Engine instances

The Engine Open Cloud APIs let you manage Instance objects in your Roblox experiences from the web.

Beta restrictions

These APIs are currently in beta and have the following restrictions:

  • You can only read and update Script, LocalScript, and ModuleScript objects.

  • You can't update scripts that are currently open in Roblox Studio.

  • You can't update scripts that are part of a package.

  • You can only use API key authentication. Create an API key with universe-place-instances added as an API system.

    You must specify the experiences you want the key to have access to as well as the desired read and write permission scopes.

    The Creator Hub API key screen

  • You must have a collaborative session enabled for the experience that you want to access.

  • Request bodies, such as to Update Instance, are limited to 200 KB.

List children

List all children of a specific instance by specifying an instance ID and calling the List Instance Children method.

import requests
# Generate at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/credentials
apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
# Find at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
universeId = "<UNIVERSE_ID>"
# Find Start Place ID at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
placeId = "<PLACE_ID>"
# The default ID for the root of any place's data model
instanceId = "root"
# Request header
apiKeyHeaderKey = "x-api-key"
# Endpoint URL for List Children method
listChildrenUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/%s/places/%s/instances/%s:listChildren"
def ListChildren():
url = listChildrenUrl % (universeId, placeId, instanceId)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey}
results = requests.get(url, headers = headerData)
return results
response = ListChildren()
print("Operation Results:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Parse the Operation object's path to later obtain the Instance resource. See the Polling for Results section for more information.
operationPath = response.json()['path']

Rather than just listing the children, the response includes an Operation object with a different endpoint. Poll this endpoint to asynchronously retrieve the actual list of children. A more complete code sample looks like this:

import requests
import time
apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
universeId = "<UNIVERSE_ID>"
placeId = "<PLACE_ID>"
instanceId = "root"
apiKeyHeaderKey = "x-api-key"
listChildrenUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/%s/places/%s/instances/%s:listChildren"
getOperationUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/%s"
numberOfRetries = 10
retryPollingCadence = 5
doneJSONKey = "done"
def ListChildren():
url = listChildrenUrl % (universeId, placeId, instanceId)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey}
results = requests.get(url, headers = headerData)
return results
def GetOperation(operationPath):
url = getOperationUrl % (operationPath)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey}
results = requests.get(url, headers = headerData)
return results
def PollForResults(operationPath):
currentRetries = 0
while (currentRetries < numberOfRetries):
results = GetOperation(operationPath)
currentRetries += 1
if (results.status_code != 200 or results.json()[doneJSONKey]):
return results
response = ListChildren()
print("Operation Results:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Parse the Operation object's path to use in polling for the instance resource.
operationPath = response.json()['path']
response = PollForResults(operationPath)
print("Response:", response.status_code, response.text)

The final response might look something like this:

"path": "universes/1234567890/places/98765432109/instances/root/operations/a1a2a3a4-a1a2-a1a2-a1a2-a1a2a3a4a5a6",
"done": true,
"response": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/roblox.open_cloud.cloud.v2.ListInstanceChildrenResponse",
"instances": [
"path": "universes/1234567890/places/98765432109/instances/b1b2b3b4-b1b2-b1b2-b1b2-b1b2b3b4b5b6",
"hasChildren": true,
"engineInstance": {
"Id": "b1b2b3b4-b1b2-b1b2-b1b2-b1b2b3b4b5b6",
"Parent": "a1a2a3a4-a1a2-a1a2-a1a2-a1a2a3a4a5a6",
"Name": "Workspace",
"Details": {}

You can then iterate over the JSON to find a particular instance ID:

instances = response.json()['response']['instances']
replicatedStorageId = ""
for i in instances:
if i['engineInstance']['Name'] == "ReplicatedStorage":
replicatedStorageId = i['engineInstance']['Id']
if replicatedStorageId:
# You now have an instance ID and can get or update it.
# The name wasn't found.

Scripts contain some additional information in the Details object, such as the script type, source, and whether they're enabled.

Get an instance

This method returns a single Instance.

import requests
# Generate at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/credentials
apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
# Find at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
universeId = "<UNIVERSE_ID>"
# Find Start Place ID at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
placeId = "<PLACE_ID>"
# The default ID for the root of any place's data model
instanceId = "<INSTANCE_ID>"
# Request header
apiKeyHeaderKey = "x-api-key"
# Endpoint URL for Get Instance method
getInstanceUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/%s/places/%s/instances/%s"
def GetInstance():
url = getInstanceUrl % (universeId, placeId, instanceId)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey}
return requests.get(url, headers = headerData)
response = GetInstance()
print("Response:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Parse the Operation object's path from response. See the Polling for Results section for more information.
operationPath = response.json()['path']

Just like the List Instance Children method, the response includes an Operation object that you poll to retrieve the actual instance. See Poll for results for more information.

