script called SetupPoints.

Listen for players
In Roblox, a service is an object which performs a range of useful functions. The Players service has an event called PlayerAdded that you can use to set up points for each user who joins the experience.
You can access services with the GetService function in the game object. game is a variable accessible from anywhere which contains everything in your experience.
Create a variable for the Players service using game:GetService("Players").
Create a function called onPlayerAdded with a parameter for the incoming player.
Connect the onPlayerAdded function to the PlayerAdded event.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")local function onPlayerAdded(player)endPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)
Create a stats folder
To make a user's points display in the leaderboard, all you need to do is create a new Folder in their Player object called "leaderstats" and put their points in there. New objects can be created from within a script via the function.
Create a new Folder object using"Folder"), storing the result in a new variable called leaderstats.
local function onPlayerAdded(player)local leaderstats ="Folder")endSet the Name property of leaderstats to "leaderstats".
Parent leaderstats to player.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")local function onPlayerAdded(player)local leaderstats ="Folder")leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"leaderstats.Parent = playerendPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)
Create the points
The leaderboard system reads any values in the leaderstats folder and displays whatever it finds.
To add a stat which will track a player's points, a new IntValue object can be parented to the leaderstats folder. The name of the value object will be displayed alongside its current value.
- Set the Name to "Points".
- Set the Value to 0; this is what the leaderboard will initially display for the player.
- Parent the points object to the leaderstats folder.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
local leaderstats ="Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local points ="IntValue")
points.Name = "Points"
points.Value = 0
points.Parent = leaderstats
Test your experience and you should see the leaderboard appear in the top right with the names of your users and a points score next to them.
Count time
Each user should earn a point for each second they are alive. A while loop and the task.wait() function can be used to update the value of points every second.
- At the end of the script, create a while loop with true as the condition.
- In the loop, task.wait() for 1 second.
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)while true dotask.wait(1)end
Player list
To run code for every user in the experience, you need to iterate through the array of users returned by the GetPlayers function.
An array is a list of items stored in order. Each item can be accessed by its index position, starting from 1. You can get the length of an array by prefixing it with #.
- Store the result of Players:GetPlayers() in a playerList variable.
- Create a for loop with a starting value of 1 and an end value of #playerList, so that you get one iteration of the loop per player.
while true dotask.wait(1)local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()for currentPlayer = 1, #playerList do-- Add your logic here for each player in the playerListendend
Award points
To award a point to each user in the for loop, you'll need to get the user out of the array and add 1 to the Points object stored in their leaderstats folder.
Objects stored in an array are accessed using square brackets - for instance, the first item in the playerList array can be accessed with playerList[1]. If you write playerList[currentPlayer] in the for loop, you can move through each user in the list with every iteration of the loop.
- Store the user at playerList[currentPlayer] in a variable called player.
- Store the user's Points object in a variable called points.
while true dotask.wait(1)local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()for currentPlayer = 1, #playerList dolocal player = playerList[currentPlayer]local points = player.leaderstats.Pointspoints.Value += 1endend
Test your experience and you should find that the leaderboard shows your player's score counting up by 1 every second.
Listen for characters
The goal of the experience is to see who can stay alive the longest, so users who die will need to have their points reset to 0.
You'll need to get the Character model for the user in order to detect when they have died. This model is only added to the experience after the Player object has been loaded and you can use the CharacterAdded event to listen for when the character is ready to use. Create a function called onCharacterAdded with two parameters: one for the character, one for the player.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onCharacterAdded(character, player)
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
local leaderstats ="Folder")
Although you included user in the onCharacterAdded function's parameters, the actual CharacterAdded event only returns the character, not the associated user. To pass the player object as well, use an anonymous function for the event connection.
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
local leaderstats ="Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local points ="IntValue")
points.Name = "Points"
points.Value = 0
points.Parent = leaderstats
onCharacterAdded(character, player)
Reset points
When a user dies, their Humanoid automatically fires a Died event. You can use this event to find out when to reset their points.
The Humanoid is found inside the Character model, but the contents of that model are only assembled as the user spawns. To make your code safely wait for the Humanoid object to load, use the WaitForChild() function. You can call it on any parent object, passing the string name of the child you're waiting for. Create a variable to wait for the Humanoid using character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onCharacterAdded(character, player)
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
The function you need to connect to the Died event is very short and will only ever be needed here, so you can use an anonymous function again.
- Connect a new anonymous function to the Humanoid's Died event.
- In the anonymous function, create a variable called points for the player's Points object.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onCharacterAdded(character, player)
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local points = player.leaderstats.Points
points.Value = 0
Test this out and you'll see the user's score resets when they die.
Check the player
If users keep earning points even when dead, it's hardly in the spirit of the experience, so the code needs to check if users are alive before awarding a point.
You need to start by defining an attribute in the onPlayerAdded function which can be used to check whether the user is alive. At this point, the user is not yet alive and spawned, as their character model still needs to be added.
Attributes allow you to customize objects in Roblox with your own data. An attribute consists of a name and a value. You can create one on any object using the SetAttribute function. Call SetAttribute on player to create a new attribute called "IsAlive" with the value false.
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
local leaderstats ="Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local points ="IntValue")
points.Name = "Points"
points.Value = 0
points.Parent = leaderstats
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", false)
onCharacterAdded(character, player)
Once the user's character model respawns, the value of IsAlive needs to be changed to true so that the user can start earning points again.
- In onCharacterAdded, set the IsAlive attribute of player to true.
- In onCharacterDied, set the IsAlive attribute of player to false.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onCharacterAdded(character, player)
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", true)
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local points = player.leaderstats.Points
points.Value = 0
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", false)
Finally, IsAlive should be checked before any point is awarded in the while loop at the end of the script. The GetAttribute function takes the name of an attribute and returns the value. In the while loop, wrap the code to award a point in an if statement with the condition player:GetAttribute("IsAlive").
while true dotask.wait(1)local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()for currentPlayer = 1, #playerList dolocal player = playerList[currentPlayer]if player:GetAttribute("IsAlive") thenlocal points = player.leaderstats.Pointspoints.Value += 1endendend
Test your experience out now and you should find the user earns points every second they are alive, and stays at 0 when not alive. Have your friends play with you and see who can get the highest score.
This is just the start: you can continue improving your experience for your users. Here are some tips:
- Place the code for all of the platforms into a single script, making it much easier to update.
- Create a lobby area where users wait to be teleported to the experience area, allowing users to start simultaneously.
- Announce the winners of each round.
Final code
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onCharacterAdded(character, player)
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", true)
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local points = player.leaderstats.Points
points.Value = 0
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", false)
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
local leaderstats ="Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local points ="IntValue")
points.Name = "Points"
points.Value = 0
points.Parent = leaderstats
player:SetAttribute("IsAlive", false)
onCharacterAdded(character, player)
while true do
local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()
for i = 1, #playerList do
local player = playerList[i]
if player:GetAttribute("IsAlive") then
local points = player.leaderstats.Points
points.Value += 1