Deep links let you send users to a specific place in an experience, which can make the process of joining more seamless, help users find their friends, and provide traffic attribution. The optional launch data in these links lets you customize the user experience when someone joins.
Construct a deep link
A deep link URL consists of a URL format along with parameters that you specify. The following sections describe how to construct each format.
URL parameters
Deep links support the following URL parameters. All are optional unless otherwise noted.
Parameter | Description |
placeId | The place ID to join. Required unless userId is specified. |
userId | The user ID to join. Results in a "Followed user has left the experience" error if the user left the experience or is offline. |
accessCode | The private server access code. |
linkCode | The private server link code. |
gameInstanceId | The unique identifier of the game instance to join, also called the DataModel.JobId. |
launchData | Additional information that you want to include within the deep link, such as promotional codes or coordinates. Process using the Player:GetJoinData() method. See Include launch data. |
Requirements and guidelines
- You must URL encode special characters, such as spaces. These characters are automatically decoded when the user joins your experience.
- The decoded launch data can't exceed 200 bytes.
- You can store more complex data as a JSON string and decode it with HttpService:JSONDecode() on the server.
- Don't send confidential information in the launchData parameter; it's fully visible in the URL. Further, users can modify the URL, so the data might not be authentic.
Web list to app
This format sends users to the Roblox experience page on the web and then launches the Roblox app. The provided example provides a place ID and a URL encoded launch data string.
Format |<id>&launchData=<string> |
Example | Example Link |
Direct to app
This format sends users directly to the Roblox app. The provided example provides a place ID and a URL encoded launch data string.
Format | roblox://placeId=<id>&launchData=<string> |
Example | Example Link |
For users who don't have Roblox installed on their mobile devices, use the AppsFlyer version of a deep link to let users download the Roblox app and then follow the deep link. To construct this type of deep link, specify the prefix. Provide the "direct to app" deep link with the af_dp parameter and the "web listing to app" deep link with the af_web_dp parameter, which are described in the previous sections.
Format |<direct_to_app_link>&af_web_dp=<web_listing_to_app_link> |
Example | |
Process a deep link
In your experience, obtain the launch data with the Player:GetJoinData() method, which returns a dictionary. In that dictionary, the LaunchData key contains the string that you specified in the launchData parameter of your deep link.
See the Player:GetJoinData() reference documentation for code samples on how to process launch data.