You can publish an experience that allows players to create, customize, and purchase avatar bodies in realtime. When purchased, these custom bodies save directly to the player's Roblox inventory, allowing players to equip and wear the custom avatars in other experiences.
Experience owners that implement in-experience avatar creation benefit from Marketplace commissions as both creator of the avatar item and experience owner. If an asset created in-experience is inspected, the item provides a link to the original experience it was created.
You can test in-experience creation in Roblox's Avatar Creator demo.
How to implement in-experience creation
Use the following instructions and code references to create your first in-experience avatar creation project. The following instructions uses a base body Model that players can modify and customize before publishing.
Before getting started, familiarize yourself with the following:
- Avatar models — The following implementation requires importing a base body that meets Roblox's 15 part specifications. This Model serves as a base for additional user customization and modification.
- The base body must meet Roblox's Avatar body guidelines, including the minimum number of FACS control for facial rigging.
- Avatar creation tokens — Experiences implementing avatar creation require at least one creation token. These tokens require Robux to purchase and allow you to set prices and other sale settings for purchases made in-experience.
- API classes
- AvatarCreationService — Handles avatar creation prompting and validation.
- EditableImage — Handles runtime creation and manipulation of textures.
- EditableMesh — Handles runtime manipulation of mesh geometry.
- WrapDeformer — Handles runtime manipulation of invisible outer cage geometry that allow avatar characters to equip 3D clothing.
Import a base body
The base body acts as the initial foundation which users can customize and edit. You can use your own Model, or import a custom asset with the 3-D Importer and setup through Avatar Setup.
Base bodies must adhere to Roblox's avatar specifications, and must include components such as the 15 MeshPart instances that make up 6 body parts: head, torso, left arm, left leg, right arm, and right leg, as well as other avatar components.
For references and samples of properly configured avatar bodies, see Avatar references.
Implement editing APIs
To develop a system where users can edit the MeshPart instances on an avatar in your experience for creation, use EditableImage for texture editing, EditableMesh for mesh editing, and WrapDeformer for maintaining skinning and FACS data during mesh edits.
After importing your base body, use the following script to set up your EditableImages, EditableMeshes, and WrapDeformers.
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")local function setupBodyPart(meshPart, wrapTarget)-- Create and attach a WrapDeformer to the MeshPartlocal wrapDeformer ="WrapDeformer")wrapDeformer.Parent = meshPart-- Create an editable mesh for the wrap target's cage meshlocal cageEditableMesh: EditableMesh =AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(Content.fromUri(wrapTarget.CageMeshId), {FixedSize = true,})-- Assign the cage mesh to the WrapDeformerwrapDeformer:SetCageMeshContent(Content.fromObject(cageEditableMesh))endlocal function setupRigidMesh(meshPart)-- Create an editable mesh from the original MeshPartlocal editableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(Content.fromUri(meshPart.MeshId), {FixedSize = true,})-- Generate a new MeshPart from the editable meshlocal newMeshPart = AssetService:CreateMeshPartAsync(Content.fromObject(editableMesh))-- Copy size, position, and texture from the original MeshPartnewMeshPart.Size = meshPart.SizenewMeshPart.CFrame = meshPart.CFramenewMeshPart.TextureContent = meshPart.TextureContent-- Apply the new MeshPart back to the originalmeshPart:ApplyMesh(newMeshPart)endlocal function setupMeshTexture(meshPart, textureIdToEditableImageMap)-- If EditableImage already exists for this TextureID, resuse it rather than making a new oneif textureIdToEditableImageMap[meshPart.TextureID] thenmeshPart.TextureContent =Content.fromObject(textureIdToEditableImageMap[meshPart.TextureID])returnend-- Create a new EditableImage and apply it as the texture contentlocal editableImage = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(Content.fromUri(meshPart.TextureID))textureIdToEditableImageMap[meshPart.TextureID] = editableImagemeshPart.TextureContent = Content.fromObject(editableImage)endlocal function setupModel(model)-- Map for reusing EditableImage instances by texture IDlocal textureIdToEditableImageMap = {}for _, descendant in model:GetDescendants() doif not descendant:IsA("MeshPart") thencontinueend-- Configure MeshPart based on WrapTarget presence-- If WrapTarget is present, add a WrapDeformer child with an EditableMesh-- Otherwise, apply EditableMesh to the MeshPart directlylocal wrapTarget = descendant:FindFirstChildOfClass("WrapTarget")if wrapTarget thensetupBodyPart(descendant, wrapTarget)elsesetupRigidMesh(descendant)end-- Configure the EditableImage for the MeshPartsetupMeshTexture(descendant, textureIdToEditableImageMap)endendCreate EditableImage tools that allow players to recolor, draw, or add stickers to your base body. You can leverage APIs in like DrawImage(), DrawRectangle(), WritePixelsBuffer().
