Nota | Stato |
The Module code did not return exactly one value message is now reports as an error instead of only printing to the output log. | Live |
Removes pitch and roll from VR camera. | Live |
When nothing is selected, holding down modifier keys other than the Shift key no longer moves the camera in Studio. For example, Ctrl+D no longer moves the camera to the right. | Live |
Adds AvatarGestures feature for animating avatars in VR. | Pending |
Nota | Stato |
VehicleSeat properties no longer bounce back after round-trip sending, fixing interruptions while driving a vehicle that rely on either the VehicleSeat.Steer or VehicleSeat.Throttle property for input. | Live |
Network Ownership now properly distributes as you connect two mechanisms with a joint. | Live |
Fixed a performance issue when there were a lot of static parts under WorldModel objects. | Live |
Fixes issue with the LinearVelocity constraint that caused apparent replication issues. | Live |
The loading time for debugger expressions in the My Watches window when a breakpoint is hit is now decreased. | Live |
Reset Pivot now much more reliably guesses what the developer intends to reset the pivot back to. | Live |