Modeling project files and references

The following .fbx, .blend, and .ma project files are available to use as templates or as reference:

Maple leaf tree
A green maple tree mesh

A skinned tree model with the soil, branches, and leaves as separate meshes bound to a single armature. This is packaged with UV textures that can be applied with SurfaceAppearance. This is an advanced version of the tree model used in the Skin a simple mesh guide.

A white round robot with arms and orange trim.

A robot non-player character used in the Beyond The Dark showcase.

A black and blue alien creature with tentacles.

Creature model from the Beyond The Dark showcase. This model is made up of 11 meshes and over 50 bones.

Avatar and accessories

The following include examples and templates utilizing Roblox's required avatar components. Many of these project files and references require additional configuration in your modeling software before importing into Studio as a complete avatar character. See Avatars for additional resources and template usage instruction.


Fish person
A blue-green scaly creature with a bulb-ish head ornament.

A rigged and skinned humanoid character model with a full body cage, facial animation rig, and associated PBR texture maps.

A brown goblin with bright green eyes.

A rigged and skinned humanoid character model with a full body cage, facial animation rig.

A colorless blocky-like character.

A Blocky character model with an animatable head and a full body cage.

A pink-haired character complete with brown jacket, goggles, leggings, and pants.

A skinned R15 character created from the Skin a humanoid model guide. Since this reference model doesn't yet have inner and outer cage mesh data, this model can't equip layered clothing or accessories.

Tshirt - uncaged
A tie-dye tshirt with a rainbow of colors in a general spiral toward the torso.

Uncaged example clothing ready for caging in a 3D modeling software.

Clothing examples

Caged 3D accessory models and associated PBR textures. Ready for import into Studio or in a modeling tool.

Caging Examples

Additional caged clothing items from How to cage Roblox's 3D clothing video guide.

Classic mannequin
A white untextured mannequin in the blocky style.

A blank mannequin using Roblox's Classic avatar proportions.

Use this reference to aid your creation process for accessories, clothing, and characters in third-party applications.

The caged .fbx contains the individual outer body cages for the body and may not import correctly into Studio without modification.

Rthro mannequin
A white untextured mannequin in a larger build humanoid style.

A blank mannequin using Roblox's Rthro Normal avatar proportions.

Use this reference to aid your creation process for accessories, clothing, and characters in third-party applications.

The caged .fbx contains the individual outer body cages for the body and may not import correctly into Studio without modification.

Rthro slender mannequin
A white untextured mannequin in a slimmer build humanoid style.

A blank mannequin using Roblox's Rthro Slender proportions.

Use this reference to aid your creation process for accessories, clothing, and characters in third-party applications.

The caged .fbx contains the individual outer body cages for the body and may not import correctly into Studio without modification.


These project files require additional configuration before they are ready for Studio import. See Create with templates for additional information.

A male and female presenting pair with a prominently round shaped head.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A male and female presenting pair with a prominently square shaped head.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A male and female presenting pair with a prominently elongated snout and mouth.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A male and female presenting pair with realistic body proportions and facial shape.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A male and female presenting pair with larger anime-like eyes and prominently oval shaped faces.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A humanoid cartoonish figure with exaggerated features, including a prominent forehead, nose, and chin.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

A cartoonish figure with a round head and exaggerated forehead.

Blender and .fbx template files with pre-baked avatar components.

Project files

R15 rig and attachments
A Blender visualization of bones and attachment meshes in a neutral humanoid pose.

Standard armature rig template for Blender. Use this template for rigging bodies and clothing items.

Cages for clothing
A humanoid shaped mesh in a neutral A-pose.

Project files for creation, includes a full-body inner and outer cage mesh for creation of clothing items.

Cages for bodies
A humanoid shaped mesh in a neutral A-pose. Each section of the mesh is colored differently based on the body part.

Project files for creation, includes the 15 individual body part cages required for caging your avatar bodies.

Combined project files

Template file containing all content from previous templates, includes rig skeleton, body cages, attachment points.

Use this template to rig and cage bodies and clothing.

Add-ons and tools

Blender Studio plugin

Open-source Blender Studio add-on that allows you to upload assets directly from Blender to Studio.

Blender validation tool

Blender add-on for verifying avatar technical compatibility before importing into Studio.

Blender Calisthenics tool

Blender add-on for checking skinning data on characters and clothing.