For advanced transformations, DrawImageTransformed() allows you to specify position, rotation, and scale when drawing one EditableImage onto another. Similarly, DrawImageProjected() works much like DrawImage() but projects the drawn image properly if the EditableImage instance is used with a MeshPart.
local function recolorTexture(meshPart: MeshPart,color: Color3)local bodyPartTexture = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(meshPart.TextureID)meshPart.TextureContent = Content.fromObject(bodyPartTexture)bodyPartTexture:DrawRectangle(, 0),bodyPartTexture.Size,color,0,Enum.ImageCombineType.Overwrite)endlocal function applySticker(meshPart: MeshPart,textureCoordinate: Vector2,stickerId: TextureId)local bodyPartTexture = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(meshPart.TextureID)meshPart.TextureContent = Content.fromObject(bodyPartTexture)local stickerTexture = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(stickerId)bodyPartTexture:DrawImage(textureCoordinate, stickerTexture, Enum.ImageCombineType.BlendSourceOver)endlocal function applyStickerProjected(meshPart: MeshPart,targetMesh: EditableMesh,stickerId: TextureId,raycastHitPos: Vector3)local bodyPartTexture = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(meshPart.TextureID)local relativePos = meshPart.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(raycastHitPos)local direction = (game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position - relativePos).Unitlocal projectionParams: ProjectionParams = {Direction = meshPart.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(direction),Position = meshPart.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(relativePos),Size =, 1, 1),Up = meshPart.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(, 1, 0)),}local stickerTexture = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(stickerId)local localBrushConfig: BrushConfig = {Decal = stickerTexture,ColorBlendType = Enum.ImageCombineType.BlendSourceOver,AlphaBlendType = Enum.ImageAlphaType.Default,BlendIntensity = 1,FadeAngle = 90.0}bodyPartTexture:DrawImageProjected(targetMesh, projectionParams, localBrushConfig)end
Using WrapDeformer and EditableMesh, create tools for editing mesh deformations on your body.
WrapDeformer handles the live deformations of the rendered MeshPart geometry while maintaining the underlying skinning and FACS data.
EditableMesh allows you to modify the cage mesh that the WrapDeformer responds to.
- Use WrapDeformer:SetCageMeshContent() to apply the EditableMesh instance that represents the relevant cage mesh to the WrapDeformer.
local function deformBodyPart(meshPart: MeshPart,controlPointCenter: Vector3,controlPointRadius: number,controlPointDeformation: Vector3)local wrapTarget = meshPart:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapTarget")local cageMeshId = wrapTarget.CageMeshIdlocal wrapDeformer ="WrapDeformer")wrapDeformer.Parent = meshPartlocal cageEditableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(cageMeshId)local verticesWithinSphere =cageEditableMesh:FindVerticesWithinSphere(controlPointCenter, controlPointRadius)for _, vertexId in verticesWithinSphere dolocal vertexPosition = cageEditableMesh:GetPosition(vertexId)cageEditableMesh:SetPosition(vertexId, vertexPosition + controlPointDeformation)endwrapDeformer:SetCageMeshContent(Content.fromObject(cageEditableMesh))end
Create creation prompt
After setting up your base body and editing APIs, create a prompt for users to create and purchase from the experience using AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync().
