The Missions feature package offers out-of-the-box functionality to create missions that players can complete to achieve rewards and progress in your experience. All missions must have an ID, category, and a list of tasks that players must complete to finish the mission. However, the tasks list can be empty, allowing the mission's rewards to be claimed immediately.
Using the package's customization options, you can personalize all missions to meet your unique gameplay requirements, such as:
- Creating missions that onboard new players into your experience and improve D1 retention.
- Targetting D7 and D30 retention by adding mid- to long-term goals and a sense of progression.
- Increasing engagement by surfacing the various systems in your game and rewarding players for interacting with them.

Get package
The Creator Store is a tab of the Toolbox that you can use to find all assets that are made by Roblox and the Roblox community for use within your projects, including model, image, mesh, audio, plugin, video, and font assets. You can use the Creator Store to add one or more assets directly into an open experience, including feature packages!
Every feature package requires the Core feature package to function properly. Once the Core and Missions feature package assets are within your inventory, you can reuse them in any project on the platform.
To get the packages from your inventory into your experience:
Add the Core and Missions to your inventory within Studio by clicking the Add to Inventory link in the following set of components.
In the menu bar, select the View tab.
In the Show section, click Toolbox. The Toolbox window displays.
In the Toolbox window, click the Inventory tab. The My Models sort displays.
Click the Feature Package Core tile, then the Missions Feature Package tile. Both package folders display in the Explorer window.
Drag the package folders into ReplicatedStorage.
Define missions
Each completeable mission includes a set of tasks that must be finished to complete the mission, configuration options, and optional display metadata, all of which can be defined within ReplicatedStorage.Missions.Configs.Missions, with types exported from the Types script in the same folder.
Required fields
The following fields are required for each mission.
Name | Type | Description |
missionId | string | The main Missions table key. All missions are identified by their own unique string. |
categoryId | string | Missions must belong to a category, and are grouped by category in the UI. |
tasks | table | A list of tasks that the player must finish to complete the mission. |
Unlock conditions
By default, missions are unlocked for players automatically and can be completed exactly once. However, you can use the following optional configuration options to alter this behavior.
Name | Type | Description |
prerequisites | table | A list of other missionIds that must be completed before the mission can be unlocked. |
manualOnly | bool | Disables the automatic unlocking of the mission. Instead, a function must be called to unlock the mission. Any other unlock conditions must still be met as well. |
availableAfterUtc | bool | The mission cannot be unlocked before the specified time in UTC. |
availableBeforeUtc | bool | The mission cannot be unlocked after the specified time in UTC. If it is unlocked but not completed before this time, the mission will be failed. |
repeatable | bool | The mission becomes unlocked again after it is completed. |
repeatLimit | number | If the mission is repeatable, it cannot be repeated more than this many times. |
repeatCooldownSeconds | number | If the mission is repeatable, there is a delay before it becomes unlocked. |
expireSeconds | number | If the mission is unlocked and not completed within the specified number of seconds, then it will fail instead. |
expireCountOffline | bool | If the mission has expireSeconds and expireCountOffline is set to true, time while the player is not actually in the experience will count toward mission expiration. |
Missions have metadata that specifies how they will be displayed in the Missions user interface. You can use the following optional fields to customize its metadata.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName | string | A name to display for the mission in the user interface instead of the missionId. |
description | string | A longer block of text that provides additional information or context about the mission. |
visibleAfterComplete | bool | If set to true, the mission will show up in the list of missions even after it is completed but marked as completed. |
visibleAfterFailed | bool | If set to true, the mission will show up in the list of missions even after it is failed but marked as failed. |
visibleBeforeUnlocked | bool | If set to true, the mission will be visible but locked in the list of missions before being available for completion. |
invisibleWhileActive | bool | If set to true, the mission will be invisible even while actively in progress. |
rewards | table | A list of reward display information.
Define tasks
Each mission can have zero or more tasks. If a mission has zero tasks, it is claimable immediately after it's unlocked; if a mission has one or more tasks, once the tasks are complete, the player can collect any rewards associated with the mission. Each task has a taskId, which is the key associated with the task for a given mission.
Tasks come in two types:
- Timed Tasks - Lets you start and stop the task at different points in time. A certain amount of time must pass while the task's timer is running, then the task is complete.
