Templates are uncopylocked experiences that provide a set of default objects in the starting place's data model that you can use to start your projects. You can find most templates on Studio's landing page, or click any of the buttons below to start editing a template.
The Platformer template includes:
- Common 3D platformer character mechanics, such as double jump, dashing, rolling, and long jumping.
- Common 3D platformer gameplay mechanics, such as moving platforms, one-way platforms, and coin pickups.
- An example platformer tower course you can use to get comfortable with all of the mechanics.

UGC Homestore
The UGC Homestore template includes everything you need to sell your user-generated content (UCG) directly within an experience, including:
- Modular building objects that you can customize to fit the aesthetics of your personal UCG store.
- Mannequins objects that you can customize with unique accessories and bundles that visitors can try on and purchase either individually or as a set.
When you publish the template as your own experience, all of your items that you've previously published to the Marketplace automatically populate in the template's store. For more information on how to use this template, see Touring the UGC Homestore Template.

Laser Tag
The Laser Tag template includes:
- A blaster system with attributes you can customize for your own first-person shooter (FPS) experiences, such as damage, ammo capacity, recoil, and spread.
- A simple round system you can extend with custom modes and/or scoring systems.
- A high-quality first-person shooter arena with custom physically-based rendering (PBR) materials.

FPS System
The FPS System template includes the FPS blaster system from the Laser Tag template, as well as targets you can use to practice firing the two blasters.

The Racing template includes a working race car and modular winding track objects that you can restructure for countless race track configurations.

The Baseplate template includes only two default objects:
- Spawn location – A SpawnLocation object is where player characters appear in the 3D space when they join an experience, as well as where they respawn when their health reaches zero.
- Baseplate – A baseplate is a floor with a 4x4 grid texture that aligns with stud measurements.

Modern City
The Modern City template includes modular wall, window, and door objects you can snap together to create unique building variations.

The Village template includes house, garden, and orchard objects that you can reuse to create rural villages.

The Castle template includes castle and foliage objects that you can reconfigure to create destructible kingdoms.

The Suburban template includes common neighborhood objects such as homes, playground equipment, and a gas station that you can reuse to create destructible residential cities.

Pirate Island
The Pirate Island template includes a destructible ship with working cannons and multiple island examples that you can customize or reference as you create your own with the Terrain Editor.

The Obby template includes common obstacle objects like checkpoints, fast pads, jump pads, and player hazards that you can reconfigure to create your own courses.

Starting Place
The Starting Place template includes many basic objects to assist creators in becoming familiar with core Studio functionality, such as modifying basic parts and using the Terrain Editor.

Line Runner
The Line Runner template includes simple 3D objects and scripts that provide infinite side-scrolling gameplay. You can modify the 3D objects to create new courses in which players try to beat their score in every round.

Capture the Flag
The Capture the Flag template includes simple 3D objects and scripts that divide players into a blue or red team, then start a five minute timer which each team tries to take the other team's flag and return across the center line. You can modify the arena, teams, and timer for unique gameplay variations.

Team / FFA Arena
The Team / FFA Arena template includes simple 3D objects and scripts that allow players to fight each other in free for all arena. You can customize each object to create unique arenas that meet your own gameplay requirements.

The Combat template includes three different objects that players can equip and store to their inventory during gameplay: a sword, pistol, and health pack. You can use these objects to create action and adventure experiences.

The Concert template includes high-quality 3D objects and scripts that allow players to transition between different sequences of events, such as waiting in a lobby, then teleporting to a concert. You can customize this space to transition players between multiple scenes and synchronize complex animations and visuals to a timeline.
For more information, see Event Sequencer.

Move It Simulator
The Move It Simulator template includes high-quality 3D objects and scripts that allow players to level up by moving around the 3D space. You can modify the 3D objects and terrain to create new courses.

Mansion of Wonder
The Mansion of Wonder template includes high-quality 3D objects and scripts that allow players to ride on a cart through a set track, and shoot at enemies in each new area. You can modify the 3D objects and the track itself to create new courses, and have players try to beat their high score in every round.

Flat Terrain
The Flat Terrain template includes an empty data model with flat, grassy terrain.

Classic Racing
The Classic Racing template includes simple working race cars and track checkpoints objects that you can use to create racing experiences through terrain.

Classic Baseplate
The Classic Baseplate template includes only one default object: a baseplate with a legacy stud texture.