Note | Statut |
Fixes internal issue that could impact rare cases with ShapeCasts. | Live |
Adds TweenService:SmoothDamp that allows smoothing a value towards a target simulating a critically damped spring. Supports number/Vector2/Vector3/CFrame. | Pending |
Adds support for the ReferredByPlayerId property to the player join data, which is accessible via Player:GetJoinData().ReferredByPlayerId. | Pending |
Adds AudioEmitter:GetInteractingListeners() and AudioListener:GetInteractingEmitters() methods, which can be used to tell which listeners can hear an emitter, or which emitters can be heard-by a listener. | Pending |
Export as Obj is now 10x faster and shows a progress dialog with cancel button. | Pending |
Turns off rendering when monitor is off. | Pending |
Note | Statut |
Fixes issue with errors soft-locking Studio when running in local test mode. | Live |
Fixes Script Editor ghost text display while the Script Editor is horizontally scrolled. | Live |
Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("FloorMaterial") now fires properly. | Pending |
Fixes and blocks use of replicated EditableMesh and EditableImage objects. | Pending |
Fixes a bug where doing multi-selections from the Explorer window would sometimes reselect instances that shouldn't be part of the selection. | Pending |
Changes the hex label in the Color3 picker dialog from "HTML" to "Hex" to be more accurate. | Pending |
The Explorer and Properties filters now only take scroll input if they are in focus. | Pending |
Invisible modal buttons under a ScrollingFrame no longer prevent mouse lock. | Pending |
BillboardGui objects in ReplicatedStorage no longer invoke UpdateUILayouts. | Pending |
TextLabel objects now render correctly when Text is set after RenderStepped. | Pending |