export type BodyPartInfo = {
bodyPart: Enum.BodyPart,
instance: Instance --Folder with Created MeshParts
export type BodyPartList = {BodyPartInfo}
local function publishAvatar(bodyPartInstances: BodyPartList, player: Player, tokenId: string)
local humanoidDescription ="HumanoidDescription")
for _, bodyPartInfo in bodyPartInstances do
local bodyPartDescription ="BodyPartDescription")
bodyPartDescription.Instance = bodyPartInfo.instance
bodyPartDescription.BodyPart = bodyPartInfo.bodyPart
bodyPartDescription.Parent = humanoidDescription
local success, result, bundleIdOrErrorMessage, outfitId = pcall(function()
return AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync(tokenId, player, humanoidDescription)
if success then
if result == Enum.PromptCreateAvatarResult.Success then
print("Successfully uploaded with BundleId: ", bundleIdOrErrorMessage)
print("Successfully uploaded with OutfitId: ", outfitId)
print("Unsuccessfully uploaded with error message:", bundleIdOrErrorMessage)
print("Avatar creation unsuccessful")
AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync() takes a HumanoidDescription parameter to represent the avatar intended for purchase or creation. For avatar creation, the character's HumanoidDescription must include new assets to be created for each of the 6 body parts (Head, Torso, RightLeg, LeftLeg, RightArm, LeftArm). Optionally, it can also include a new Hair accessory.
To support this, the HumanoidDescription should include 6 BodyPartDescription children. Each BodyPartDescription.Instance property references a Folder which includes all of the MeshPart instances that make up the body part. For example, the LeftArm folder contains LeftHand, LeftUpperArm, and LeftLowerArm MeshParts. The BodyPartDescription.BodyPart property should also be set to the relevant Enum.BodyPart.
Each of the 15 MeshPart body parts must include:
- An EditableImage.
- A WrapDeformer with an EditableMesh.
The provided HumanoidDescription should not include any pre-existing asset IDs to represent body parts or accessories on the intended creation. On the other hand, the HumanoidDescription may include the humanoid scales of BodyTypeScale, HeadScale, HeightScale, WidthScale, and ProportionScale. Be mindful of the scales that a base body is imported with so that they match the scales provided to the HumanoidDescription.

Include accessories
If including an accessory, such as hair, the HumanoidDescription should include a child AccessoryDescription where:
- The AccessoryDescription.Instance property references the Accessory instance.
- The AccessoryDescription.AccessoryType property is set to the relevant Enum.AccessoryType.
- In the case of including Enum.AccessoryType.Hair in your creations, the MeshPart should include an EditableImage. However, it should not include a WrapDeformer child but should include an EditableMesh set on the MeshPart directly.
Generate an avatar creation token
AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync() takes an Avatar Creation Token ID parameter. This token is the key for creations from your universe, and it is what you can use to set the price of avatar creation from your experience. For instructions and additional details on generating tokens, see Avatar Creation Tokens.
After purchasing and generating your token, you can inspect the token in the Creator Hub to find the ID which you can then use for the AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync() API.

Respond to players joining by attribution
Avatar bundles created in-experience include an attribution link to the original experience the avatar was created. If the avatar is inspected by another player, a prompt displays providing an option to visit the experience where the avatar was created.

To handle players joining your experience using this attribution link, use Player:GetJoinData() and parse the returned table for GameJoinContext.
GameJoinContext includes the following table values:
- JoinSource — Enum.JoinSource
- A Player joining your experience from this attribution link will have Enum.JoinSource.CreatedItemAttribution to indicate entry from a created item.
- ItemType — optional Enum.AvatarItemType
- AssetId — optional string
- OutfitId — optional string
- AssetType — optional Enum.AssetType