Event Types

Event types help you identify opportunities to grow and monetize your experience. They allow you to integrate event tracking in your experience and visualize your in-experience economy and player usage patterns on the Analytics dashboard

Once you begin tracking these events from your experience using the AnalyticsService, you'll unlock new Economy and Funnel dashboards under Analytics on the Creator Dashboard. You can use these dashboards to identify growth opportunities and segment users by age, gender, platform, OS and custom fields. All of these features are free to use.

Economy and Funnels dashboard pages populated with data.

Event Types

There are two event types with two corresponding dashboards: Economy and Funnel.

Economy events let you track your in-experience economy, such as:

  • Top sinks — What do users spend in-experience resources on?
  • Top sources — Where do users earn resources?
  • Average wallet balance — How much resources are users holding?

Funnel events let you track your user's progress through key stages of your experience, such as:

  • Onboarding — Where do users drop off when getting started with your experience?
  • Progression — Where do users stop advancing through your experience?
  • Shop — Where do users abandon purchases?

For more information on setting up these dashboards, see Economy Events and Funnel Events.

Validating Your Event Tracking

Once you add Economy and Funnel events to your experience, charts on the respective pages typically take 24 hours to appear. In the meantime, you can check if events are set up correctly using the View Events tool:

  1. Navigate to the Economy or Funnel pages of your Analytics dashboard for your experience.
  2. Click the View Events button at the top of each page. A near real-time list of the most recent events displays.
  3. Refresh the page to update the list.
View events report displaying multiple event entries sortable by event type, user ID and keyword.

You can also visit your experience's error report to see if there are any errors with your event tracking.

Event Tracking Limitations

The following limitations apply when tracking your events with AnalyticsService:

LimitationMaximum ValueExamples
Economy and Funnel eventsAnalyticsService requests per minute120 + (20 * CCU)
Unique values per custom field20Warrior, Mage, Archer
Economy onlyResource types10Coins, Gold, Credits
transactionTypes20IAP, Gameplay
Funnel onlyNumber of funnels10Onboarding, Shop
Steps per funnel100Step 1, Step 2, Step 3
Extra values will be grouped as "Other".