说明 | 状态 |
BasePart:CanCollideWith(Instance part) will now correctly return false for two parts connected by constraints that do not allow collisions (HingeConstraint, BallSocketConstraint, NoCollisionConstraint). | Live |
Updated microprofiler labels for the physics job. The frame job label "Physics" was often misleading; that job includes a lot more than just physics!
Also changed labels under gameStepped and Heatbeat for clarity.
| Live |
printing a table -- eg "print(_G)" will print a value that is formatted similar to a 64b pointer, but is not a 64b pointer. | Live |
Fix os.date("*t", -1) returning nil on Windows but a valid result on Mac (it will now always return nil) | Live |
Add bit32 library to Lua (https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.7) | Live |
Currently there is a bug where if you store a value between (2 ^ 63) and (2 ^ 64 - 1) in datastores it will fail to read, instead it will be read as nil. Fix this defect so that those values will be read. As always, all numbers larger than 2 ^ 53 will be subject to limited precision (this is unchanged):
print(2^53 == 2 ^ 53 - 1) false print(2^53 == 2 ^ 53 +1) true | Live |
Fixed bug where imported multi-mesh can have wrong locations for some objects | Live |
Introduced native captcha in Studio | Live |
Open bracket and a closing bracket should be close automatically | Live |
Open quote and a closing quote should be close automatically | Live |
Closing quotes and brackets will be skipped when the user types the closing character and is to the left of that character | Live |
The 'Enable Autocomplete' option will now show up in the Script Editor section of Settings instead of the Advanced section | Live |
Added text selection and Ctrl+C to copy for TextBox. | Live |
The 'Scripts' directory of the Game Explorer will no longer be visible if that Game does not have any Linked Scripts. Games that have Linked Scripts will be unaffected. | Live |
From now on, scripts that have "[Embedded]" in the LinkedSource value field will have the LinkedSource property hidden. Developers are encouraged to use Packages in place of Linked Scripts. | Live |
Removing the Context Help Widget and Ribbon Item because it was intrusive and not helpful | Live |
说明 | 状态 |
ChatService:FilterStringAsync and ChatService:FilterStringForBroadcast are now rate-limited when called from Client. | Live |
Fix keys getting stuck in down state when switching between windows | Live |
Keypad period should appear when typing in textboxes with numlock on | Live |
Fixed Toolbox button in View tab being disabled when a script was open | Live |
Fixed some crashes while closing a place. | Live |