Update instances

After you obtain the appropriate instance ID, you can update it. Poll for results after making the initial update request.

import json
import requests
# Generate at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/credentials
apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
# Find at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
universeId = "<UNIVERSE_ID>"
# Find Start Place ID at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations in the overflow menu of an experience tile
placeId = "<PLACE_ID>"
instanceId = "<INSTANCE_ID>"
instanceType = ""
propertyName = ""
propertyValue = ""
# Request header
apiKeyHeaderKey = "x-api-key"
contentTypeHeaderKey = "Content-type"
contentTypeHeaderValue = "application/json"
# Endpoint URL for Update Instance method
updateInstanceUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/%s/places/%s/instances/%s"
# JSON keys
detailsJSONKey = "Details"
engineInstanceJSONKey = "engineInstance"
def GeneratePostData():
propertiesDict = {propertyName: propertyValue}
detailsDict = {instanceType: propertiesDict}
instanceDict = {detailsJSONKey: detailsDict}
outerDict = {engineInstanceJSONKey: instanceDict}
return json.dumps(outerDict)
def UpdateInstance(postData):
url = updateInstanceUrl % (universeId, placeId, instanceId)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey,
contentTypeHeaderKey: contentTypeHeaderValue}
return requests.patch(url, headers = headerData, data = postData)
postData = GeneratePostData()
response = UpdateInstance(postData)
print("Response:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Parse the Operation object's path from response. Poll for results to perform
# the update.
operationPath = response.json()['path']

Poll for results

All current Instance methods return an Operation object instead of the resource you requested. This object lets you asynchronously perform the original operation. Use the Operation object's path (included in the initial response) to poll for when the resource is ready.

You can use a variety of polling strategies, such as using exponential backoff or a fixed delay in between requests. The following example polls every five seconds, up to 10 times.

import requests
import time
# Generate at https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/credentials
apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
# Use the Operation path from your initial request
# Takes the form of "universes/<UNIVERSE_ID>/places/<PLACE_ID>/instances/<INSTANCE_ID>/operations/<OPERATION_ID>"
operationPath = "<OPERATION_PATH>"
# Polling constants
numberOfRetries = 10
retryPollingCadence = 5
# Request header
apiKeyHeaderKey = "x-api-key"
# Endpoint URL for long-running operation polling
getOperationUrl = "https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/%s"
# JSON keys
doneJSONKey = "done"
def GetOperation(operationPath):
url = getOperationUrl % (operationPath)
headerData = {apiKeyHeaderKey: apiKey}
results = requests.get(url, headers = headerData)
return results
def PollForResults(operationPath):
currentRetries = 0
while (currentRetries < numberOfRetries):
results = GetOperation(operationPath)
currentRetries += 1
if (results.status_code != 200 or results.json()[doneJSONKey]):
return results
response = PollForResults(operationPath)
print("Response:", response.status_code, response.text)

Potion Shop demo

The Potion Shop Google Sheets demo shows you to update an experience's script from the web. The demo consists of the following:

  • An uncopylocked place with a mock UI that displays various potions and their prices.
  • A .ods file that you import into Google Sheets. This spreadsheet lets you specify and update values for properties within the experience.
  • Code for a Google Apps Script that reads data from the Google Sheet and updates the ReplicatedStorage > ItemList script in the Potion Shop experience.

Set up the demo

  1. Go to the Potion Shop Demo Discover page. Click on the overflow menu, and then Edit in Studio. Studio opens with a copy of the place.

  2. Click FileSave to Roblox and fill out the necessary information to save the Potion Shop Demo as the default place for your experience. Test the experience. You should see the UI for the Potion Shop Demo. Make a note of the name, cost, and colors of the potions. You'll change them later using Open Cloud!

Set up the sheet

  1. Download the Potion Shop spreadsheet file.
  2. Go to Google Sheets and click Blank Spreadsheet.
  3. In the sheet that appears, click File > Import, and click the Upload tab.
  4. Drag the Potion Shop spreadsheet file into the upload window.
  5. Choose Replace spreadsheet and then Import data.
  6. In the AppScript tab of the sheet, copy the code in cell A1.
  7. Click the Extensions > Apps Script menu and paste the code into the Code.gs file. Then save the project.
  8. Back in the spreadsheet, select the Update Potion Shop tab. Click the Update Script button, click the overflow menu, and select Assign script.
  9. In the Assign script window, enter UpdateScript and click OK.

Create an API key

  1. Go to the Creator Hub Open Cloud API Keys page and click Create API Key.

  2. Fill out the form with the following information.

    • Name: PotionShop
    • API System: Add the universe-place-instances API system. Add your Potion Shop experience to the system. For Experience Operations, add read and write access.
    • Accepted IP Addresses: Add as an IP Address
    • Expiration: No Expiration
    • Click Save & Generate Key and then Copy Key to Clipboard.
  3. Paste the API key to the API Key cell (D2) on the Intro tab of your Google Sheet.

Obtain the universe and place ID

  1. Go to the Creator Hub Creations page, hover over the Potion Shop's experience tile, and click the overflow menu.
  2. Select Copy Universe ID and paste it into the Universe ID cell (E2) on the Intro tab of your Google Sheet.
  3. Select Copy Start Place ID and paste it into the Place ID cell (F2) on the Intro tab of your Google Sheet.

Update the script values

  1. In the Update Potion Shop tab of the sheet, modify any values you'd like and click the Update Script button.
  2. If Google Sheets prompts you to for authorization, click OK and allow your account to run the script.
  3. In Studio, playtest the Potion Shop to see any reflected changes. From the Explorer window, you can also open the ReplicatedStorage > ItemList script to inspect the changes.