- Count Tasks - Lets you add to or set the task's progress. When the progress reaches a set value, the task is complete.
Both task types share the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
taskType | string | Specifies if the task type is count or timed. |
counter | object | (Optional) The counter this task tracks. Counters are player-specific persistent storage for a number or a timer. Multiple tasks can track a single counter; for example, if more than one task tracks how many coins a player has collected, then they all can share the same “coins” counter. These tasks can independently track new coins collected, starting from zero, or continue counting from the counter value (all coins already collected).
metadata | object | (Optional) Information about how the task displays in the UI.
callToAction | object | (Optional) A button that triggers a callback function.
Count tasks fields
Count tasks have a required value. When the task progress meets this amount, the task is complete.
Name | Type | Description |
goalCount | number | (Optional) The progress required to complete the task. |
Time tasks fields
Time tasks have a target amount of time spent, and are started and stopped. When the target amount of time is met, the task is complete.
Name | Type | Description |
goalSeconds | number | The number of seconds that must pass to complete the task. |
startImmediately | bool | If the task should start counting time as soon as it is unlocked, rather than only after it is started. |
includesOfflineTime | bool | If the task should include time spent while the player is not actively in the experience. |
Configure categories
Categories do not have to be explicitly defined to be used, as the category for a mission has default values that will be used. However, you can configure these values in ReplicatedStorage.Missions.Configs.Categories to add additional effects to the category. Categories are identified by unique CategoryIds, the same ones referenced in the missions config.
Name | Type | Description |
repeatDelaySeconds | number | (Optional) If set, all missions in the category are reset every time the specified amount of time passes, and may be unlocked, completed, and their rewards claimed again. This is separate from repeatable missions, which are repeatable within a given category repeat. |
Integrate server logic
Take a look at ReplicatedStorage.Missions.Server.Examples.MissionsExample, which shows how your server will interact with the Missions feature package.
You mainly need to hook up four things once dragging the Missions feature package into your experience:
Define missions in your missions config.
Add logic to your experience to update task progress or the counters the progress is tied to.
README-- Increases progress on a mission Jumping with a Jumps taskMissions.addProgressToTask(player, "Jumping", "Jumps", 1)-- Starts the timer on a mission BattlingTime with a TimeInBattle taskMissions.startTimedTask(player, "BattlingTime", "TimeInBattle")-- Stops the timer on a mission BattlingTime with a TimeInBattle taskMissions.stopTimedTask(player, "BattlingTime", "TimeInBattle")-- Increases the progress on all tasks tied to the Jumps counterCounterSystem.addCounter(player, "Jumps", 1)-- Starts the timer on all timed tasks tied to the TimeInBattle timer counterCounterSystem.startTimer(player, "TimeInBattle")-- Stops the timer on all timed tasks tied to the TimeInBattle timer counterCounterSystem.stopTimer(player, "TimeInBattle")Set mission completion handlers, and optionally unlock or fail handlers. Use the completion handler to award the rewards from the mission in your experience.
READMElocal function completeHandler(player: Player, missionId: Types.MissionId)print(`{player} completed mission {missionId}`)-- Award player their rewards.endMissions.setCompletionHandler(missionId, completeHandler)Unlock missions that are not unlocked automatically. Missions feature package logic ensures that all mission requirements are met before the mission is complete, and its rewards are collectible.
READMEMissions.unlockMission(player, "Manual")
Configure constants
Constants for the Core feature package live in two spots:
Shared constants live in ReplicatedStorage.FeaturePackagesCore.Configs.SharedConstants.
Package-specific constants, in this case the Missions feature package, live in ReplicatedStorage.Missions.Configs.Constants.
Additionally, you can find strings for translation broken out into one location: ReplicatedStorage.FeaturePackagesCore.Configs.TranslationStrings.
Customize UI components
By modifying the package objects, such as colors, font, and transparency, you can adjust the visual presentation of your missions UI. For example, in ReplicatedStorage.Missions.Configs.Constants, you can enable SingleTaskMode to display a progress bar for a task directly on the mission itself for missions that only have a single task.
In addition, if your experience already has an existing UI that you would like to integrate with the Missions feature package, the client ModuleScript MissionsClient contains all the functions necessary to get the information about a player's missions sent from the server.