ご注意 | 状況 |
Luau compiler now produces more efficient bytecode for assignment of multiple variables in one statement, performing direct copies when possible and only using temporary registers when a variable on the left hand side is assigned before it's used on the right hand side. | Live |
Luau linter will now flag likely erroneous comparisons like not X == Y and suggest fixing them or using parentheses. | Live |
Add announcement dialog for Toolbox | Live |
Filter Studio Toolbox on verified creators by default | Live |
Studio only enable file menu actions when users log in. | Live |
Removed Studio WebView2 load failed retry. | Live |
Added GPU info and WebView2 version when WebView2 fails to load for Studio. | Live |
Create LaunchConfiguration structs when we initialize AppContext for Studio and report LaunchIntent for LoginTelemetry. | Live |
Update Studio client setting fetch channel api to take in binary type parameter so it can use the same channel rollout logic as the website. | Live |
ご注意 | 状況 |
Updated in-experience lua chat scripts to perform friendship checks on the client instead of the server to improve scalability | Live |
Fix Toolbox DarkTheme search breadcrumb text contrast | Live |
Removed "Share With Roblox Friends" option from the Share menu. | Live |