In addition to common promotion methods for increasing your player base, you can implement invite prompts directly inside your experience, encouraging players to invite their friends and increase co-experience gameplay.
The invite prompt system features the following:
- Dynamic Invitees — Prompt players to invite multiple friends from a selection list, or invite one specific friend.
- Launch Data — Include optional launch data that can be read through Player:GetJoinData() when the invited friend joins. Example use cases include routing invited friends to a coordinate location or personalizing the joining experience for the invitee.
- Customizable Text — Customize the invite prompt message and the notification message. For example, an invite prompt for the player may read "Ask your friends to join the adventure!" and the notification message for the invited friend(s) may read "{displayName} wants you to join their adventure in {experienceName}!".
You can also track and reward inviters and invitees using the Friend Invite Reward System.

Set invite options
By default, an invite prompt for the player shows a menu of their friends with Invite buttons. To customize the prompt message, target a specific friend, or include launch data in the invite, you'll need to set up an ExperienceInviteOptions object with the desired properties.
Property | Type | Description |
PromptMessage | string | Custom text shown on the invite prompt for the sending player, for example "Ask your friends to join the adventure!" for a multi-friend invite prompt, or "Invite this friend to join the adventure!" for a specific friend invite prompt. Note that if your custom invite prompt message is long enough to overflow the bounds of the UI, it will not be shown. |
InviteUser | number | Roblox UserId of the specific friend to invite; if not provided, the player will be prompted to pick from a list of friends. |
InviteMessageId | string | Asset ID that maps to a Notification asset type. This asset is used to store/localize a custom string for the invite notification that friends receive. See Setting Notification Options for details. |
LaunchData | string | Used to set a parameter in Player:GetJoinData() when a friend joins from the invite notification. Maximum of 200 characters. See Include launch data for a usage example. |
LocalScript - Invite Multiple Friends
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local player = Players.LocalPlayer-- Construct invite options with a custom prompt messagelocal inviteOptions ="ExperienceInviteOptions")inviteOptions.PromptMessage = "Ask your friends to join the adventure!"
Set notification options
By default, the invite notification that friends receive contains the sender's DisplayName, username, and the experience name. To customize the message, you can create a Notification asset on the Creator Dashboard and include its asset ID as a parameter of ExperienceInviteOptions.
Navigate to the Creator Dashboard.
Similar to badges, notification strings are tied to a specific experience. Locate that experience's thumbnail and click on it.
In the left column, under Engagement, click Notifications.
In the center region, click the Create a Notification String button.
Fill in an identifier name (only visible to you) and the custom notification text. Note that you must include {experienceName} as a placeholder to identify the experience's name for invited friends, and you can optionally include the sender's DisplayName through the {displayName} placeholder.
Example notification strings:
- {displayName} wants you to join their adventure in {experienceName}!
- {displayName} just cleared the sixth stage of {experienceName}. Can you?
When ready, click the Create Notification String button.
On the notifications page, click the ⋯ button for the notification and select Copy Asset ID.
In the ExperienceInviteOptions object for the invite prompt, paste the asset ID as the value of the InviteMessageId property.
LocalScript - Invite Multiple Friendslocal SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local player = Players.LocalPlayer-- Construct invite options with friend's user IDlocal inviteOptions ="ExperienceInviteOptions")inviteOptions.InviteMessageId = "ef0e0790-e2e8-4441-9a32-93f3a5783bf1"
Prompt an invite
To prompt an invite, you should first determine whether the player can send an invite, as the ability may vary depending on the platform or player. Once confirmed, you can display the invitation prompt to the player.
- Call SocialService:CanSendGameInviteAsync(), wrapped in a pcall() since it's an asynchronous network call that may occasionally fail.
- If the invite ability is confirmed, call SocialService:PromptGameInvite() with the optional invite options object as the second argument.
Once prompted, the player will see an on-screen prompt to invite multiple friends, or the specific friend defined in the invite options object. When the player then clicks the Invite button for one or more friends, those friends will receive a notification containing the sender's DisplayName, username, and the experience name. Notifications may be further customized as outlined in Set notification options.
LocalScript - Invite Multiple Friends
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
-- Function to check whether the player can send an invite
local function canSendGameInvite(sendingPlayer)
local success, canSend = pcall(function()
return SocialService:CanSendGameInviteAsync(sendingPlayer)
return success and canSend
local canInvite = canSendGameInvite(player)
if canInvite then
Include launch data
To further improve in-experience cooperation or to incentivize player invites, you can include launch data in an invite prompt, useful for scenarios such as routing invited friends to a coordinate location or personalizing the joining experience for the invitee.
When prompting an invite, include an ExperienceInviteOptions object with relevant data that will be used when the friend joins the experience, for example the sender's Player.UserId, the ID of a badge to award to the friend upon joining, or a coordinate location to spawn the friend at. If you need to compile multiple pieces of data, encode the data using JSONEncode().
LocalScript - Invite Multiple Friendslocal HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local player = Players.LocalPlayerlocal data = {senderUserID = player.UserId,spawnLocation = {12, 48, 205.5}}local launchData = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)-- Construct invite options with launch datalocal inviteOptions ="ExperienceInviteOptions")inviteOptions.LaunchData = launchData-- Function to check whether the player can send an invitelocal function canSendGameInvite(sendingPlayer)local success, canSend = pcall(function()return SocialService:CanSendGameInviteAsync(sendingPlayer)end)return success and canSendendlocal canInvite = canSendGameInvite(player)if canInvite thenSocialService:PromptGameInvite(player, inviteOptions)endFor incoming friends who join via the notification, check for launch data on the server side through Player:GetJoinData(). If you encode multiple pieces of data into JSON for the invite prompt, remember to decode it with JSONDecode().
Script - Using Invite Launch Datalocal HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local ATTEMPT_LIMIT = 10local RETRY_DELAY = 1local function onPlayerAdded(player)local launchDatafor _ = 1, ATTEMPT_LIMIT dotask.wait(RETRY_DELAY)local joinData = player:GetJoinData()if joinData.LaunchData ~= "" thenlaunchData = joinData.LaunchDatabreakendendif launchData thenlocal data = HttpService:JSONDecode(launchData)print(data.senderUserID)print(data.spawnLocation)elsewarn("No launch data received!")endendPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)If the launch data exists, you can use it for a wide variety of design scenarios, including:
- Spawn the incoming friend at the beginning of a challenging obstacle course that the sender just completed, based on a coordinate location passed through the launch data.
- Check if the sender is in the place, based on their Player.UserId in the launch data, and teleport the friend's character near their character.