ご注意 | 状況 |
getmetatable/setmetatable are now ~2x faster | Live |
Implementation of LifecycleManager and lifecycle management of components. | Live |
Added logging about Studio's tracking info. | Live |
Added instrumentation so that required assets can be surfaced on the Developer Console in Studio and Game Server. Renamed Model to required_asset_# where # is the asset id for required assets so that errors from required assets can be attributed properly in call stacks. | Pending |
ご注意 | 状況 |
Fixed an issue where a Luau array type that occurs multiple times in a containing type could be misidentified as a cyclic type. | Live |
Renaming an alias from the Asset Manager will now reload both old and new rbxgameasset references to it. | Live |
Change .lua files in the plugins folder to be loaded as utf-8 instead of the system encoding. | Live |